National Tide 1980

Chapter 972: Assumption

To be honest, the few courtyards that Director Huo helped get back are really good.啕

Before going shopping, Ning Weimin felt that it was a bit unfair to owe such a huge debt of gratitude for this matter.

When he came here to negotiate with the Ancient and Modern Cultural Association, he had a quick look at this place.

At that time, I thought it was just three courtyards.

Moreover, it has been occupied by the Ancient and Modern Cultural Association for so many years, and it has been built privately and in a state of disgrace.

In fact, except for the courtyard where the Jiang family lived, it was a decent house.

The remaining theater buildings and the flower cave are simple houses renovated from the original foundations, and the damage is relatively serious.

Even restoring the old appearance doesn't seem to be of much use.啕

Therefore, Ning Weimin had always believed that he had obtained these houses for the old man. At most, it would only give the old man a kind of psychological comfort, but it had little practical significance.

But this time he walked with Kang Shude and saw something different. His mind completely changed.

You know, he is here today waiting for the porcelain to be put into storage. He has leisure and time to look at it more carefully.

In addition, Kang Shude, who has a full understanding of the past of Majia Garden, is undoubtedly the best tour guide.

From the old man's words, he learned more and more deeply about the old life in Ma's Garden and these buildings with supplementary and auxiliary functions.

The more I looked at them, the more I realized the beauty of these properties, and gradually I began to feel grateful.

I think it was a good thing that I got it back in time, otherwise I would have regretted it in the future if I really missed it.啕

Let’s talk about the Jiang family’s small courtyard first, just the structure and specifications of the house.

It's a decent residential courtyard, not much different from the small courtyard where the Song family lived in all aspects.

The special thing is that Mr. Jiang, who originally studied Western architecture, liked to landscape the courtyard when he had free time.

I especially like to use white marble materials to make some Western stone sculptures, also called Hu figures.

Some of them still remain in the garden, such as the relatively rare reliefs around the flower beds in the garden.

Ning Weimin took a closer look and saw that they were all barbarians riding lions and statues of barbarians. This was a special feature of the courtyard where the Jiang family lived.

There is also a stone lampstand in the corner, which is even more amazing.啕

Because it is no longer a traditional European portrait of a foreigner, but a modern European portrait of a foreigner wearing a suit.

Ning Weimin has never seen anything like this. It can be said that this reflects the new background of Sino-foreign exchanges during the Republic of China.

But this is nothing, because Ning Weimin also learned from the old man that during the fall of Peking, Mr. Jiang once created a life-size full-length statue of the Gorgon Medusa in order to ward off evil spirits.

However, it is precisely because the statue is so lifelike that the curly hair of the banshee is covered with long worms with sharp teeth.

Some long worms even stretched out half of their bodies, baring their teeth and claws, which was really terrifying.

I don't know if it could scare the Japanese. Anyway, Mrs. Jiang was frightened to the point of becoming restless first.

It looked really uncomfortable to those who came in, so the statue was removed from the courtyard within a few days.啕

Later I heard that it was taken to a German hotel.

Probably only foreigners don't mind keeping such creepy things.

After hearing this allusion, Ning Weimin not only laughed, but also felt something in his heart.

I think it would be really good if these two juxtaposed courtyards can maintain the cultural distinction between one Chinese and one Western in the future, which means that they can have both tastes of life.

From now on, if I live here next to the old man, with one apartment per person, it will be quite beautiful.

Next, let’s talk about Huadongzi. Originally, this was the most disappointing place for Ning Weimin.

Because all he could see now was a row of simple bungalows with roofs made of corrugated boards and linoleum, and the doors were so low that you had to lower your head to get in.啕

To put it bluntly, this place has long become the warehouse and utility room of the Ancient and Modern Cultural Association.

So all the time, people from the Ancient and Modern Cultural Association put all kinds of junk here.

Broken cabinets, broken tables, old books and newspapers...

Coupled with the age and disrepair, there are few complete floor tiles in the entire yard, both inside and outside the rooms.

The only special thing is that there is a long row of brick and stone platforms inside the house, just like an earthen kang.

