National Time Traveling: Savior, Come And Work For Me

Chapter 79, Speed ​​Triple A Yinglili

Life Drain, Mana Drain.

With Yicheng's investment regardless of the cost, these two features soon appeared in the collection of weapons.

In order to get these two features.

Yicheng poured himself a lot of potions.

If it was an ordinary weapon, Yicheng wouldn't consume that much at all.

But this is no ordinary weapon at all.

It is a weapon that can grow.

Wait until Yicheng gets both features up.

The quality of this weapon has also been improved.

Go on with another identification technique.

Yicheng's face also became excited.


Grade: None

Quality: perfect (growable)

Attributes: No Grinding, Armor Breaking, Life Drain, Mana Drain

No Grinding: Never Damages.

Armor Break: When attacking, it can ignore 10% of the enemy's defense.

Life Absorption: The attack can restore a certain amount of own life, the upper limit is 5%.

Magic Power Absorption: The attack can restore a certain amount of its own magic power, the upper limit is 5%.

Introduction: A special weapon made by a savior who does not want to be named. He seems to have materials that do not belong to this world, and has the characteristics of constantly becoming stronger.

If this weapon is released, it will definitely scare people to death.

Well, find a chance to get a feature of hidden attributes.

There is no limit to the growth of his special weapon in his hands.

As the weapon is fully formed, the quality directly becomes the perfect level.

The quality of weapons is roughly divided into common, high-quality goods, extreme quality, rare, perfect, epic, legendary, artifact?

In the beginning, the weapons Yicheng made were ordinary.

Then there are the boutiques.

The weapon in his hand was superb when he first got it out, and then jumped to the perfect level all of a sudden.

But if he wants to break through the epic level, then Yicheng has to work harder.

Looking at the weapon in his hand, Yicheng felt extremely satisfied.

This sword can be used for a lifetime.

Even, maybe in the future, it can become an artifact level?

It would be even better if I could become a sister paper.

Inexplicably, Yi Rong had such a strange idea.

Then he also laughed hehehe

Played with this weapon a bit.

Yicheng put it away directly.

Sensed his current magic power.

After thinking for a while, Yi made a decision.

Continue to produce a batch of top-quality weapons.

Kirito and the others also need to be replaced.

And Tomoyo also needs a weapon.

Without good weapons, how to help him upgrade??

With this in mind.

Yicheng started to act.

A batch of top-quality weapons were quickly mass-produced by Yicheng.

And, also bring some attributes.

5% Armor Penetration property.

This is already very good.

You know, Yicheng's current weapon is only 10% armor-piercing.

If you want to continue to improve, you can only get more advanced materials.

Then figure out the characteristics inside to be able to continue to improve.

Otherwise, ordinary weapons can only get this point of armor-piercing now.

Also tough enough for them to chop for a long time.

【Extreme Taidao】

Level: 2

Quality: best

Attribute: armor breaking

Armor Break: When attacking, it can ignore 5% of the enemy's defense.

Introduction: A weapon manifested by the ability of a certain savior. It took a little effort, but not much.

【Extreme Staff】

Level: 2

Quality: best

Attribute: Mana Absorption

Armor Break: The attack can restore a certain amount of magic power, the upper limit is 5%.

Introduction: A weapon manifested by the ability of a certain savior. It took a little effort, but not much.

【Extreme Dagger】

Level: 2

Quality: best

Attribute: Life Drain

Armor Break: The attack can restore a certain amount of self-blood, the upper limit is 5%.

Introduction: A weapon manifested by the ability of a certain savior. It took a little effort, but not much.

Looking at the attributes of these equipment, it seems that they are mass-produced goods.

In addition to these, there are also gloves, and bows and arrows.

Then there's the adventurer's necklace.

Yicheng took out this blueprint and looked at it.

【Adventurer's Necklace】

Level: 2

Quality: boutique

Attributes: Increases the upper limit of mana by 10%.

Introduction: An item quickly created by a savior (bbbe) using his own magic power.

To be honest, look at the attribute of the necklace that increases the upper limit of magic power by 10%.

Yicheng was also lost in thought.

How difficult it is to get these characteristics of weapons, Yicheng Tian knows clearly.

But this necklace can easily reach 10%.

What's going on here, Yicheng also understands.

The specialization direction of each piece of equipment is different.

Just like a necklace, various attributes are to increase the magic power online, the upper limit of physical strength, the recovery speed and so on.

Nothing compares.

Then these top-quality weapons, their attributes are only one, and they are already considered full.

Like some weapon slots.

There is an upper limit.

Unless it is said, continue to improve their quality.

As for that level?

This thing seems to have and do not have the same.

Anyone can take it.

I don't know what he meant by marking it.

Just throw it out to a newcomer who just arrived.

He can also take this weapon.

So in the introduction of this weapon, all you can see is the name, quality, and attributes.


This thing is useless.

The garbage system doesn't know if it's a stupid cute loli.

Directly copy the settings of some online games.

But not rigorous at all.

Reality is not a game.

What is the use of setting weapon level?

Who takes it or not?

For this useless system, Yicheng really wanted to complain crazily.

Shaking his head, Yicheng put away many things.

"Tomoyo will also use these staffs for the time being."

"At that time, I will get her an exclusive one."

Regarding Zhishi, what Yicheng has, she must have.

That's it for now.

There is no time to get a new staff for Tomoyo.

A staff is not like a weapon. When it is crafted, you can't randomly add characteristics.

There are also necklaces, and maybe I can study it in depth by then.

Well, and armor and clothes.

Maybe I can get some magical girl outfits for Kasumigaoka Shiwa to wear?

Magical girl Xia Laofei.

Shadow Assassin Megumi Kato.

Speed ​​Triple A Yingli pear?

Power Speed ​​Double A plus look down on your toes!

There is nothing wrong with 3A Yingli pear!

Tsk tsk tsk~!

"Xiaocheng, I'm coming in."

Just when Yicheng was thinking wildly.

Tomoyo knocked on the door.

Hearing her words, Yi sorted out his thoughts and said:

"Just come in."

With Yicheng's voice down.

Tomoyo walked in.

"You've consumed so much mana again."


See those medicines on the ground and Yicheng's pale face.

Tomoyo said a little reproachfully.

Then he stepped forward and arranged a barrier again to help Yicheng recover.


"Now the weapon is finally ready."

"By the way, you use this first."

"I'll get you a better weapon after a while."

Saying so, Yicheng took out a staff and handed it to Zhishi.

When Zhishi saw this, his eyes were quickly attracted.

(Ask for flowers, ask for monthly tickets, rewards.).

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