National Tide 1980

Chapter 701 It’s really high

At a meeting where major issues are being discussed, there is nothing more gratifying than reaching a consensus and unanimously passing an issue.

But the strange thing is that as the convener of today's meeting and the initiator of throwing out stamps, I faced everyone's enthusiastic response. Ning Weimin was the only one among all the participants who did not raise his hand.

This can't help but make everyone murmur in their hearts.

"Don't be impatient, please listen to what I have to say."

Fortunately, when everyone looked confused, Ning Weimin quickly began to explain his intentions.

"Since everyone is not opposed to selling the goods, I would like to talk to you about how to sell it and how much to sell it for."

This made sense, and everyone nodded, indicating that they were all ears.

However, what Ning Weimin said next was something no one could have imagined.

"I don't plan to sell all of them, but only 30% to 40% of the goods. And I don't distribute them slowly, but sell them quickly, and complete them as quickly as possible, no more than ten days at most..."

"Is this... so urgent? Do you mean... the market will suddenly change?"

Ning Weimin's strategy is really incredible.

It is said to be 20% to 30%. Based on the public stock of more than 26,000 editions, that means 8,000 to 10,000 editions have to be sold.

According to the market price, the cash return should be between 650,000 and 800,000 yuan.

But the problem is that with so many goods shipped in just ten days, the market will definitely not be able to bear it.

Everyone knows that if you do this, the price of stamps will definitely not be good, and you will lose a lot of profits. It is quite unwise.

So Xiao Gu, the deputy manager of the planning department and the youngest, blurted out first.

Others also became restless, after all, it affected the actual harvest.

Even Manager Sha, who had just turned into a crowd, was stunned for a moment.

Then he frowned and temporarily withdrew the vote of confidence he had just cast.

"Isn't this high diving? What did you think about it? Is the situation so serious? Is it really necessary to take this approach? What to do with the rest? There are so many goods..."

"Everyone, this is what I want to focus on today."

However, Ning Weimin did not panic at all. Instead, he spread his hands and made a calm gesture, and detailed his plan with a particularly confident look.

"First of all, I have to admit that for the stamps in our hands, the situation is not so urgent that we have to flee at all costs. After all, we are the dealers. Although the stamp market has suddenly changed, no one can predict it. , but we have to trust that the zodiac ticket market can be supported."

"At least it can be postponed for a while, until January next year, when the new year's bull tickets are issued. That is destined to set off a small climax of a wave of zodiac tickets. The price of the stable rat tickets is not a problem, and it will naturally allow us to slowly increase the price at a high price. Profit from distributing rat tickets.”

"This seems to be in the best interest of everyone. But the actual situation is not like this. Because in my opinion, if we are not in a hurry, we will completely miss the market in the second half. Lost the watermelon and picked up the sesame seeds."

"You must know that the potential of zodiac stamps has been exhausted, which does not mean that other stamp types have also come to an end. If we do not intervene in the price of zodiac stamps and continue to wait as slowly as we do now, then next year zodiac stamps will no longer be It’s the leading gainer. People will definitely transfer their money from zodiac tickets to other new products.”

"So we can do a trick, first take the initiative to drop the price, and then absorb other people's panic selling at the low point, and then turn around and rise again. I have calculated that three months will be enough , we will start to increase the price before the bull ticket is released. In this way, we can fully leverage the momentum of the New Year zodiac ticket and maximize profits."

"Let me use an analogy. The original eight-cent monkey ticket has risen from 70 yuan at the beginning of the year to 300 yuan. Everyone is afraid. This is indeed scary. But if it falls to 150 yuan first, it will not fall down. After a while, it turned around and went back to 300 yuan. Is anyone still scared?"

"That won't happen. Because everyone will think that the monkey ticket has been tested by the market, and the base price will be measured at one hundred and fifty. So even if it rises to five hundred in the second round, it is okay. The rat ticket has achieved an increase of forty or fifty times. It is also possible. This is the best way to break the price ceiling. Just like punching, you must first take it back and then punch it out to be powerful."


After finally figuring out Ning Weimin's plan, everyone gasped in shock.

Then there was a sigh of relief.

This completely ended the distrust just now, and everyone began to rejoice again, with unanimous praise.

Xiao Gu was the most excited. He slapped the coffee table and made the tea cups jingle.

"Great! Manager Ning... you are so great! I can't think of a more awesome plan than this!"

Zhao Daqing said, "That's right, that's right. How could such a shrewd Manager Ning make such a mistake? Well, I support this plan!"

Qi Yanjun said, "I have never doubted Wei Min. But don't think our leader is stupid, he is really smarter than anyone else! Let's have fun, I like such excitement!"

Only Manager Sha fiddled with the abacus a little too much and laughed dryly.

"I'm not against it. I also support it. I admire Wei Min's sophisticated plan. Attack in the east and attack in the west, surround Wei and save Zhao. Master. But if you are not afraid of ten thousand, you are afraid of the worst. What if the market reaction is not as we planned? What should we do? For example, the price hasn’t dropped much, or we haven’t gotten much food? We have to think of a remedy in advance..."

"That doesn't matter..."

Ning Weimin waved his hand cheerfully, not giving everyone any time to consider whether the point of view put forward by Manager Xisha was possible.

He made another jaw-dropping, yet extremely reassuring statement.

"I do have a backup plan. On October 30, the Peony Pavilion mini-sheets will be distributed. The face value is two yuan, and the circulation is not large, only 2.09 million. I am very optimistic about this variety. If we throw out rat tickets , the effect was not up to expectations. We changed our original plan and scanned the goods like collecting rat tickets at the entrance of the Workers' Stadium, and copied the bottom of the 'Peony Pavilion'."

"Everyone should know that stamps like rat stamps that have been highly speculated are not easy to double because the stamp value is only eight cents. But it is different with new stamps. The market foundation is good and the potential is huge. It’s big, we don’t have to control how many chips we have, we can just follow the crowd and get 8 or 10 yuan

"Besides, our cost of obtaining rat stamps is indeed too low. We are all dime-a-dozen. Even if the current price drops by half, we will still make four or five times the profit. In other words, if the current price of stamps is 800,000, we will Just sell it for 400,000 yuan. These 30% to 40% goods can not only get rid of our capital, but also make a profit of 100,000 yuan. To put it bluntly, no matter how bad the market is, it is a bomb to others, but it is still fat to us. We are all winners no matter what, there is no risk at all.”

"The key is to be quick. Time waits for no one. As long as we have cash in our hands, we can do anything. What do you think? Does everyone agree?"

Everyone was convinced by what he said, and their eyes were brighter than ever before.

Manager Sha rubbed his hands excitedly.

Then he raised his thumb, just like in "Tunnel War", the puppet army commander raised his thumb to flatter the Japanese officer.

"It's high, it's really high!"

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