But after the old man explained it casually, Ning Weimin didn't think so.

On the contrary, just like he had just seen the ice cellar under the rockery, he felt happy again and felt extremely rare.啕

According to the old man, even though this small house is so ugly, the foundation of Huadongzi is still there.

Both the three-layer-thick gables and the long "Panlong Kang" inside are still intact.

So it's easy to recover. All the broken things built against the wall have to be removed first.

Then we only need to connect the panlong kang and the chimney on the kang, build the flower shed with glass, and lay a layer of roll mats, nothing will get in the way.

And since glass as the main material is now cheaper, repairing it again is much cheaper than it was back then.

Later, we need to hire an experienced flower handler from Huangtugang. By using the temperature of the fire pit in the shed, we can not only cultivate fresh vegetables out of season in the middle of winter, but also use fire to smoke out beautiful flowers out of season.

The vegetables produced by this method are what was called "Dongzi goods" in the past, and mainly include cucumbers, lentils, eggplants, leeks and other varieties.啕

The flowers produced by this method are the famous "绻花" in Beijing, including more than 20 kinds of chrysanthemums, peonies, peach, narcissus, magnolia, etc.

In the past, Ma's family not only had fresh fruits and vegetables to eat in winter, but also had flowers in front of the hall all year round.

In particular, the "Dragon Beard Peony" cultivated in Huadongzi is the most famous, and can bloom twice a year.

Unlike Luoyang peonies, they bloom only once a year.

Nothing to say, after the old man personally visited the scene and described it vividly.

In Ning Weimin's mind, the grand scene of the Ma family in the past became increasingly clear and complete.

He has the impression that his grandson Houhou discovered "the water curtain cave, the heaven, the blessed land of Huaguo Mountain".啕

When he thought that he would be so lucky in the future and enjoy the flowers and fresh vegetables produced by his family in winter, he was so beautiful that his nose was filled with snot. As for the end, what really made Ning Weimin's heart surge was the theater.

Although this theater has been transformed beyond recognition by magic, it has become the office building of the Ancient and Modern Cultural Association.

Moreover, after many years of exposure to wind and rain, the appearance of the theater building has been corroded by time, making it look dilapidated.

But then again, this theater building is eight or nine meters high, with a total of three floors.

Viewed from the outside, the high eaves protrude above the ridge of the roof, standing out abruptly among the bungalows, and still have a distinctive look.

Moreover, after Ning Weimin walked in with Kang Shude, he found that the changes inside were not too big, and he could basically tell the appearance of the old days.

Under the guidance of the old man, the original front desk, back desk, and the location of the entrance and exit doors can still be found.啕

Looking up, you can see the cornices, pillars and colorful paintings and seals. Although they are mottled, you can distinguish them based on the traces. They are all extremely exquisite.

But the most awesome thing has to be the original big stage.

The height of the table is as high as an adult's chest.

The gongs and drums can be placed at the entrance of the stage, and gauze curtains can be hung to separate them. It is said to be more sophisticated than the famous Guanghe Tower Theater in Beijing.

Although when Ning Weimin stepped onto the stage, he felt that the board was no longer very flat, and there was a "bang bang" sound when he stepped on it.

Either this piece is tilted up, or that piece is sunken, and there are big gaps, so you can trip over if you're not careful.

But once he understood the original multi-dimensional design and how powerful the stage really was, he had to give it a thumbs up and sincerely praise it as "cool".啕

You know, the wooden board at the back of the center of the stage can be moved, and underneath is a large man-made well.

According to Kang Shude, this thing is quite magical.

The actors can stand at the mouth of the well and sing without speaking. If the plot requires it, they can also spray water from the mouth of the well onto the stage to create special effects such as water gushing like a spring or clouds and rain.

The second floor of the stage is also amazing.

It originally had special facilities and a winch was once installed.

It would be very convenient to play a goddess descending to earth or something.

The third floor is where the gods stay.啕

It would come in handy if we acted in "An Tian Hui" and watched Sun Hou'er cause trouble in the Heavenly Palace and hit the Lingxiao Palace.

