National Tide 1980

Chapter 337: By analogy

So now that we’ve talked about it.

"Zhang Dashao" also mentioned another thing by the way.

He said that the really unique and important thing in our seasoning is not MSG, but Sichuan peppercorns.

If you rub the meat with Sichuan peppercorns and salt, you will easily get a unique flavor.

The simplest way to use it is to heat up the oil and fry a few dozen peppercorns when cooking.

Then take out the peppercorns and throw them away, and then stir-fry with the peppercorn oil, which will make the eater feel the appetizing aroma.

Also, if you add a small spoonful of peppercorn oil to the eggplant mix at the end, and dip the belly in peppercorn sugar water before frying, you will have an unexpected feeling.

In fact, almost all cold dishes can be flavored with pepper water.

And since halal dishes never use alcohol, pepper oil is indispensable to kill the smell.

Needless to say, after receiving this true message, Ning Weimin and Zhang Shihui naturally told their relatives to take the medicine according to the prescription and went to test it again.

It turns out that it really has a magical effect.

Especially the use of Sichuan peppercorns, that thing can really evoke the delicious flavor of the raw materials, like a catalyst.

So this summer, the cold dishes and pickled vegetables served in No. 2 Courtyard of Shan'er Hutong and Zhang Shihui's home became more and more delicious.

The heat of summer does not affect their appetite as much as in the past, and the trick to solving the bitter summer lies in this spoonful of pepper water.

But these two alone are nothing. There is another method that "Zhang Dashao" has made great achievements and benefited all living beings.


Just add water to the meat!

Is this sentence interesting?

To be honest, when Ning Weimin first heard these four words, his first impression was that they were water-filled meat.

Obviously, this obvious statement made him almost hit his head against the wall, unable to believe his ears.

But don’t worry, what “Zhang Dashao” wants to say is of course different from the water-injected meat mentioned by the health supervision department.

This is actually the secret to stir-fried shredded pork and fried pork slices.

You know, whether you are a cook or a qualified housewife, whether the sliced ​​and shredded meat is delicious or not is a basic indicator.

This thing seems easy to say, but in fact it requires a lot of technology.

First of all, the knife skills must be somewhat level, the thickness should be consistent, and there should be no drag or connection.

And the heat is also very particular. If the cooking time is a little longer, it will become old.

If there is not enough time, there will be bloodshot eyes.

And what kind of seasonings to use.

According to the different types and parts of the meat, the proportions of soy sauce, pepper, starch, MSG, sugar, and cooking wine are different.

It is even less possible for people of this era to imitate the meat tenderizer used by chefs who were good at chemistry thirty years later.

Therefore, these days, it is necessary to test whether a cook is qualified and whether a housewife is good at cooking.

As long as you have some fried pork, you will understand everything.

But even professional chefs and housewives who are good at cooking may not know some key tips.

Under normal circumstances, even if the knife skills, heat, and seasoning are all right, the sliced ​​and shredded meat will be delicious.

If you want to be called "fragrant" again, that is still an extravagant hope that can be seen but cannot be touched.

But "Zhang Dashao" can make this matter magically change with just a few words.

He can almost get it right in one step, and let a person with some cooking skills improve the fried pork slices and shredded pork from delicious to "spicy".

As for the secret, it is actually very simple. The real meaning lies in "adding water".

To put it bluntly, before mixing the meat slices with seasonings, you need to add some water and grab them with your hands.

Let the water seep into the fibers of the meat slices.

After that, marinate and season according to the general method, and then stir-fry over high heat. The meat slices will be fresh, tender and smooth, which is different from others.

This is obviously also a kind of "water injection".

But because the time of the attack was different from that of the black-hearted butcher, the results were completely different.

It can be seen that water injection itself is not a problem.

Adding water at the right time is the secret of cooking.

Wrong, that's rubbish.

As for why adding water to meat slices makes it taste better?

Why is the effect particularly significant for chicken?

This may be a bit troublesome to explain, so "Zhang Dashao" didn't elaborate at all.

No matter what Ning Weimin and Zhang Shihui asked, the old man just said, "It's easy, but it's over?"

That’s right, as long as it’s delicious.

Anyway, no matter what.

Ning Weimin and Zhang Shihui can confirm two things in their interactions with "Zhang Dashao".

First, we must not underestimate our country’s culinary culture, which has been inherited for five thousand years and is no joke.

Simply speaking from the perspective of creating beauty, I am afraid that the person who has made the greatest contribution to our lives is a good cook.

They can harmonize the five flavors and turn decay into magic, which cannot but be respected.

Second, through this repeated instruction, Ning Weimin and Zhang Shihui almost worshiped "Zhang Dashao" for his cooking skills.

Even though he didn't even bother to show off, the professors he gave were basically just a few casual instructions.

But a casual word from someone else is better than decades of study and exploration on your own.

So out of this respect, every Sunday, Ning Weimin and Zhang Shihui entertained the chef like a pick-up.

They always prepare good tobacco and wine, seasonal fresh food, high-end fruits, and provide all kinds of attentive services.

Speaking of which, the material benefits are only secondary. The key is that this face respect is really rare.

So not only "Zhang Dashao" was quite satisfied with this.

It also made the decoration workers and neighbors really think that the two young men were the distant nephews of "Zhang Dashao", but they had no doubts at all.

The only thing that makes Zhang Shihui a little disappointed is that no matter how talented "Zhang Dashao" is, he can't use it to make money.

He had wanted to ask "Zhang Dashao" to take charge of the restaurant and open a restaurant with Ning Weimin, but it came to nothing as soon as he said it.

Because not only "Zhang Dashao" himself shook his head in response to this incident.

He said that he has been cooking all his life, and now he just wants to take care of himself and take care of himself.

Even Ning Weimin felt that catering was too tiring.

It is said that now is not a good time for high profits in this industry, and it is not cost-effective to do this.

Zhang Shihui was also advised to give up his thoughts and concentrate on running a good tobacco hotel.

Zhang Shihui couldn't twist his thigh with his arm, so he had no choice but to give up.

But the depression of having nowhere to take revenge is inevitable after all.

But having said that, even so, it cannot be said that "Zhang Dashao" has no substantial help to the careers of Ning Weimin and Zhang Shihui.

Because there is a saying that the art is perfected, almost like the Tao.

The reason why smart people are smart lies in their understanding that is difficult for ordinary people to achieve, and their exquisite mind that can draw inferences from one instance to another.

Don't look at it. "Zhang Dashao" usually talks about "eating" in his mouth and heart.

But in Ning Weimin's ears, a strange change occurred.

Especially the old man's theory of original taste and change of taste, and all the secrets are "in the details."

It is said that "whatever comes, there will be a return, what is good, there will be a negative", and "a two-pronged approach can only have no shortcomings."

Like some kind of divine revelation, Ning Weimin felt the call of money.

He found that his brain seemed to have unexplored dead ends, and there seemed to be the possibility of reverse thinking in business, and there was another approach.

I was so excited about this that I couldn't stop thinking about it seriously.

This is not surprising.

After all, eating is to serve people, and business is also to serve people.

Both professions require the study of human needs and human psychology.

And as long as you think about people thoroughly, nothing is impossible.

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