National Tide 1980

Chapter 893 Being distracted

The polite greetings quickly ended, and the code lock on the door of Apartment No. 1103 was finally opened.

The woman was in the front and Ningwei was in the back. They walked into the entrance hall one after the other.

After entering the door, Ning Weimin instantly saw another world.

Despite having decades of experience ahead of him, he couldn't help but give the apartment's interior decoration and facilities a 90-point rating.

Because at first glance, the main colors of light gray and white maple match well, and the overall look is very pleasing to the eye.

There are also many small details in the room. For example, the entrance door has its own grooming mirror, which makes it easy to tidy up before going out.

The furnishings in the living room are also very stylish, and it seems that they have been carefully designed by the owner.

Lamps, furniture, carpets, floors, and curtains are all high-end products from big brands that are both functional and beautiful.

Key house orientation is also good.

The main lighting in the living room and rooms faces east.

At least it can guarantee plenty of sunshine for one morning, which can still be considered warm in winter and cool in summer.

The most surprising thing is that there is no TV in the living room, opposite the carpeted coffee table and leather sofa.

Under the sunlight, I could see layers of bookshelves filled with photo frames, art ornaments and books.

For an apartment like this, it can be said that the room is like the person it is.

Ning Weimin just stood at the entrance and took a quick look, and actually fell in love with it, and even had the idea of ​​buying another set.

It's true, it's not impossible.

Azabu's excellent geographical location has existed for a long time.

Since the daimyo's residence in the Edo period, many shrines and temples have been located here.

The main reason is that the soil safety factor here is high.

Compared with areas near ports and seaside areas, Azabu's soil has less liquefaction and can effectively resist earthquakes and floods.

Moreover, the Azabu area's international colors and local atmosphere blend together, making it a very suitable area for enjoying life and living.

Near the apartment are high-end lounges, high-end cafes, and some high-end clubs that are only accessible to members. They are places where you will see domineering presidents at night.

What's more, it's obvious that there are no tenants in this apartment.

The facilities in the room are also more comfortable than the one in Akasaka, and it 100% meets all the requirements for home ownership.

I just don’t know how much area it will take and how much money it will cost.

But for a one-bedroom apartment, no matter how big it is, it’s not that big, right?

Although if you buy it, your wallet, which has only been loose for a few days, will become tight again, but it will not break your muscles and bones...

"come in."

While Ning Weimin was watching and hesitating, thinking secretly in his mind, the woman who had finished changing her shoes walked straight in.

He turned on the light in the bathroom so that Ning Weimin could see clearly.

"Feel sorry……"

Ning Weimin, who was distracted and wasted time, couldn't help but apologize for Chacai unknowingly taking on the role of the buyer, and quickly lowered his head to change his shoes.

"It's okay, don't be anxious. After all, I am the one who is really late today. Were you anxious just now? Sorry, you have been waiting for so long."

The woman was extremely considerate and apologized for being late.

How could Ning Weimin have a grudge against such a high-quality customer?

"Don't say that. You're too polite. I'm ashamed."

After taking off his shoes quickly, he quickly put his things on the floor.

Ning Weimin took out his camera, pen and recording documents from his wallet and prepared to work.

Nowadays, when he changes his shoes, he no longer touches people with his butt, and his movements are very standard. It must be said that he has fully benefited from Kagawa Rinko's private teasing and reminders.

"I bought this apartment about seven years ago. It has an indoor area of ​​38.5 square meters, plus a balcony of 3.5 square meters. It has a living room, a bedroom, and an open electrified kitchen. The appliances are all from Japan given by the real estate agent. The goods, but the furniture, carpets, lamps and curtains are all imported from Europe. I also want to package and sell these things so that the buyers can move in directly. So please be sure to take pictures of some details clearly. It is best if you can put the details This is also reflected. Wallpapers, hooks, etc. are all imported goods..."

The woman stood next to the small cream wine cabinet in the corner of the living room, staring at Ning Weimin with gentle eyes, and spoke softly.

However, Ning Weimin, who was listening and taking notes, felt a little uneasy.

Not for anything else, just because after the woman entered the door, she reached out and took off the silk scarf and sunglasses covering her hair.

