The overall performance of the valley of death is like a relatively low-key person.

When they looked in from the outside of Taniguchi, it seemed that there were not even a few buildings in the Valley of the Dead.

But after arriving inside the valley, I discovered that there are many buildings and pavilions in the valley, and all of them are hidden in the valley.

But those who have not been to the interior of the Valley of the Past, I am afraid that they will not know how magnificent the Valley of the Past is.

Ye Be has also met many other great popes, but none of them are as hidden and low-key as the Valley of the Dead.

Zhou Jingke, the owner of the Valley of Death, personally arranged the residence of the three of them, and sent disciples of the Valley of Death to serve them.

Under the guidance of the disciples of the Valley of the Past, the three of them conducted a comprehensive visit to the Valley of the Past, and were even more amazed at the Valley of the Past.

At the same time, they also saw the team from the Valley of Rebirth who were about to set off for Wansheng Moyuan Mountain.

In the whole team, apart from Zhou Jingke, the lord of the Past Life Valley, there are actually two other elders and ten Dharma protectors.

The overall number of people in the team is as many as a hundred people, and none of them has a cultivation level lower than that of a martial arts master.

From this point of view, Ye Be, Su Yaoran, and Bixie all believed that other big pope sects should not be too bad.

From the point of view of this team configuration, it undoubtedly proves that what Zhou Jingke, the owner of the Past Life Valley, was right.

The strength of Su Yaoran and Bixie is about the same as that of ordinary people in this team.

If it is really necessary to snatch the Millennium Holy Flower with other members of the Great Pope, the two of them will definitely be very dangerous.

But even knowing the situation, the two of them still did not show any hesitation, and still wanted to follow Ye Be.

Ye Be knew that he couldn't stop these two girls, so he had no choice but to let them follow.

Fortunately, now that he has agreed to the invitation of Zhou Jingke, the owner of the Past Life Valley, at least it is safe before entering Wansheng Moyuan Mountain.

Gossip less.

The three of them rested for one night in this Valley of Rebirth.

In the early morning of the next day, the team going to the Wansheng Moyuan Mountain from the Valley of Rebirth began to gather.

Ye Be, Su Yaoran, and Bixie soon arrived near the entire team.

Zhou Jingke, the owner of the Valley of Death, introduced the three of them to the whole team, and then announced the departure.

To bring so many people to Wansheng Moyuan Mountain, of course it is impossible for the Valley of Rebirth to let everyone fly there like this.

0...seeking flowers0

I saw that in the jungle deep behind the Valley of Rebirth, four magic weapons similar to airships were launched into the sky soon.

Zhou Jingke said to Ye Be: "Young friend Ye Be and the two girls, please follow me to log in to our Rift Boat in the Valley of the Dead."

"This air-cracking boat is a magic weapon specially used for space shuttle. It can lead our team to the vicinity of Wansheng Moyuan Mountain at the fastest speed, and it can also save everyone's waste.

. "Consumption

Ye Be, Su Yaoran and Bixie were all quite shocked, they didn't expect such a magic weapon to exist in the Valley of Rebirth.

Immediately, the three of them didn't talk nonsense, and immediately followed Zhou Jingke, the owner of the valley of the dead, to fly to one of the empty boats.

The rest of the team also rose into the air one after another, flying towards the four Lie Kongzhous.

After arriving on the air-splitting boat, Ye Be immediately felt that there was an obvious force of space circulating around the big airship.

For the sake of safety, Zhou Jingke, the owner of the Valley of Death, asked everyone to enter the inner cabin and sit down.

Following Zhou Jingke's order, the four Liekong boats activated their space shuttle power in an instant. .

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