National Survival: My Ability Is To Sign In

Chapter 44 The Mysterious Little Tree Has Changed

In a small building.

The faint moonlight shines.

Don't ask where the moonlight comes from. It comes from the stones in the treasure cave hall.

As for Xiaobai and Xiaojin, I gave them a few pieces of obsidian and the piece of Gengjin, and they slept on the left and right beside the fireplace.

Chen Yuan used the intermediate space stone first.

Expand the warehouse grid to 70.

Then he quickly opened the treasure boxes one by one.

[Game tip: Wood element crystal +1]

[Game Tips: Water Elemental Crystal +1]

[Game Tips: Soul +1]

[Game Tips: Fine Iron +2]

[Game tip: High-quality leather +2]

After half an hour of prompting, the harvest was so great that Chen Yuan had to reorganize the warehouse and storage room.


The smelting furnace started working.

Ordinary iron blocks and copper blocks are smelted inside.

Then, Chen Yuan went to the Werewolf Cave to harvest again. He took down all the maces and broke them into pieces of iron.

Then he threw it into the smelting furnace for smelting.

"If this continues, I can harvest more than 150 pieces of extremely hard iron alone..."

The effectiveness of the smelting furnace is reflected.

If you let the work desk handle it, the efficiency will be dozens of times slower.

When the smelting furnace is working.

Chen Yuan took out 5 crystals each of the five elements of wind, fire, water, earth, and wood, and fully activated the mountain axe.

The previous mountain ax was not activated and could only be said to be a semi-finished product.

Now activate.

The elemental power surges in the ax body, which is countless times stronger than before. This is the true rare level!

Strike while the iron is hot.

Chen Yuan holds an iron ax and practices the axe-raising technique.

The power increased again.


The mountain ax was put into the warehouse, and Chen Yuan really started practicing werewolf fighting skills.

The complete and perfect werewolf fighting skills are the real fighting skills. Fighting at close quarters, killing decisively and with terrifying momentum.


During the drill, a great majesty emerged from Chen Yuan.

The power of the wolf.

This kind of wolf's power is more like a kind of cold, ferocious, and murderous anger. This feeling slowly subsided after Chen Yuan stopped practicing.

at this time.

It's actually already eleven o'clock in the evening.

Chen Yuan was a little hungry.

After refilling the water purifier, Chen Yuan began to prepare the supper. While preparing the supper, Chen Yuan learned the special drawings.

[Game Tips: Learn the mysterious firearm blueprints successfully! 】

[Mysterious gun blueprint: An unknown master craftsman spent three years researching the blueprint of an elemental gun based on his lifelong skills. It is extremely powerful and requires 160/10 refined iron, 48/5 refined copper, and 18/2 mithril. 5/1 red gold, intermediate obsidian 2/1, intermediate decomposition stone 0/1]

Intermediate decomposition stone?

Everything else is available, only this is missing.

As for red gold and mithril, why do they only have these amounts? Because Chen Yuan did not smelt them all.

Including iron blocks and copper blocks, a part of each item is kept in the storage room.

Eating late night snack.

I also ate a few more swamp berries.

Physical fitness has been improved again.

Although it's not much, with today's body base, the increase is actually quite considerable.

Open the world channel.

The points change again.

Compared with last night's 2978 points, the improvement is not much, only an increase of 422 points, exactly 3400 points.


Wait until 6 o'clock tomorrow night to update, there will definitely be explosive growth.

This trip to Werewolf was so rewarding.

The materials for upgrading the small building originally lacked three types of steel-grained wood, but now they only lack steel-grained wood.

Once steel-grained wood is found, the small building can be upgraded.

Chen Yuan looked at the trading channel and saw that no one was selling the steel-grained wood. There were also many private chats about the steel-grained wood that he had listed to buy.

No one really owns it.

Chen Yuan then added more chips.

However, it is slim to expect that the trading channel will get steel-grained wood.

In addition to the upgrade materials for small buildings, other basic materials, metal minerals, metal minerals after training, elemental crystals... Chen Yuan has too many now.

The supplies are frighteningly abundant.

Treasure Cave, what the dwarves got.

Plus get a little gold.

As well as the upgrades of Xiaobai and Xiaojin at this moment.

This time tomorrow.

The score can only be increased by a thousand points, or even more.

"Next, steel-grained wood is still the top priority, and there are also intermediate decomposition stones. As long as you get them, elemental guns are made. I'm afraid the elemental crystals are bullets. The long-range threat is better than the excellent crossbow. I don't know how much better it is. "

Chen Yuan opened the map again.

His location is in the southwest corner of the map.

Going north is correct though.

But if you travel in circles, it is relatively safer to head toward the center of the mainland, so the northeast is a better and more prepared choice.

"Northeast direction..."

Chen Yuan took out the fog dispelling stone.

The fog-repelling stone werewolf elite is dropped, and there are currently 5 pieces in total.

Every one is very important.

If you go to the northeast, you will definitely need to use fog-repelling stones, but Xiao Jin has the ability to find treasures.

Maybe a few will be used on it by then.

"There are still souls..."

Chen Yuan has too many souls now.

Chen Yuan put the soul in a box and placed it in the storage room, with hundreds of pieces in it.

Not much is left in the warehouse.

Upgrading the jetpack requires 2 primary upgrade stones and 4 souls, so Chen Yuan directly upgraded it.

[Perfect Level Jetpack: The power source has been strengthened, supporting the lift-off time of 180/180 minutes. There are currently 180 minutes left. Upgrading to the next level requires 2 intermediate upgrade stones and 20 souls]

Unlike the Brave Badge, a medium soul is required to upgrade to the next level.

The jetpack looks worse than the Brave Badge.

Wait until it’s ready.

Chen Yuan started to sleep.

This was the first time he slept so late.

After Chen Yuan fell asleep, Xiaojin and Xiaobai were still sleeping. Suddenly, there was a soft sound in the storage room.

The treasure chest containing the masses of souls opened automatically.


The bunches of souls flew out of the treasure chest and out of the storage room.

Arriving at the greenhouse area, we were next to the mysterious little tree that looked inconspicuous.

Circle it.

The whole small tree suddenly turned green...


Suddenly, the green light circulated and turned into little gleams of light, all of which rushed towards the small tree that prompted three question marks.

Absorbed by the little tree!

Chen Yuan has a habit.

Just habitually rounding up numbers.

In other words, there are exactly 100 souls in the boxes in the storage room.

And at this moment.

These 100 souls all turned into green light and were absorbed by the small tree.


On the mysterious little tree, there were originally strange red flowers that looked like drops of blood. Now one of them was blooming.

Bloom leisurely.


Then the withered branch nodes and the heart of the heart bore a fruit.

The fruit gradually becomes larger and redder in color, and finally, within half a quarter of an hour, it forms a small red fruit the size of a plum.

There seems to be a blush rippling on the fruit.

A quiet night.

By the next day, it was getting brighter and brighter.

Before he could sign in, Chen Yuan came to the greenhouse area to pick fragrant rice, vegetables, and newly ripe potatoes.

He suddenly looked towards the small tree.

My eyes are wide open!

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