National Transfer: I Am The Strongest Paladin

Chapter 65 Base certification! Four-dimensional attributes that break through the historical record!

"I want to apply for professional identity certification."

Zhou Yi responded.

Professionals who go to the wilds like the Wild Wind Mountains for the first time need to apply for professional identity certification at the supply base.

Only with this identity authentication can you freely enter and exit the wild.

And this identity authentication is also to prevent fugitive professionals who have committed murders from escaping from here to the wild.

"Okay, please come with me."

Under the guidance of the female staff, the two walked into the hall.

After arriving at the front desk, the female staff member took Zhou Yi's ID card and swiped it on the computer.

All the information was revealed at once.

"Mr. Zhou is a student of Suhang University??"

Looking at the information displayed on the computer screen, the woman immediately became more respectful.


Zhou Yi nodded, keenly aware of the change in the other party's attitude.

But he was not surprised.

The Gully Mountains is the only place near Ning'an City where monsters of beasts are active.

The students in the university town of Ning'an basically choose to come here to kill monsters and gain experience in leveling up.

And he is a student of Suhang University, a top institution in the country.

In this supply base, he is obviously the most respected kind of person.

"The basic information has been entered, but we still need to check your occupation, level and basic four-dimensional attribute information on our machine.

After a while, the woman said softly.

Using identification techniques on strangers is a very rude behavior.

Moreover, if the other party chooses to hide their own information, the identification technique will also not be able to obtain any valid information.

Therefore, occupational level information is tested with professional instruments.


This is also to prevent some professionals from lying about their professional level.

After all, some of the benefits for professionals in the supply base are arranged according to the occupation level.


Zhou Yi followed the staff member and continued to walk inside.

It can be seen that there are also some people around him who were taken away by the staff like him.

It seems that they are also professionals who are going to the wild for the first time.

Among them, the young professionals should also be students in the university town of Ning'an.

"Look, it's Team Qingyuan!

"Looking at the bloodstains on their bodies, this time it should be a full harvest.

"Tsk tsk, worthy of being a team from a top university, this kind of momentum is different from that of ordinary students."

Suddenly, there was a loud noise in the hall.

Most of the people looked towards the door and exclaimed from time to time.

Zhou Yi also looked over there subconsciously.

Immediately, at the entrance of the gate, a group of five people walked in.

The leader was a tall, black-haired young girl wearing light blue leather armor.

The girl's face is delicate and beautiful, but her whole body exudes a cold and evil spirit. The indifference revealed in the glance of the beautiful eyes is daunting.

Not only that, the equipment and weapons of the remaining four team members were also stained with blood, and they were full of evil spirits.

Obviously, this is a team that has just returned from the mountains.

"This is the team from your school, Mr. Zhou. 35

Seeing the curious look on Zhou Yi's face, the female staff member next to him chuckled lightly:

"This team only started coming to the Wind Mountains a year ago.

In just one year, he has made a name for himself.

"The leader, Su Qinglian, is even more powerful. I heard that he has just entered the junior year this year, and he is already a level 24 professional."5

She was a little emotional.

Students in top universities are completely different from students in ordinary schools and social professionals, and their strengths improve very rapidly.

This is the case for this Qingyuan team.

This year, only five or six times the Gale Mountains came.

But even so, he has created his own illustrious reputation.

Zhou Yi on the side listened, but did not speak.

He had only been in school for three days, so naturally he didn't know what kind of strong teams the school had.

However, in this sense, this Su Qinglian is really powerful.

After all, Li Dongsheng, the senior director of the Aurora Club, is only level 29.

"Mr. Zhou, you just need to enter this cabin, stay in it for 30 seconds and wait for the cabin door to open again before you can come out.

And your occupation level and basic four-dimensional attributes and other information will also be entered into the system synchronously after the detection. 95

In front of a black egg-shaped cabin with a height of about 4 meters and a width of about 3 meters, the female staff introduced to Zhou Yi.

This is in a testing room.

However, it is a room, but the area is not small, more than 400 square meters.

And like this black egg-shaped cabin, there are more than 20 units in it.

On the far right in front of this room, there is a very conspicuous beam of light that is carved with magic crystals and is about three meters high.

On the beam of light, some text data is also recorded:

[Level 10 peak attributes: Yao Zheng; Strength 36; Constitution 32; Agility 35; Wisdom 36]

[Level 11 peak attributes: Yang Tianheng; Strength 47; Constitution 42; Agility 45; Wisdom 41]

[Level 12 peak attributes: Chen Xiaobing; Strength 52; Constitution 49; Agility 53; Wisdom 51]


"This is the pinnacle attribute record of our supply base.

