National Transfer: I Am The Strongest Paladin

Chapter 24 The First Person To Clear The Level! Zhou Yi's Obsession! (Ask For A Flower Collecti

Zhou Yi knew it from the moment he took the first axe from the Bull King.

The power gap between him and the Bull King is not that big.

Therefore, it was Zhou Yi's expectation that the Spear of Victory was determined to be successful and nailed it in place.

I saw him grinning.

The tall figure wrapped in various sacred rays of light took a step, and the entire body even disappeared like a teleportation at this moment.

Only a glorious afterimage of the Holy Light Cross was left in place.


The Bull King was startled.

What a great speed!

Seeing Zhou Yi disappear from his field of vision, he hurriedly swung the giant axe, preparing to resist the next attack.

However, as soon as he raised the battle axe, he felt a sharp pain in his abdomen!


I saw an incomparably sharp open wound, suddenly blooming from the left abdomen of the Bull King.

In a state of rage, the blood flow of the Bull King's whole body increased.

This also led to the moment when the abdominal wound appeared.

Red blood spurted out like a blowout! !

Under the superposition of various buffs, Zhou Yi's agility is terrifying! !

Forcibly taking the first axe of the Bull King was just to estimate the strength gap between the two sides.

At this time, Zhou Yi was attacking, and it was impossible for Niu Tau Wang to capture his figure! !


At this moment, the Tauren King, who knew that he was being teased, was extremely angry and irritable.

A surging energy fluctuation gradually became stronger with the red energy around him, as if affected, the entire palace began to shake slightly.

His aura was also rising.

"BOSS is going to make a big move!!"

Zhou Yi naturally won't let the Bull King use his ultimate skills.

"Empty Slash!"

He swung the giant battle axe that shone with dazzling golden light.

Bang! !

The three-meter-high Bull King was directly beaten into the air, and the release of his ultimate move was interrupted.

Zhou Yi naturally would not miss this good opportunity, and hurriedly continued to pursue.

"Pure White Blade!"

The cross blade of light mercilessly slashed at the Bull King, causing him to light magic damage, but also making him into a state of immobility! !

Zhou Yi then waved his giant soldiers and started to attack! !

At this moment, the huge and heavy tomahawk was danced by Zhou Yi like a toy.





The Holy Light Cross was shining behind him, and Zhou Yi, who was wrapped in various divine breaths, was like a god at the moment.

Every time he slashed, it left a deep scar on the skin and flesh of the bull-headed king.

Take advantage of your illness to kill you! !

In just 0.7 seconds of rigidity, Zhou Yi swung five axes! !

When the Tauren King's rigid state was about to end.

Zhou Yi's eyes narrowed slightly, and the strength in his hand increased by another point, and the battle axe was cut like a dragon! !

At this moment, the stagnant state of the Bull King finally came to an end.

But he was already seriously injured, so he could only lift up the battle axe and let the wide axe blade protect his key points!

boom! !

The seriously injured Bull Tau King ushered in the heaviest blow, only to see this heavy axe bombarding the axe blade on the bull's head.

Under the bombardment of this huge force, this poor BOSS flew out like a cannonball.


After knocking down several stone pillars, ploughing a gap on the ground, and hitting the palace wall, it stopped.

"The Spear of Victory!! Give me death!!"

Looking at the bull-headed king who collapsed to the ground with the door wide open, Zhou Yi grabbed it in the air, and the spear of victory had already condensed out.

Then aim at the heart of the Tauren King and throw it hard! !


The Taurus King, whose body was severely injured, groaned in pain.

He had at least five bone-deep axe wounds on his body, which even his strong physique could not recover.

He could feel his physical strength fading rapidly.

Looking at the glowing spear that gradually enlarged in his pupils, he wanted to raise the battle axe.

But no matter how hard he tried, his body seemed to be disobeying commands and couldn't move.


The Spear of Victory penetrated the Bull-headed King's chest with great ease and nailed it to the wall.


Ordinary monsters, hit hard by this, I am afraid that they have already died and can no longer die.

But the Bull King can still survive at this moment! !

It's just that the protective red energy covering his whole body dissipated because of the loss of magic power supply.

boom! ! !

Losing the protection of the protective red energy, the golden flame generated by the Holy Light Cross quickly engulfed it.

In a blaze of light, the Bull King died! !

"Huh, I finally killed the boss."

Zhou Yi let out a long breath.

In order to quickly solve the BOSS, he can be said to have done everything to the limit! !

Not only all gain buffs are added.

Even the way of shooting and the timing of the release of skills are the result of his quick thinking and choices.

Use a lot of skills in a short period of time.

This also caused the magic power in his body to be almost exhausted, leaving only the magic power to release a few small skills.

at this time......

Suddenly there was a sound in his ear.


[Congratulations to candidate Zhou Yi of Lijiang No. 2 High School for successfully clearing the dungeon in the depths of the dark jungle. 】

[Your difficulty level is: Nightmare]

【Your clearance time is: 9 minutes and 24 seconds】

[Your college entrance examination results have been successfully included. 】

[Please receive your own copy of the customs clearance reward. 】



[In view of your clearance difficulty and time, your clearance evaluation is SSS level, congratulations that you have been confirmed as the first person with this dungeon clearance record]

[Next, start to distribute customs clearance rewards...]

"The first person in the copy of the customs clearance record?"

Hearing a series of prompts echoing in his ears, Zhou Yi keenly captured the key points.

The question-makers in the entire Suzhou-Hangzhou province are Lao Yang.

In other words, all the exam questions of the college entrance examination candidates are copies of the deep dark forest! !

At this moment, the voice prompt records the first person for the dungeon clearance.

Doesn't that mean that he is already the provincial champion of this Suzhou-Hangzhou college entrance examination?

Of course, Zhou Yi also understood.

The final ranking still needs to end the college entrance examination, and the province will not release the list after the results of all students have been counted.

"Provincial champion, I did it!!"

Zhou Yi couldn't help but punch hard.

Only those who have walked in the dark know how precious light is.

In the one year that passed through.

The mother passed away, and the younger sister became seriously ill.

Not only does he need to pay off the debt left by his parents, but he also needs to pay for his sister Zhou Yun's treatment.

All of this made him gasp for breath.

under a heavy burden.

After school every day, he has to go to three divisions of labor.

If he hadn't met Uncle Li later and asked him to be a tutor, his life might have been even worse.

But even so.

After paying the monthly medical expenses, he still has only seven or eight hundred living expenses per month, and his body is severely malnourished.

In such a difficult situation, he still did not choose to give up and trained hard every day.

Since there is no way to improve your attribute value, you should do your best to exercise your fighting skills and cultivate your fighting awareness! !

Since there are not many skill books, then the only two skills mastered by doom training, find the right time to release the skills! !

It is precisely because of this that when the system appears.

He knew that his turn was coming! !

And after the S+ talent divine angel's protection was released, he did not become proud of it, but chose to exercise more hard.

The daily task is the running standard of 20 kilometers, double it, and directly mention 40 kilometers!

The daily task is 200 push-ups, also doubled, 400 push-ups!


Destiny is in your own hands!

The system suddenly appeared, and no one knew if it would suddenly disappear one day!

Therefore, Zhou Yi has to work harder.

Even if the system disappears one day in the future, his strength will not retreat because of this.

It is precisely because of such an obsession that he was able to kill the Bull King today and set the record for the first person to clear the dungeon!


PS: Zhou Yi finally won the provincial champion and took the first step to the peak. If you like this book, come and spend the vote~~

Of course, it's even better if you have a reward~~

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