In addition, the wooden caisson on the top of the entire theater is also gorgeous and exquisite.

It was carved from pieces of pear wood, and the layers shrank inward, also for the purpose of harmonizing the sound.

In the middle, there are five flying bats surrounding a huge top bead, which is novel and exquisite and unique in the capital.

Ning Weimin became fascinated after seeing this thing.

He raised his head, and all he could see was the dazzling beauty above his head.

In his mind, he imagined the most grand scene of the year, with actors performing on the upper, middle and lower floors at the same time, with flowers and flowers in full bloom.啕

How spectacular and wonderful that scene would be.

My eyes are definitely not enough!

It’s a pity that people nowadays are not lucky enough to see it!

However, Ning Weimin did not expect that Kang Shude, who had always been very happy, was obviously not as interested as before.

It can even be said to be a bit demoralizing and a bit disappointing.

Suddenly, the old man sighed, revealing his extremely negative thoughts.

"Wei Min, I'm just thinking, why don't we just stop repairing those places. Let's just go and have a look, and leave those courtyards and houses there for now. We won't use them anyway, so we won't That money was wasted."

This time Ning Weimin was completely confused.

He said to himself, it was not easy to get the house back for you.

Why do you say that if you don’t cultivate, you won’t cultivate?

Not cultivating? Could it be that we just let that room sit unused?

Besides, it’s cost-effective to repair it now, as tools and labor are cheap.

What's more, even if it doesn't count the price, it will really take a few years to repair it. Once those old masters retire, who can guarantee that the ancient construction team will still be as good as it is now?

So it is natural to oppose it.啕

"Don't bother me, old man, what are you talking about? Don't be afraid of spending money, we can afford it. Can you take care of all the money matters? I'll tell you the truth, I also make a lot of money in Japan. Sorry. I’m really not being frivolous in front of you. I am seeking truth from facts. We can afford millions..."

"What? You made a million in Japan! You haven't been here for a few days? You can do it! Hey, isn't the restaurant open yet?"

"It has nothing to do with Fanzhuangzi, it's just a small side job. Among other things, I invented the trolley suitcase, and the Japanese bought it. I spent thousands of yuan on it without blinking an eye. It was sold out in the first two days. I hurriedly transferred a batch of goods, and it is estimated that the income will be millions."

Afraid of the Master's teachings and the old man's worries, Ning Weimin deliberately downplayed speculation in stocks and real estate.

It's just that Kang Shude was surprised, happy for him and happy for him.

But after pondering for a moment, he still looked sad when he came back to the matter of repairing the house.

"Then let me be honest. I don't want to repair it. In fact, it's not just about money. Now look at this garden, it's really too big. You can repair the theater again. It can't be bigger than the real palace. It's so big. Sooner or later, our garden will be seen by those who care about it. Can we, one old and one young, protect this property?"

"Besides, we only come over occasionally to take a look. The repairs on this house were in vain. Without care over time, it is still a waste. You said this is not a waste of money. But you said that if you hire someone to look after it, the two of you will Three janitors and two or three gardeners are inevitable. If you tell me how much it will cost, the inside story of the garden will be leaked. Once word gets out, trouble will come."

"Especially the Ma's Theater. Although it is much smaller in scale than the Shufangzhai Theater in the Forbidden City and the Deheyuan Theater in the Summer Palace, it is still an extremely conspicuous building and is not something that ordinary people should There is something. As the saying goes, a gentleman is not guilty until he has a treasure in his possession. Think about it, if you really make the theater as beautiful and brilliant as its original appearance, then can we still hold on to this place?" "You kid? You're not afraid of burning your hands. You're really going to attract the thunder and the earth's fire, and then chop us and burn you. By the way, it's better for you kid to go abroad and stay by yourself. Just leave me in a mess, old man, to do this It’s a big deal. Forget it, I can’t afford it, I’m afraid of this..."

A master and a disciple are still a master and a disciple, and Kang Shude's words are really out of character. They are all complaints from the bottom of his heart.

