2624, May 4th, at two o'clock in the afternoon.

Lijiang City, No. 2 High School, Class 5 Classroom of Senior Three.

"I'm going to change jobs in a while, look forward to it!"

"I hope I can switch to the mage profession and master enough spells after the second turn at level 30, so I can directly transform into a magic fort and kill monsters in one piece!"

"The mage is too fragile, I want to switch to the Berserker profession!"

"Berserker? That's a hidden profession. If you want to successfully transfer in the popular transfer ceremony, you're not dreaming!!"


In the classroom, except for a few students, everyone else was discussing.

In addition to being nervous, these people are more expectant and excited.

And Zhou Yi, who was sitting in the window seat in the penultimate row, also had a look of anticipation on his face.

It has been a year since I traveled through this world.

In the past year, he had already completely adapted to this world where the development of the previous civilization was similar to that of the previous life, but the future development was completely different.

It turned out that the eternal game that was popular all over the world at that time was a simulation of the will of the heavens.

The purpose is to let the humans who come to the game world through the game virtual helmets subtly adapt and fight against monsters and aliens in the constant brush monster upgrade.

After this, the Eternal Games completely overlapped with the entire reality.

The surface area of ​​the earth has expanded thousands of times, and a large number of secret realms and dungeons are coming.

Countless beasts, aliens also poured out.

At the same time, everyone can also increase their strength by upgrading and changing jobs.

And today is the day of the transfer ceremony arranged by the Chinese and Xia Kingdoms.

In the entire second high school, students who have reached level 10 can participate in it and take a turn!

And this first job change basically determines a person's future destiny.

"The job transfer ceremony is about to start. Before that, let me say a few words."

On the podium, the head teacher Li Xiangyang clapped his hands and shouted:

"One turn is a major event related to your future development."

"So, for the three occupations that appeared at the job transfer ceremony, you should consider more according to your own situation.

Classes like Summoner and Mechanic, don't immediately choose to change careers as soon as you see them.

Summoner's summons and mechanics' various machines require a lot of resource investment, which is not affordable for ordinary people.

In the presence of other combat occupations, I still recommend that you choose occupations like warriors and sharpshooters that are not only civilians, but also develop well in the later stage..."

The head teacher was chatting on the podium.

Although the students in the audience have heard this remark countless times, they still listen very seriously.

Zhou Yi is no exception.

After the Eternal Game and reality overlap, changing careers has become a very important thing, and each country has different policies on this matter.

Zhongxia Kingdom is no exception.

The resources issued every year can enable all school students in the country to at least upgrade to level 10 when they are 18 years old, and take a transfer.

However, after the success of the first round, the subsequent level upgrade, skill book acquisition, equipment acquisition, the country will no longer provide assistance, and you need to work hard to obtain it.

Professions like Summoner and Mechanic that require a lot of resources to cultivate themselves are really not suitable for ordinary students to change careers.

"But whether it's a summoner or a mechanic, for me, as long as it's a combat occupation."

Zhou Yi said silently in his heart.

There are many occupations in the eternal game, not only combat occupations, but also many life occupations.

After completely overlapping with reality, there are thousands of occupations that human beings can choose to transfer.

Of course, it is said that it is a choice of career change, but at the career transfer ceremony, there are only three career choices.

These three occupations are the three most suitable occupations for transferees that are finally generated according to the test of the ceremony.

But now that monsters and beasts are raging, it is natural that combat occupations have better prospects and are more respected.

For Zhou Yi, though, neither prospect nor respect is paramount.

The most important thing is that the earning efficiency of combat occupations is high!

For example, the summoner mentioned by the head teacher just now, even if there is not enough resources to contract powerful creatures, and only rely on the goblins who automatically contract after the transfer, they can go to the dungeon, kill monsters, and sell materials to obtain income.

And life occupations like enchanter, even if you change occupations, you can't hunt monsters like a combat occupation, but you need to invest resources to learn to draw magic circuits...

"Xiaoyun's medical bills are getting higher and higher. If you can't change to a combat class to make money from a copy, it will be troublesome."

Thinking of his sister, Zhou Yi sighed involuntarily and looked out the window with his eyes wandering.

The body he passed through was also named Zhou Yi, a high school student who was very ordinary except for his handsome and handsome appearance.

If you want to insist that there are any characteristics, it is probably a miserable life experience.

His father had long since passed away, and his mother had passed away not long after he crossed.

Even the only younger sister, Zhou Yun, was found to be suffering from a strange disease not long after her mother's death, and she needed to stay in the hospital for a long time for observation.

The high debt and the monthly medical expenses of her sister made Zhou Yi, who had just crossed over, breathless.

If it weren't for his wit and found some part-time jobs that suit him, I'm afraid his sister would have been swept out of the hospital long ago, and he would have been wandering on the streets, unable to continue.

But after all, he is only a high school student, it would be nice to find a part-time job, and the money he earns is extremely limited.

With the worsening of her sister Zhou Yun's strange disease, the part-time income has gradually become insufficient.

This is also the reason why he desperately wants to switch to a combat career and work hard to make money.

"Okay, it's almost time, let's go to the playground."

A word from the head teacher, Li Xiangyang, made Zhou Yi take back his chaotic thoughts and come back to his senses.

"Huh, let's take a look at the transfer results first.

Even if there is no combat class among the three professions, the situation after the job change is much better than the current hell start, isn't it? "

Zhou Yi let out a sigh of relief, got up, followed behind the crowded students, and walked out.

His steps were steady and his expression was calm, but there was a trace of nervousness and excitement in his heart.

How will it develop in the future.

It's hard, but it's smooth.

It just depends on what career he can choose at the next job transfer ceremony!



PS: The new book set sail, and I begged for a flower collection evaluation ticket~~

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