National Tide 1980

Chapter 806 Four hundred thousand

, Guochao 1980

"Mr. Ning, there's really nothing we can do about Pace. I'm so worried these days that my hair is falling out. How good was the filming of "Sunset Street" last time? Don't you also like Pace's performance? Take a look at this script , this is actually a continuation of the story of "Sunset Street", except that the protagonists are replaced by Mr. Chen and Pace and his son. Because of this, the comedy effect is definitely stronger. Besides, Pace has been the most popular in the past two years. Go watch him, this movie will definitely be a hit if it is made..."

Miya Haibin is a very good person.

When we were training together in Gulou for Pelkaton's Beijing press conference, he was the one who made the best friends and was the first to become buddies with Ning Weimin.

What's especially rare is that Miya Haibin is not only a kindhearted person, but also enthusiastic and willing to help his friends.

He is also quite sensible and knows how to behave in the world.

Just like now, although he is speaking out for Chen Peisi, he has no intention of showing off his friendship.

Instead, he said "Mr. Ning", which appropriately expressed respect for Ning Weimin.

This is why up to now, he is the only male model of the same generation who can still keep in touch with Ning Weimin and can sit and chat with him from time to time.

As for the other male models in the model team, Ning Weimin is only a memory of yesterday.

Ning Weimin flipped through the script in front of him casually, not paying much attention to it because he was so familiar with the film and loved watching it.

I still remember many of the plots in it.

What attracted his attention even more was Chen Peisi himself, who was sitting in front of him, carefully sipping the coffee in his cup to cover up his embarrassment and shame.

To be honest, this is a somewhat dirty enjoyment, and Ning Weimin himself knows that he shouldn't.

But thinking about how penniless I was in my previous life, compared to today, I can actually make such a big shot begging for me with trepidation, my forehead is sweating, but my heart is still very satisfied.

It was like going to Liu Xiaoqin’s dormitory for dinner in the first few days.

Never mind that I didn't do anything, but looking at the four beauties in the literary and art circles, it seemed like I was allowed to pick at will.

That's cool.

This is also a manifestation of personal value being recognized by society.

"Okay, Haibin, don't keep saying 'you'. We are friends and we can chat behind closed doors without these polite formalities."

Ning Weimin finally had enough of his addiction and started talking about business.

"I understand what you said. To sum it up, it's hard work to make this movie. Now that the formalities have been solved, the only thing left is the funding. Right? How much is it? Let me give you an estimate."

Come on!

Gong Haibin and Chen Peisi looked at each other, with unconcealable joy in their eyes.

Everyone talks to themselves, it's really not in vain, it seems that there is a way to do this.

"Ten...seventeen, no, 180,000, Mr. Ning, do you think convenient?"

Chen Peisi spoke rather awkwardly, but he still couldn't hide the excitement in his heart.

Gong Haibin was afraid that Ning Weimin would think the number was too high, so he quickly provided Chen Peisi with a supplement.

"Wei Min, don't worry, this time is different from "Sunset Street". It's not about adding a special thank you to Pierre Cardin Company at the end of the film. As long as you are willing to pay the money, you will put the company's name on the movie poster. It’s okay to put it at the beginning of the film.”

Ning Weimin was stunned, he didn't expect Gong Haibin to come up with such a bad idea, and he was immediately happy.

"Hainbin, you are too rude. How can you do this? You don't even ask others whether they agree or not. Forget it, I won't talk nonsense to you, I'd better talk to the real owner."

Then he turned to face Chen Peisi, "Although we met for the first time today, we can still be considered friends. Don't call me 'Mr. Ning', that's too polite. Just like Haibin, we can just call each other by our names."

Chen Peisi is also a sensible person.

Although he is a bit introverted and not good at communication off stage, he is not confused.

Otherwise, how could he make such a life-oriented and realistic movie?

It can only be said that he put all his thoughts on thinking about the movie.