And paired with the environment of "the willows of the palace are brushing against the palace walls, and there is no one in the palace, the spring days are long", it is also particularly convincing.

I couldn't believe it, when I thought that the Ma family's yard was so big and deep, with many flowers and trees, many rockeries, and many ponds.

As soon as I came in today, I saw that the ground was covered with tree shadows, the road was covered with moss, and the winding paths led to a quiet place. It was so quiet that it made people confused, and it was like a ghost beating a wall, unable to get out.

Ning Weimin can also fully understand what the master is worried about.啕

I can completely relate to Master's painstaking efforts and the pressure on my heart.

But he is not a master of calculation, he is a famous abacus.

How could he not think about such a big thing?

So he stopped showing off and quickly told his master all about his plan.

"Old man, everything you said is right. Your concerns are very reasonable. If we repair these houses, we will definitely attract powerful and jealous people over time. Just the two of us may be able to stall for a while, but We can never keep peace forever, that will be endless troubles. So this is what I think, we have to raise the banner and borrow the tiger skin. On the surface, this house becomes someone else's, but in fact, it will be in our hands. Already?"

"You, what do you mean? Who do you want to give this room to?"

When Kang Shude suddenly heard this, he didn't react, but he was shocked.啕

"Don't be nervous. You have forgotten that the Ancient and Modern Cultural Association originally occupied this house. We held the deed and occupied the policy. Why can't we do anything? Isn't it because there is someone with a big background behind him? I just want to find someone bigger. Just put it on your head. We won't be afraid if we hide behind it..." Ning Weimin comforted him.

"Well, that makes sense."

Kang Shude's eyes lit up, but he still had concerns. "Then...whose tiger skin do you want to borrow? What if you are seeking skin from a tiger?"

"This is easy to handle. Why have you forgotten my identity?"

Ning Weimin smiled and saw that Kang Shude's expression was still confused, so he simply boasted.

"I said, Master, I am a comprador. Can't I just let our company be the big boss? The first foreign company in China, Mr. Song, we have entered Zhongnanhai. Now the big boss can still be interviewed every year . I don’t believe that anyone would dare to extend this claw with the reputation of destroying the friendship between China and France..."

"Oh, you mean to rent Ma's Garden to your company?"

Kang Shude finally came around the bend, but he was still a little short.

Ning Weimin continued to add, "In my imagination, there may be three units. Pilkington, Temple of Heaven, and Chongwen District Service Bureau. With these three umbrellas protecting us, no one should have any ideas about us. Right? To tell you the truth, I think Ma’s Garden is most suitable for opening a restaurant or a hotel.”

"Although I haven't thought it through completely, I have to say that we don't have a garden-style restaurant in Beijing so far. It would be great if we could open a restaurant like the one in the past. There just happens to be a theater in Majia Garden. It's really cool. When opened, it is a veritable hall. Whether it is a traditional festive party, a high-end business banquet, or any cultural event. It is suitable."

"In addition, our President Song also had the idea of ​​opening a Maxim Hotel in the capital. Unfortunately, he wanted to buy a building of the Capital Hotel, but the negotiations in the first few days were rejected. If we want to get it to Majia Garden, then It should be appropriate too.”

"Anyway, after your place is repaired, I will put it to use for you. I will pay you the rent every month, and you can just take the flowers and go. If you rent it for ten or eight years, you don't have to bother. You can become a millionaire. This does not include the yard you want to live in. I will reserve your small yard just for you. I can also arrange staff to clean it for you for free. And I will have a place to put my antiques in the future. I plan to Part of the room is in the three-volume hall, which can be regarded as half a small museum for us. It can also improve the style of the place and add a bit of viewing pleasure for guests. It also makes money, saves money, is safe, and saves worry. How good is that? At that time, I guarantee that you will live a life that even veteran cadres will envy."

Yes, the master and the apprentice have completely lost their height.

Kang Shude had to admit that Ning Weimin was really talented and thought about things from angles that ordinary people wouldn't think of.啕

Listening to Ning Weimin's colorful vernacular, this time it was Kang Shude's turn to be immersed in it, thinking endlessly about the good days in the future.



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