It records the characters who have reached the highest attribute at each level over the past hundred years since our base was established. ""

Seeing Zhou Yi looking at the beam of light, the female staff member explained with a smile:

"There are a lot of people above, and now they have grown into giants and are active in our country."

"But it may also be because the characters in the past are really good, although there are still many professionals who have logged in in the past five or six years.

But the names on this list seem to have never changed. "


Zhou Yi glanced at it and quickly found the peak attribute record corresponding to level 13 on the beam of light.

[Level 13 peak attributes: Ling Yun; Strength 62; Constitution 57; Agility 59; Wisdom 61]

"At level 13, there is an average four-dimensional attribute of 60 points. It's really powerful. Unfortunately, I met me..."

Shaking his head, Zhou Yi went straight into the egg-shaped cabin in front of him.


The hatch closed, and a pale blue light was projected from the cabin.

Scan him in all directions from top to bottom.

At the same time, on the display screen outside the cabin door, his professional level information also began to emerge.

Occupation: Paladin

Level: Level 13

"It's actually a Paladin profession.

The female staff waiting outside was a little surprised.

This supply base has never been a Paladin professional before.

But usually they come with the team, and this is the first time she has seen them alone.

After all, the Paladin profession is very popular among professionals.

It is impossible to find a team to accept.

“Maybe it’s because I haven’t started looking for a team yet.

Shaking, she continued to watch.

Soon Zhou Yi's four-dimensional properties appeared on the screen.

Strength: 93

Constitution: 99

Agility: 92

Wisdom: 98

"This attribute, the average is 95 points?

The female employee's eyes widened.

After rubbing his eyes and making sure that he was not mistaken about the level attribute, he was inconceivably shocked:

"This is... a record breaking!"

As if to verify her words, the moment after Zhou Yi's occupation, level and four-dimensional attributes were all entered into the system.

A huge announcement announcement suddenly sounded in the hall:

"Congratulations, Mr. Zhou Yi, for breaking the base level 13 peak attribute record with the four-dimensional attributes of Strength 93, Constitution 99, Agility 92, and Wisdom 98!!

"Congratulations to Mr. Zhou Yi, with the four-dimensional attributes of Strength 93, Constitution 99, Agility 92, and Wisdom 98, setting the base level 13 peak attribute record!!"5


This magnificent announcement sound echoed in the entire supply base building.

The professionals who were in various parts of the building, after being stunned for a moment, quickly reacted and burst into shocking sounds.

"What the hell? No one has broken the peak attribute record for many years, and there is such a person today?"


"The average 95-point four-dimensional attribute is only level 13, which is outrageous!! 35

"I remember, the 13th-level peak attribute holder seems to be the leader of the Ash Legion today? 35


All the professionals who have registered professional level attribute information in this supply base, no one does not know the peak attribute list.

Naturally know how difficult it is to break the above record!!

There are even some people who have been in the Wind Mountains for many years, but they have never seen the scene of the list being refreshed.

So, the moment I heard this announcement.

A large number of professionals rushed to the testing room in the lobby on the first floor.

I want to see for myself who broke the record!

"Captain, someone actually broke the record of the peak list, shall we go and see?"9

The front desk of the lobby on the first floor, Qingyuan team.

The petite girl Wen Tianrun said to Su Qinglian eagerly.

"Xiao Wen, it's not like you don't know.

When the captain came to report for the first time, he almost broke the peak attribute record of level 15.

Now you let her watch someone else's record-breaking scene, isn't that adding to the captain's block?'

Another girl with long black and purple hair, Zhang Yi, said with a smile on her face.

All members of the Qingyuan team are girls, and they are all beautiful.

This woman is also the same, when she laughs, it gives people a warm feeling like a spring breeze.


Su Qinglian raised her eyebrows slightly.

The majesty of the long-established captain made the girl who spoke earlier stick out her tongue and immediately shut up.

"Let's go and have a look.

"I also want to see who can have such a powerful attribute at level 13.

Looking at Su Qinglian's slender figure leaving, the remaining four team members looked at each other with a surprised expression.

You know, Captain Su Qinglian has always been a fighter.

There are very few things that interest each other other than fighting...

"Captain, wait for us."

Seeing that Su Qinglian was about to leave, they quickly followed.

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