"Well, since we are friends, I won't be polite. To be honest, I was really waiting for the rice to be ready for this movie, and I was so anxious that I went to the house. If you have any requests, just ask them, and I will try my best to satisfy them. Haibin just said It's not impossible. At least there's nothing wrong with it on the poster. If you think this number is too big, you can give me less, and that's understandable. Anyway, you're willing to help me for the sake of the seaside. I’m already grateful.”

When Ning Weimin heard this, he said, "In that case, I'll tell you the truth. In fact, I agreed to help not only because of Haibin's reputation, but also because I really like your works, whether they are sketches or movies."

"In addition, as a Beijing native, I naturally hope that this comedy movie that can reflect the life in the capital can be made. I really can't bear to let an excellent artistic work disappear quietly. So I support your filming. The money is definitely not a problem."

"But the problem is, everyone now knows that there is no financial return in making movies. How much money you invest is how much money you throw away. No matter how good the box office is, it has nothing to do with our sponsoring companies. So I mainly want to talk about how to make movies without affecting the quality of the movie. How can we better use this movie to make our company famous?"

"There are some conditions, and I hope I can discuss them with you openly and honestly in person. I hope we can both reach an agreement. Otherwise, if we can't be mutually beneficial, I won't be able to explain it to the company."

Yes, this request is indeed reasonable.

Since the 1950s, films have been subject to unified purchasing and marketing, and even studios can only recoup costs by selling copies.

Not to mention that the sponsoring companies won't get a penny in return, no matter how good the box office is, it doesn't have much to do with the movie's producers.

The studio will get at most 15%, and the majority will be in the hands of China Film.

This is actually very similar to the arts and crafts industry.

As a manufacturing enterprise, the more it does, the more it loses. The profits are withheld by the foreign trade department, and the purchase price is still mandatory.

So why should the sponsoring companies throw money in vain?

No one’s money comes from the strong wind. If there is no benefit at all, why should I be taken advantage of?

What's more, Ning Weimin's expression was very polite and he didn't tell Chen Peisi what he had to do.

Therefore, as a creator, although Chen Peisi has a high artistic bottom line and hates others interfering in his film creation, he still nodded.

"No way, the film studio is like this now, the system is too limited, otherwise our film wouldn't have suffered so much. I can understand you, it's okay to say it if you have anything to say..."

"That's what I think. Special acknowledgments and posters alone will definitely not meet our expectations. So we have to add footage."

"What do you mean? Do I have to shoot a scene in a suit? That's no problem. I've thought about it. There is a scene in the script where Shunzi, who is an individual, is released from Guangdong and takes a taxi home. When I got off the bus at the entrance of the alley, the neighbors couldn't recognize him because of his well-dressed appearance. They thought he was a Hong Kong tourist. Then let Shunzi wear a pilkarton and let Liu Peiqi, who plays Shunzi, brag about himself... "

"It can be handled this way." Ning Weimin nodded. He felt that Chen Peisi had indeed done his homework in advance. "However, our company also has Maxim's Restaurant and Menimus Restaurant. Should we also find a way to promote it..."

Chen Peisi pondered, "This is a bit difficult. If Shunzi is sent, we can add some scenes of treating guests to dinner. It doesn't matter if it's Western or Chinese food. But these are two restaurants..."

Suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration and he really had an idea.

"Otherwise, let's shoot street scenes. The subtitles and soundtrack at the beginning of my film are the second son I play, who wanders around the capital with nothing to do, and is not welcome everywhere, to express the little character. I feel humble and confused. I can walk to the door of your Menimus and Maxim, and look in one after another out of curiosity, and then your... that person in a dress, standing at the door, ah... that person sees I politely opened the door for me and let me in. But I am a small person, and I know that this place is expensive! So I waved my hands in panic, and in the end I even ran away in fear because I had never seen the world. This is not That’s it?”

Ning Weimin admired Chen Peisi's excellent mind from the bottom of his heart.

Needless to say, this is a great idea, and it’s really funny.

No wonder he dominated the sketch comedy market throughout the country in the 1980s and is the well-deserved king of comedy.

After that, the topic was completely discussed.

