National Talent: Unlimited Plunder, 100 Times Reward!

20. The Origin Of All Things, The Ambition To Seize The Yin-Yang And The Five Elements! ! ! (For Col

When Ye Be opened his eyes again, it was already three days later.

At the back of the head, above three feet, there are six natural, clear and transparent black meteorites hanging high!

Successfully broke through the six-star warrior!

In addition, the strength of the physical body has also undergone earth-shaking changes, from the original 15,000 jin to a full 27,000 jin!

Almost doubled or so!

The qi and blood became more intense, released out, and condensed into a blood mist, which constantly rose and fell with breathing.

This level of life force, not to mention the realm of warriors, even the realm of warriors is unmatched. Only those pure-blooded beasts who have been practicing for hundreds of years, or even hundreds of years, can compare!

"Huh!" Spit out the turbidity in the body.

Ye Be murmured in a low voice, "So much time has passed, if it wasn't for a breakthrough in the realm, I wouldn't have stopped."

"However, in this practice, I successfully absorbed 1,000 Qi and Blood Stones, 1,000 Constitution Stones, and almost 500 Cultivation Stones."

"The flesh and blood body has reached saturation. If we continue, although we can forcibly increase the strength of the physical body and break the shackles of cultivation, it may leave hidden diseases, causing the realm to float and the foundation to be unstable."

A lot of blood remained on his body.

There are also some black impurities.

The blood stains were the python blood that was accidentally contaminated during the previous battle, and the black impurities were the dirt that was automatically expelled from the body after cultivation.

With the continuous refinement of the physical body and breakthroughs in cultivation, the physique of the warrior will gradually become pure.

Until the end, a pure, flawless and perfect body of martial arts is condensed!

Find a clear waterfall.

After cleaning all the impurities on his body, Ye Be heaved a sigh of relief after doing this.

Looking down at the physical strength detected on the combat bracelet, it was astonishingly 27,000 jin.

It doesn't look like much, but if you add thirteen times the talent of chopping the cauldron, the burst attack damage will be 350,000 catties!

With the physical strength of an ordinary martial artist, if Ye Be strikes down at will, the opponent's bones will be completely broken, and the flesh and blood will turn into mist!


Host: Ye Be

Mandate of Heaven: Loot All Things (Unique)

Talent: Divine Shadow Step (Ten Black Iron Stars), Thousand Blades Golden Glory (Ten Black Iron Stars), Thirteen-fold Tripod (Bronze Five Stars), Kuroshio (Bronze Seven Stars)

Realm: Warrior Six Stars

Cultivation method: Tunajue (black iron)

Martial Skills: Fierce Slashing (Bronze), Zhenshan Sword Technique (Bronze)

Divine Weapon: Black-patterned Bone Knife (Pure Black Iron), Black Scale Face Pan (Pure Black Iron), Python Blood Shoulder Armor (Pure Black Iron)

External Divine Bone: Jinhuang Wing (Thousand Years)

Compatible talent modules: speed talent·God Shadow Step (1/10), bloodline talent·Thousand Blade Golden Glory(1/10), strength talent·thirteen heavy cutting tripod(1/10), alienation talent·Kuroshio ( 1/10)


"Four Talents!"

"External divine bone!"

"Compared to more than a month ago, it is a world of difference!"

Ye Be smiled to himself.

I don't know about other places. At least in Zhonghai City, there has never been a warrior with four kinds of talents at the same time. If you can possess two kinds of talents, you can be called a genius. If the quality of the talents is not low, it will be regarded by everyone. For Tianjiao.

Like Lin Sen's Xu Qingya, there is only one talent mark of stepping into bronze, which is surrounded by stars and attracts everyone's attention.

It can be seen how gorgeous this training panel is!

"not enough!"

"The exercises are only of black iron quality."

"Besides, talents are only speed, bloodline, strength, and alienation. These four kinds, if you encounter those who are really top-notch talents, it's still not enough!"


"I don't know when I will get the five elements yin and yang talent!" A look of expectation appeared on Ye Be's face.

The Yin-Yang talent of the Five Elements is not a piece of talent, but many kinds of talent.


"The talent of wood, the talent of fire, the talent of earth, the talent of metal, the talent of water!"

"...The thunder of extreme yin, the thunder of extreme yang..."

"Rumor, to get one of them is a privilege!"

"The innate body with the perfect five elements can possess five talents!"

