National Star Sea Era

Chapter 226 The fourth-level void demon sees the red epic rare object again

Chapter 226 The Fourth-Level Void Demon·Seeing the Red Epic Rare Object Again

After staring for nearly two minutes, Song Chi finally confirmed that the silver plant in the cabin on the left was indeed the [Silver Apple Mother Tree].

After confirming this, one can imagine Song Chi's mood.

The Silver Apple Mother Tree, as an extremely rare species of starry sky plants, is far more precious than the [Star-Eating Vine], [Bloodthirsty Vine] and [Xinghai Tiankui]. It is a starry sky plant that all forces dream of.

The fruit it produced [Silver Apple] had the unparalleled effect of improving the quality of most eligible Xinghai rare items by one level. For Song Chi, this was definitely a rare thing.

Thinking about it, he suppressed the excitement in his heart, turned his eyes slightly, and looked towards the cabin on the right that he had not even had time to glance at last time.

However, this glance was very disappointing. A special alloy hatch blocked everything in the cabin, making it impossible to see what was going on inside.

After thinking about it, Song Chi first tentatively pushed the alloy hatch on the right side. Seeing that there was no movement, he could only focus on the cultivation room on the left side.

Boom, boom, boom!

Three Void Shadow Killer Clan soldiers walked slowly towards the cabin with the door wide open.

Their footsteps echoed in the silent space inside the ship, making them particularly eye-catching.

But there is no other way. The stability of the space inside this super giant flagship is far superior to that of the wreckage of ordinary Three-Eyed Tribe warships. It is extremely difficult to achieve even if you want to use the energy around you to control the air, let alone submerge into the void.

There seemed to be a transparent isolation light curtain at the door of the cultivation cabin. As three Void Shadow Killer Clan warriors stepped into it one after another, the scene in front of them suddenly changed.

It doesn't mean that everything seen from the outside world is an illusion. The silver plant really exists and is standing quietly in the distance.

But the space inside this cabin is far wider than what I have seen before. There are mountains and water in it. At first glance, it looks more like a secret space with a large area.

In addition, the most surprising thing is that the [Silver Apple Mother Tree], which seems to be only a few meters tall in the outside world, is as high as 10,000 meters in this secret realm, and it is like an out-and-out fifth-order starry sky plant.

In response to this, Song Chi suddenly felt shocked.

The fifth-level starry sky plant is by no means as simple as entering the fifth level for the first time. With such a level of existence, how can outsiders make arbitrary decisions?

Just when he was surprised, Song Chi noticed something else. In this closed space similar to a secret realm, the restrictions on the Void Shadow Killer Clan soldiers seemed to have disappeared, but the effect of the [Brainwave Remote Control System] was still there. , which actually surprised him.

But before he could think about it, several obscure space fluctuations suddenly came from another part of the sky in this secret space, and several dark figures slowly appeared in this secret space.

Seeing this, an idea emerged in Song Chi's mind.

"Is there any other entrance to this secret space?"

While guessing, he was not slow in his movements. Before those dark figures were completely solidified, he let the three void shadow-killing clan warriors submerge into the void first, and then quietly watched the new figures entering the secret realm.

In the Cang Qiong, Song Chi, who had his eyes closed, frowned slightly.

"It's actually a void demon, or a fourth-level void demon!"

When he saw clearly the faces of the new black figures in the sky, he immediately recognized the identity of the other party.

"Four-level fourth-level void demons, we're in trouble now!"

The single combat power of the fourth-level void demons is far greater than that of the void shadow-killing warriors who only have pseudo-fourth-level combat capabilities. Now four of them appear at once. How can this not give Song Chi a headache?

But before he could think any more, good news soon came.

After these four void demons entered the secret space, their purpose was very clear, and they rushed straight to the 10,000-meter [Silver Apple Mother Tree] below, and the two sides quickly engaged in a melee.

"Are they also planning on those two silver apples?"

Song Chi's eyes flashed, and countless thoughts suddenly appeared in his mind.

At the same time, it quickly dawned on my heart that the silver apples were the essence of the [Silver Apple Mother Tree], and each one took a long time to gestate.

For ordinary star sea civilizations, the role of this silver apple may only be to improve the quality of star sea rare objects, but for void demons that can devour and absorb most of the energy, the energy essence contained in the silver apple itself can directly help They undergo major promotions.

