National Talent: Unlimited Plunder, 100 Times Reward!

Chapter 317 Can't Relax, Lose Patience, Must Be Prepared

With the water-repelling beads on her body, it really solved the troubles for Ye Be, Qing Yu, Su Yaoran and Bixie.

At least they don't have to worry about being unable to move after falling into the water.

Of course, the water-avoiding beads have a limited range of action, and they won't have an effect on their attacks.

Therefore, if they really want to fight underwater, it is still not very beneficial to them.

Ye Be said: "Well, now that we have water-proof beads, we can at least guarantee that we won't drown."

"Let's leave at a faster speed and strive to get to the isolated island where the water is located as soon as possible.

After hearing his words, Sostaya smiled wryly.

Although the giant whale just now was very dangerous, it can still be dealt with.

If the giant whale didn't choose to escape, it might still be killed by Ye Be and Qing Yu.

But relatively speaking, there is really no way to fight against the water Qilin that Ye Be and others are looking for.

At least in Sostaya's heart, they didn't think they could fight against that guy.

Fortunately, his task is to send Ye Be and others to the isolated island where Shui Qilin is located, not to help.

He has adjusted the speed of the diving boat, and the speed of the whole big ship has increased a lot.

Even if the giant whale just now followed them, it wouldn't be too easy.

Ye Be, Qing Yu, Su Yaoran and Bi Zhu were all on the deck staring at the sea.

As long as Su Yaoran can discover the abnormality underwater, they can immediately intercept the giant whale.

In any case, the giant whale cannot be allowed to destroy the diving boat.

It wasn't until the submersible boat speeded up and landed in the night that several people eased up a little.

Sostaya prepared a richer seafood food for them.

Qing Yu asked him: "How far are we from the isolated island of Water Qilin?"?"

"According to the position set by our patriarch in the captain's room, we have already traveled more than half of the distance.

"Ah?! It's only more than halfway." Bixie immediately drooped her head.

The excitement of entering the sea at the beginning has completely disappeared.

Especially since only sea water can be seen from behind, Bixie has long lost her patience.

If Ye Be, Qing Yu and Su Yaoran were not by her side, she might fly back to land by herself.

Su Yaoran said: "Actually, being able to have such a fast speed is already considered a very good situation."

"It's only a few days, and it's estimated that it won't take half a month to arrive at the place."

Ye Be also nodded.

He was actually the most anxious in his heart, but there was nothing he could do.

If you want to obtain this kind of material deep in the sea, you must make such preparations.

Qing Yu said: 々The most important thing is not a matter of time [it is still the threat of sea beasts in the deep sea. "

"Today only a giant whale appeared, maybe tomorrow there will be other powerful guys."

Hearing what she said, several people frowned.

(Yes) The more you enter the deep sea area, the more encounters like this will definitely happen.

After so many days, they encountered the threat of giant whales for the first time, so they were lucky.

Ye Be said: "I don't know if the giant whale is still following our diving boat."

"It would be even more of a headache if it kept following it so far."

It's not a good thing to have a powerful sea beast lurking near your ship all the time. .

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