Ning Weimin unceremoniously continued to expand the results, "Our company also invests in Tan Gong Restaurant, can we also promote it with a little joke? You just said that Shunzi will treat you..."

"Also, when will your movie be released after filming? Next year? Hey, in your script, in the scene where Lao Kui interferes with the love of the two sons and goes to the cinema to find him, can the movie be replaced by Alain Delon's? It doesn't matter whether it's "Zolo" or "Black Tulip", the main thing is that our company has plans to arrange Alain Delon's visit to China next year..."

In this way, after a few more conversations, Ning Weimin finally smiled and extended his hand.

"Congratulations. On behalf of our company, I have officially decided to invest 200,000 yuan in this movie. I will ask someone to prepare the contract. After signing, you can get the check."

At this time, both Gong Haibin and Chen Peisi were happy, their trip was not in vain.

So one of them said, "Look, Pace, I'm right. Wei Min is a very arrogant person. Look how quickly this thing is done. I want 180,000, but I'll give you 200,000."

The other person shook hands and said, "Yes, yes... I definitely feel this. And I never expected that we would have such a tacit understanding about my script today. These changes do not affect the plot at all, it is so perfect." Then what...if you don't mind, let's have a meal together today, I'll treat you, and express...a small thank you."

But Ning Weimin had no intention of ending the conversation. Instead, he withdrew his hand and turned around to sit down.

"You're so polite. Come to my place. Where can I get you to pay for a treat? Pez, we are friends, right? Be more serious. Let's eat downstairs at Maxim's restaurant later. It's very convenient. . But don't worry, I still have some ideas for changes, let's talk about it..."

"Ah? Do you have anything else to do?" Gong Haibin was stunned.

"This...hasn't this been agreed upon?" Chen Peisi was also puzzled.

Ning Weimin couldn't help but smile with ulterior motives.

I said in my heart, put public before private. After the public affairs are settled, what about my private interests?

Of course we have to talk, and we have to talk well.

"I would venture to ask, prices are rising every day now. Once you get these two hundred thousand, will it be enough? What if something goes wrong again? Don't you want to be safer? Don't you want to improve the production quality? I want to If I have a way, wouldn’t I give you an extra 200,000 yuan?”

The devil's eloquence always starts from people's deepest desires. Chen Peisi immediately took the bait and sat down honestly.

"Ah? If you give me another two hundred thousand, then... that's okay. Thank you very much. I'm all ears."

Seeing Chen Peisi's unsure look, Ning Weimin couldn't help but laugh again.

"Don't worry, it won't be difficult for you. Just listen. If you think it works, just do it. If it doesn't, I'll throw it away."

These words made Chen Peisi's face soften a little, and his smile became more hopeful.

"That's right. There are several service providers in our company who have a good relationship with me. For example, this material factory. Can you change the script so that Mr. Chen in the movie, also known as Lao Kui, does not work as an iron kettle factory? Chief, be the director of this Donghuashi Subdistrict Material Factory?"

"There is also this clothing factory on Meishi Street. It has several clothing brands, including men's clothing, women's clothing, and sportswear. I want to cover all the clothing for them. Isn't Shunzi selling clothes in your movie? ? And you, the protagonist’s costume. Can you use theirs?”

"Let's put it this way, if you agree, the street factory will sell the same style of clothing in the name of your movie and use your image in print advertisements. The money will be yours. It will also save you from having such a tight budget and less money from the crew. People suffer a little.”

Another two hundred thousand! It’s so refreshing to have it right in front of you!

Not to mention it doesn’t affect the plot, and in this way, the cost of costumes for this film is saved.

There will definitely be more than enough funds, and there will be plenty left over at the end.

No matter how smart Chen Peisi is, but he lacks knowledge and experience in business operations, he would never have imagined how much benefit this kid could get from this small condition that Ning Weimin asked him to agree to.

So after thinking about it for a while, I was tempted, and I was very moved.