In this way, their coveting for these two silver apples can be explained.

Thinking of these silver apples, Song Chi turned his eyes and looked at the two fluorescent silver apples hanging on the mother tree.


There was a slight doubt in his heart. The last time he returned, he went to the family database to read the specific information about the Silver Apple mother tree, but the information he got was different from the one in front of him.

The size of a normal silver apple should be about ten meters. However, the two apples on the mother tree in front of him were about thirty meters long, and the big one was over a hundred meters long. This was different from what he had found from his family. The information received is quite different.

"Did the mutation occur under the cultivation of the three-eyed clan? Or is it that the quality of these two silver apples exceeds those recorded by the family?"

The battle ahead was still continuing, and Song Chi did not dwell too much on the matter. He began to carefully examine the situation on the battlefield ahead, but soon he discovered something was wrong.

"The fifth-level [Silver Apple Mother Tree] fought back and forth with the fourth-level Void Demon?"

Focusing on the [Silver Apple Mother Tree] which was surrounded by four void demons, about ten minutes later, Song Chi finally noticed something unusual.

"The aura emitted by this [Silver Apple Mother Tree] is slowly weakening!"

Yes, although the attenuation was not large, Song Chi still discovered this after careful perception.

In an instant, Song Chi seemed to understand something.

"Is it possible that this [Silver Apple Mother Tree] is the same as the Insect Queen and Insect Mother in the ruins of the Nabulo Civilization? Its own level continues to decline due to lack of energy supply?"

As soon as this guess came into his mind, Song Chi was basically sure that it should be quite different from what he thought.

It can also explain the size of the two silver apples.

While thinking about it, more than ten hours passed quickly. A few hours ago, the level of this [Silver Apple Mother Tree] completely dropped by five levels, and its size also shrunk from 10,000 meters to 5,000 meters.

As the level of the [Silver Apple Mother Tree] dropped, the four void demons that could only rely on the power of the void to carefully fight around gradually became much calmer, and the void cutting blades that were constantly thrown from their hands began to continue. Cut marks were left on the trunk of the [Silver Apple Mother Tree].


In the distance, Song Chi's heart skipped a beat inside the space wormhole. He caught one of the fourth-order void demons vaguely moving closer to an area.

As the saying goes, the authorities are obsessed but the bystanders are clear. None of the people fighting in the field saw its little moves, but Song Chi, as a bystander, clearly saw the other party's intentions.

The area he tried to get close to was a hidden area behind the trunk of the [Silver Apple Mother Tree]. Song Chi controlled the Void Shadow Killer Clan soldier figurines to move a short distance on the dark side of the Void, then changed directions and continued towards that area. While watching.

At this glance, he instantly caught an extremely obscure red light.

"Is this a rare item of red epic quality?"

Song Chi's heartbeat accelerated slightly, and at the position behind the [Silver Apple Mother Tree] where the numerical value was deliberately hidden, there was a trace of red light.

If you read it correctly, what this [Silver Apple Mother Tree] deliberately conceals is most likely a red-quality star sea rare object.

After confirming this, Song Chi, who was still able to hold his breath, began to breathe heavily.

Regardless of whether the red epic-level star-sea wonders can be converted into ship-borne components, their value is absolutely unimaginable.

We must find a way to get it, and we must not take advantage of these void demons.

Song Chi narrowed his eyes, and a cold look passed through his eyes.

But then another problem arose that made him uncomfortable.

The duration of the [Brainwave Remote Control System] component is almost up.

The duration of lv30's [Brainwave Remote Control System] is 18 hours, and the time is almost up.

If this part is canceled at this moment, let’s not say whether the red rare object will be obtained by the fourth-order void demon in the subsequent buffer time.

Even if their battle with the [Silver Apple Mother Tree] continues until that time, when the four new Void Shadow Killer Clan warriors re-enter this secret realm, the movement caused will inevitably be hidden from both sides of the battle.

Based on this, Song Chi quickly made a decision.

He took out all the remaining third-order floating land origins and titanium crystals on his body.

After five consecutive attempts, this [Brainwave Remote Control System] component was strengthened to level 35.

Not only has its control distance been increased to 4 light years, but its duration has also been increased from 18 hours to 23 hours.

Seeing this, Song Chi felt a little relieved.