"However, the so-called Martial Dao Tianjiao's five-element talent is not the most perfect!"

"It's just that you happen to have the perfect five talents, and you can exert the wonderful power of the five elements talents!"


Ye Be contemplative.

He has the only destiny, the talent to plunder the origin of all things.

Not to mention the ordinary fire and water talents, even the top transcendent talents can be plundered.

This also means that at that time, he was able to create the strongest talent combination in the world, the perfect five elements that surpassed all five elements talents!

Not to mention the raging fire chasing the sun, the silver waterfall flowing backwards, all things growing, mountains and rivers migrating...

It is not impossible for Setsuna to condense a round of brilliant sun and open up a perfect world with one hand!

The real Yin and Yang of the five elements correspond to the origin of all things in the world!

Life is endless, endless!

After a while.

Ye Be pulled out from the infinite contemplation, his eyes were golden, as if he had found some kind of martial arts pursuit.

For a while, he was in good spirits.

"Five days later."

"The Treasure Pavilion will hold an auction. At that time, many treasures and rare objects collected will be publicly auctioned. Maybe I can find a cultivation method that suits me."

Ye Be turned on the combat bracelet, looked at the map navigation, and thought to himself, "However, before that, you can go to the underground martial arts gym for a martial arts fight, just to test my strength."

During this period of time, there are already enough fights with fierce beasts, and more fights with warriors are still needed. Only in this way can we improve our understanding of martial arts and strengthen the damage of talents.



In just one hour, Ye Be arrived at the black market.

There are not many streets here, only seven or eight, but they are overcrowded. In the thick white mist, you can vaguely see that there are black cloths everywhere, and there are all kinds of strange treasures on them.

The precious blood of divine soldiers, miraculous medicines, martial arts and martial arts, everything that one expects to find.

Behind each piece of black cloth, there is a warrior standing. The age is uneven, but all of them have entered the martial arts, and there is almost no existence of the body training state.

They are the owners of those rare treasures, also known as black market dealers.

If you want to stand firm in the Misty Lake, a place where fish and dragons are mixed, body training is definitely not enough.

Without the cultivation base of a warrior, it is impossible to eat this bowl of rice.

Ye Be looked around, and finally came to a corner. There were many treasures used for cultivation on the black cloth on the ground, and the names were marked.

Among them, the words "Pure Yuan Jue" are engraved on one of the quaint bronze vessels.

"What's the price of this technique?" Ye Be raised his chin and gestured to the businessman in front of him. He was a white-haired old man, skinny, but there was a lot of blood flowing between his brows, he should be carrying some kind of secret treasure.

"My lord, this secret book is a bronze exercise, which can purify vitality and speed up cultivation. This kind of treasure is very rare in the market." Seeing someone asking for the price, the old man with white temples was shocked.

He hurriedly opened the bronze vessel.

He took out the exercise named "Pure Yuanjue" from it, held it in both hands, and said with a smile on his face, "If your lord sincerely wants it, take it for 30 million yuan!"

As soon as this remark came out, Ye Be's expression remained unchanged, but he couldn't help but let out a sneer in his heart.

From his point of view, this exercise can only double the vitality at most, and the speed of cultivation can be increased by half at most, let alone 30 million, even if it is 50% off, the price is too high.

"I have some precious blood and bones here. They are all hunting trophies in the nearby forest. Do you want to buy them here..." After a pause, Ye Be changed the subject and asked in a deep voice.

He hadn't planned to buy the Pure Yuan Jue at first, and the Tiancaidibao auction in the Zhenbao Pavilion was about to begin, so there must be more exquisite exercises.

The purpose of coming here is to sell the flesh and blood of the horned scale python first, so that it will be convenient to bid for it when the time comes.

"Precious blood! Genuine bones!" The old warrior immediately became interested when he heard it, and immediately put away the ancient books and bronze wares, and nodded with a smile, "Take it, definitely take it!"

"I just don't know what kind of ferocious beast the prey in my lord's hand is, whether the body is incomplete or intact. If the blood is pure, the price will be much higher!"

"Giant horned scale python!"

From the system warehouse, he took out a hard horned python head and threw it on the ground casually.

The huge head had been severed by a bone knife a long time ago. The cut surface was smooth and even, with blood stains like rust.

The horned python didn't close its eyes before it died, and its blood-red eyes were kept open like this, leaving boundless ferocity and anger.

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