"What can I say? If that's the case, thank you so much. I have to thank you on behalf of all the crew members. No, no, I will treat you tonight. Wherever you go, you can choose any place in the capital! "

Gong Haibin also immediately offered Ning Weimin a cigarette and then lit it.

"Brother, you are so awesome! Absolutely, you are my idol. From now on, I will not worship Buddha, but you."

But is this enough?

Who is Ning Weimin?

He is the only master in China in this era who understands what "big IP" is.

"There's one more thing. I also have to make a suggestion, which may be more beneficial to the movie."

Ning Weimin was smoking happily and asked, "Pace, let me ask again abruptly, where did you find this shooting location? How much is the rent for a day?"

"Uh..." Chen Peisi couldn't grasp Ning Weimin's thoughts again, and said very honestly, "Our old man asked his old connections at Beijing Film Studio to solve the problem. Let's half rent and half borrow. The agreed period is half a year. , six thousand yuan to cover field electricity.”

"It's really not expensive, but have you ever thought about it. You are a series of movies. Can you use this location whenever you want? What will happen in the future? The characters in your movies can't always move, right?"

Chen Peisi glanced at Gong Haibin, but he hadn't really understood it yet, "Then... we can only talk about it at that time. Everyone who makes movies is like this now..."

"Do you think this is okay? Ask them if the yard is for sale. If so, I will personally pay for it. If they are not willing, then you can take the time to choose a yard that can be bought and shoot the next movie. Let’s change the location. I’ll also pay for the electricity and shoot you for free forever.”


Look at these bold words!

Both Chen Peisi and Gong Haibin thought they heard wrongly.

They couldn't figure it out why Ning Weimin had to sacrifice so much money and waste so much money?

Ning Weimin said that he planned to cooperate with Chen Peisi for a long time.

Anyway, no matter how you put it, Chen Peisi and Gong Haibin were really in awe.

When they left that night, Chen Peisi and Gong Haibin were both flushed from drinking and eating happily.

None of them had the nerve to ask Ning Weimin to send him off, so they all rode their bicycles home together.

Naturally, we talked about today's adventures on the way.

"Hainbin, thank you so much. The person you introduced me to is not a rich man, but the God of Wealth. It's not just a movie that you helped me solve. It's very likely that I won't have to worry about funds in the future."

"Yeah. I didn't expect Ning Weimin to be so interesting. This guy really doesn't take money seriously now. What, just giving him 400,000 yuan is too lavish."

"They understand art and comedy."

"Okay, you act like you've never seen money before. This makes people faint. Hey, seriously, it's done. How can you thank me later?"

"I...didn't I thank you? I've said it so many times."

"Huh? Just verbally. You are really good at it."

"How about you come to the set and I'll arrange a role for you."

"Is this why you're thanking me? Why do I think you're trying not to spend any money, but you're also trying to take advantage of me."

"Then what do you think we should do?"

"A treat is not too much, right?"

"Then... okay, let's have fried noodles at our house another day..."

"What? That's it? Didn't you just tell Ning Weimin to pick the place you want? Why did you make soy noodles when you came to my place? You are too good at watching people order dishes. You got four hundred thousand. .”

"Don't say that, it's really not the case. The four hundred thousand belongs to the crew, public or private. Besides, I would like to invite you, and I have to have cash in my pocket. To be honest, I will bring it I paid ten yuan, so I was bragging because I knew they wouldn’t let me pay for it. No, they’re treating us to French cuisine. Isn’t it better than me treating them?”

"Then... what if I take it seriously? You are such a big star, are you embarrassed?"

"Isn't there still you?"

"Hey, you Chen Xiaoer, you are too bad."

"Come on, buddy, it's time for us to break up. You go this way, and I'll go this way. Zhajiang noodles, I really don't care about you, I will definitely take care of it! I'll call you, bye bye..."

With a salute, Chen Peisi twisted the handle and turned right on his bicycle.

Miya Haibin only felt angry and funny. Looking at his back, he couldn't help but curse.

"You are so good! No wonder Zhu Shimao said you are picky. No wonder you can act in "Eating Noodles". You really have a life!"

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