This battle in the secret space obviously cannot last much longer. The [Silver Apple Mother Tree] itself has been consuming its own energy to deal with it, and it cannot last too long.

Just like that, nearly two hours passed.

The battle in the secret realm has also reached a fevered stage. The [Silver Apple Mother Tree] has already eliminated one of the four fourth-order void demons, and another one was seriously injured. Only two of them are still fighting, but its own condition is also very good. Danger.

Originally, he had just fallen to the fifth level and still had the peak level 4 combat power, but now he only has ordinary level 4 combat power left. If he continues like this, he may be completely worn down by the two remaining void demons. .

But at this moment, the figure of the void demon who had been looking for an opportunity suddenly flashed out, taking advantage of a flaw in the [Silver Apple Mother Tree], and used his void ability to instantly reach the location of the red strange object.

Just as he reached for the strange red object, a small opening suddenly opened in the void on the side, and then two strange-looking mechanical devices swept out of it.

Boom boom!

Two goblin magic bombing drones landed on the side of the void demon, and then exploded suddenly.

The third-level explosive power is basically equivalent to scratching an itch for a fourth-level void demon whose whole body is blessed by the laws of space. However, this sudden change made this void demon startled for a moment, and What Song Chi wants is this fleeting time.

Before this void demon could catch up, a puppet arm stretched out from the void, took the lead in grabbing the strange red object deliberately covered by the [Silver Apple Mother Tree], and then quickly retracted into the void.

Seeing this, blood red suddenly appeared in the eyes of this void demon, and a violent aura surged out of its body.

Even though he was on the dark side of the void, Song Chi could still vaguely sense the domineering power of this aura.


A pure silver branch hundreds of meters long swung violently, hitting the fourth-level void demon hard and sending it flying instantly.

It is something that needs to be covered up even if it continues to consume the little energy in the body. One can imagine the importance of this red wonder to the [Silver Apple Mother Tree].

After sensing that something was missing and there was only one person behind him, he naturally transferred all his anger to this fourth-level void demon.

The Void Demon, whose whole body exuded a strong aura of violence, completely ignored the [Silver Apple Mother Tree]. While its body was still flying upside down, the figure quietly disappeared and disappeared into the void.

As the darling of the Void, how could it not know the methods used by the Void Shadow Clan soldiers and warriors before?

However, just as it was pursuing the three void shadow warriors from the dark side of the void at high speed, the warriors who had already taken advantage of this opportunity to take the first step had already returned to the entrance position above the sky.


Song Chi's brainwave beacon was issuing orders at a high speed. He didn't bother to check the properties of the red rare objects he had already obtained. Instead, he was praying that the three void shadow-killing warriors could get rid of the void demon behind them.

He is too aware of the terrifying existence of the fourth level. Although the Void Shadow Killer clan warriors have also been strengthened to level 40, they do not control the special extraordinary system. In front of the real fourth level creatures, they are just bigger ants, so We must not let the Void Demon catch up.

The warriors of the Void Shadow Killer Clan rushed out of the wide-open hatch one after another. The next second, the three of them quickly fell from the dark side of the void. The space inside the battleship was extremely stable and did not support shuttles in the void at all.

Without the blessing of the power of the void, the three shadow-killing warriors of the void could only move towards the gap not far ahead step by step.

Although Song Chi was anxious, he had no choice. In this super giant ancient battleship, it was like a natural rule that no creature could violate.

Just like the fourth-order void demon that had also been chased out behind him, it also fell out of the void in a panic and could only chase the three warriors step by step.

However, it is a true fourth-level unit after all. The power of law flowing in it allows this Void Demon to travel in the central corridor much faster than the Void Shadow Killer Soldiers. As time goes by, the distance between the two sides has increased. The distance is getting closer.

Seeing such a result, Song Chi was naturally anxious.

In this anxious mood, neither he nor the fourth-level void demon noticed that the cultivation cabin behind him, which was originally its own space, had quietly disappeared without knowing when, and turned from an independent secret space into an ordinary room. battleship alloy cabin.


A whistling sound came from behind him. Song Chi looked behind him from the corner of his eye, and then subconsciously clenched his hands.

It was the void demon who took the initiative to attack.

But the next second, joy appeared in his eyes again.

Although this attack hit a Void Shadow Killer Clan soldier behind him, it did not seriously damage it. Instead, it was resisted by the automatically triggered "plasma shield".

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