Without the cover-up of these things, the woman's fully exposed face actually exudes a more dazzling brilliance, which makes it difficult for people not to be distraught.

Her oval face is delicate and delicate, the corners of her eyes, bridge of nose, lips are delicate and delicate, and her neck is slender.

The pearl earrings on her ears are delicate and round, matching her long black curly hair.

Even through the skirt, her body's elegant curves and curvatures can still be seen, revealing the unique flexibility and voluptuousness of a woman.

Ning Weimin couldn't help but stare at her.

And I couldn’t help but wonder, how much older is she than me?

Two or three years old, or...maybe, younger than me?

Ning Weimin didn't want to appear frivolous or lustful at all.

But he himself was really drooling over the delicious beauty in front of him and couldn't control himself.

This is a contradiction.

As a result, when he was guessing the woman's age, he was not paying attention. When he stepped back, he was hit by the thing he had just put down, and he almost fell down.

"Ah, be careful..."

The woman came over immediately worriedly, "It's okay..."

"Well, it doesn't matter. It's all my fault..."

The embarrassed Ning Weimin held a camera in his left hand and a book and leather bag in his right hand. He smiled to himself, looking somewhat embarrassed.

"Please give me your stuff."

It must be said that women are considerate animals.

Upon seeing this, she immediately took over and helped put the things away, placing them on the coffee table that looked like mother-of-pearl next to the sofa.


"It's nothing. If you have any questions, just ask."

The woman's expression and posture were very friendly, without any sense of oppression. Even though it was just a trivial matter, she did it so easily and naturally, which made Ning Weimin feel good about her.

"Then I... will start shooting..."

Ning Weimin lowered his head and started playing with the camera.

To be honest, under the gaze of such a beautiful woman, if I don't take it seriously, I will feel guilty.

He was determined to take satisfying photos with this acclaimed camera.

So soon, he turned his back and started taking pictures seriously from the entrance.

The woman didn't seem to care at all about his work.

She straightened her skirt, slowly sat on the sofa, and looked at the things she had just placed on the coffee table.

"Few people... carry a book with them to work..."

"Oh, I just took a look. The book is not mine. Someone else asked me to return it to the bookstore after reading it..."

"Ah, is there such a good bookstore owner? Willing to lend books to others for free?"

"I'm sorry, what did you say?"

Since he had already begun to shift his attention from the entrance to the bathroom, Ning Weimin didn't hear the woman's question clearly.

So he walked out of the bathroom again and asked the woman's question again.

Then while taking pictures, he kept talking about Hu Chai.

"Oh, so you said you were borrowing books. Actually, it was not for nothing. The person who borrowed the books knows the bookstore owner. The bookstore owner is not that nice, and not everyone can borrow books."

"Don't you like this bookstore owner very much?"

"No, no, how could I not like him? Sometimes, I still work in this bookstore. I just discuss the matter. Objectively speaking, there is nothing wrong with the bookstore owner except being stingy."

"Ha, you are afraid that these words will reach the ears of the boss. Don't worry, I won't talk too much. Hey, the book you just read is "The Temple of the Golden Pavilion" by Mishima Yukio, right? It's in your schoolbag Are there any other books to return?”

"Well, there are two more books, "Snow Country" and "Thousand Cranes" by Yasunari Kawazui... Well, you seem to like novels too? Have you read all these books?"

The woman didn't respond immediately this time, and she didn't say anything until a while later.

"A long time ago..."

For no other reason than because she was suddenly immersed in memories of the past, remembering her school days when she was most obsessed with novels.

At that time, novels were like milk and bread to her.

And there is another person who she misses very much, who is also in that memory.

Just so that she could always have free books to read, that "he" took the initiative to beg the owner of the bookstore next to the school after school, even working for the owner for free.

It was indeed a long time ago. It was already such a distant memory that it almost became blurry...

The woman sat on the sofa and watched from a distance as Ning Weimin ran into the kitchen again.

Probably in order to find the best angle, he bent down to take the photo, and his sideways turned into a perfect arc.

That arc is so young, pure, and powerful.

In the woman's eyes, it was as if she had suddenly returned to the past, and saw the person closest to her diligently cleaning the bookstore owner.

However, at this moment, Ning Weimin's words further disrupted the woman's reverie.

"Well...if you have any books and want to read them again, you can borrow them from the bookstore."

"Hey? Can I borrow it too?"

The woman was stunned for a moment.

She couldn't tell the reason, but at this moment, before her eyes, the stranger Ning Weimin suddenly completely overlapped in image with the familiar person in her memory.

There was something between them that was so similar.

"It doesn't matter, it's a small matter. I just need to go and tell the boss, he won't refuse me. Besides, girls are very careful when reading books, and they care much more than careless men. To tell you the truth, I am asked to return the book this time. She is also a girl, and the books she has read are still as good as new."

Hearing Ning Weimin's calm and confident reply, the woman suddenly felt moisture at the corners of her eyes.

They do look alike!

Aren't these words what "he" once said back then?

This made her feel the taste of the lost time again.

She seemed to feel the close person again, and felt the familiar touch of skin and the faint smell of sweat at close range.

Her hands clenched involuntarily.

But when you really mistake the stranger in front of you for that person.

My mind suddenly realized the reality and retreated from the path that led to the wrong path.

So in the end, the woman's uncontrollable excitement and movement to stand up were frozen in the air...

"I've taken all the photos that need to be taken."

A few more minutes later, when the clock pointed to eleven o'clock, Ning Weimin finally ended all the photo shooting.

He held the camera in his hand and walked slowly from the balcony.

Unaware of the woman's abnormality just now, he walked very lightly and stopped not far from the sofa.

"The weather has changed and it seems like it's going to rain. Do you want me to close the balcony window again?"

"Okay, please close it. What should we do next? Log in?"

The woman who had calmed down asked the same polite question and stood up.

"Yes, there are still some blank spaces in the company's form. We need to fill them out together."

Ning Weimin said and put the camera on the coffee table, and then picked up the half-filled form from the table.

As a result, the woman got a glimpse of Ning Weimin's nails, which were rounded, neatly trimmed, and extremely clean.

She had always liked cleanliness, but she had never seen a man's hands so delicately manicured.

"Your hands are beautiful..."

She was a little abrupt, but she was honest.

"Huh? Ah, thank you. This is the first time I have received such a compliment."

Ning Weimin was sensitive to women's interests, so he became more cautious in his words.

Because in his opinion, people who can notice the details of other people's hands must also have thoughts as detailed as hair and cannot be fooled.

But when he saw the woman lowering her head to look at the information form he handed over, she couldn't help but peek at her because she felt itchy.

Sure enough, the risk was worth it. He caught a glimpse of a perfect and elegant profile.

Smooth and white, clear and elegant, like a half moon.

In particular, the pearl earrings shined with soft and delicate light, making her earlobes look as delicious as shellfish.

"The basic information about the house has been filled out so far..."

The woman suddenly turned around and said, "But, can my personal information be kept secret for the time being? Regarding the contact information and the owner of the house, can I also fill in Watabe's name?"

"I think it's no problem."

Ning Weimin, who quickly lowered his head to hide his gaze, was not Japanese after all, and his mind was not that advanced.

Although the woman's request seemed to violate some company guidelines and was puzzling.

But it does not affect the housing transaction after all.

So after thinking about it, he agreed.

However, a few more reminders were added later.

"However, this confidentiality can only be temporary. Although Mr. Watanabe can act as your agent and even sign the sales contract on your behalf. However, when the house is actually transferred, the owner's signature and seal are still required. This must be It must be consistent with the house ownership certificate. In addition, the entire process of the house transaction will be supervised by a legal agent sent by the government on site. It is best for you to be prepared for these situations, is that okay?"

"Well, if that's the case, it's okay."

The woman nodded in agreement, but made a new request. "I just don't know when the house will be sold? I hope it can be as soon as possible."

Ning Weimin saw the eagerness in her eyes and gave a more positive reply without much hesitation.

"Actually, housing transactions have begun to pick up now. The conditions of this house are so good in all aspects, so many people should like it. There will definitely be an endless stream of people viewing the house. I think under normal circumstances, maybe One month is enough, no more than two months at most. But what is the transaction price in your mind?"

"Really?" The woman couldn't help but beam with joy after hearing this, "Sixty-five million yen. How about it? Together with the furniture..."

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