National Transfer: I Am The Strongest Paladin

Chapter 73 The roles are reversed! The powerful Zhou Yi! The Qingyuan team consensus! (Please comple

"Sister Su, I remember that there is a mage tower in the military area over the supply base that can monitor the situation in the Gale Mountains.

Why do we need to go back to the base to report the situation?"

Zhou Yi asked in confusion.

In the military area, the mage tower exuding huge magical energy fluctuations left a great impression on him.

It stands to reason that there are otherworldly creatures in the peripheral area, and it is impossible not to know about it.

Relying on manpower to report the situation like this is not only dangerous, but also a waste of time.

"The Mage Tower in the military area mainly monitors the movements of those epic-level and legendary-level high-level monsters in the depths of the Gale Mountains."5

"At most, there are only gold-level 30-level monsters in the outer areas of the Gully Mountains, and the monitoring is actually very small.

Su Qinglian, who had recovered from his depression, explained.

After a pause, she said hesitantly:

"Also, the alien creatures that appeared this time are very strange, and the level is too low. 99

"Level too low?"

Zhou Yi didn't understand.

A 22-level silver-level demon can't be considered a low-level monster no matter how you look at it.

"You just entered Su University, you haven't started classes yet, so you don't understand."

"Our school has a course devoted to explaining otherworldly creatures that pass through the cracks in the world.

"According to the teacher's description, it's normal, the alien creatures who have passed through are at least level 35.

"And this time, the eight flame demon warriors we encountered, the highest level was only level 23.

"The higher the level of otherworldly creatures, the higher the otherworld aura they emit.

"On the contrary, the lower the level, the lower the otherworld aura it carries."

"The aura of another world is too low, which is also one of the reasons why the Mage Tower in the military region did not detect the abnormal situation here. 99

Zhou Yi understood Su Qinglian's explanation.

After the fusion of Eternal Games and Bluestar World.

Otherworldly cracks will suddenly appear in many parts of the Blue Star World.

And more than 98% of the otherworld cracks are very small, not enough for otherworldly creatures to pass through.

Although no outsiders would pass through these rifts to Bluestar.

However, the areas where cracks appear will also emit the breath of another world.

And the entire Gully Mountains, as a map that appears after the game and the Blue Star World are integrated.

There are naturally many otherworldly cracks inside.

It should be precisely because of this that the military region has set a threshold for the concentration of otherworldly aura.

And now.

Because the demon's level is too low, the otherworldly aura it exudes was judged by the military region to be the aura naturally emitted by the cracks in the otherworldly world inside the mountain range.

Therefore, the military region did not find any abnormality here.

"The other side, why send over 20-level demons here? Isn't this superfluous?"

Su Qinglian frowned slightly, somewhat confused.

A level 23 silver-level demon might be terrifying for ordinary professionals.

Generally, a team of professionals with all members of level 23 can't deal with it.

But in the slaughtering battlefield between the other world and the blue star, it is very inconspicuous.

Not even cannon fodder.

And can accommodate 23-level demons through otherworldly cracks, can also pass through high-level demons above 50-level.


Generally, as long as it is an invasion from another world, it will be a whole, or even several legions invade at the same time!!

All the members of such an alien army are at least level 40!!

This time, although the 20-level demons looked ferocious, they only needed to be discovered by the powerhouses at the base.

Arrange a team of more than 30 level legions to come over, and they can all be wiped out.

This wave of operations from another world.

It is equivalent to giving away the head of the wave in vain, and it also exposes a crack in the other world that can accommodate the passage of the legion of the other world.

It's just blood loss...

"Forget it, this kind of thing is not something we professionals need to consider, we just send the news back."

Su Qinglian shook her head and didn't think about it anymore.

Six minutes later, Zhou Yi and the Qingyuan team finished resting and began to evacuate.

In the Windy Mountains, there are overgrown trees, uneven terrain, and many weeds and shrubs.

If it were to attack on foot, the speed would be outrageously slow.

Even if he walked for three days and three nights, he would not be able to get out of the Gale Mountains.

But if there is a mount, it is completely different.

Extremely fast.

When Zhou Yi came to the Dark Miasma Valley from the other side, with the help of Wind Wolf, it only took an hour.

Therefore, when evacuating, Zhou Yi thought that he should be able to leave this dangerous area in just an hour.

But reality is always unexpected.

The group walked for about half an hour.

But not even a quarter of the way.

And what hindered their progress was what they encountered on the road, the wave after wave of flame demon squads...

"The Spear of Victory!"

In the slightly dimly lit jungle, a dazzling golden light spear quickly shot at a tall demon.


The light spear was in the middle of his chest, and the 22-level silver flame demon warrior was buried in Zhou Yi's hands.

The bang turned into flames and quickly burned out, leaving only a pile of black scum on the ground.

At the same time, the Qingyuan team led by Su Qinglian also dealt with the remaining flame demon warriors.

"We've been attacked by 4 waves of demon squads along the way."

Zhou Yi, who was holding the Xuanguang Warhammer, frowned slightly.

There are only three or four of these fire demon squads.

There are a lot of them, about five or six.

Although the level is not high, only about 21 and 22.

But it takes a lot of work to kill.

After all, this is not a monster with low intelligence.

It is a demon from another world, one of the five great races of the other world with extremely high intelligence!

It is precisely because of this that the progress of their group has been seriously slowed down.

"Zhou Yi, I am fortunate to have met you this time.

Otherwise, even if we are lucky enough to escape the pursuit of the four demons, I am afraid we will not be able to get here. ""

On the side, Su Qinglian, who had killed a demon of flame, walked over, with a happy look on his face.

Looking at Zhou Yi, there is also a little bit of heat and appreciation in the eyes.

I thought that she, the former champion, was not as strong as Zhou Yi.

The strength should also be almost the same.

But in the few battles just now, Zhou Yi's strength can be said to be terrifying!!

If there is no other party, it is impossible to get here by yourself and others.

"Yeah, that's too powerful!

"Tsk tsk, with you, it feels like the roles are reversed, we are all juniors, and you are the senior.

The rest of Zhang Yi and others also sighed with emotion.

Along the way, Zhou Yi displayed a very sophisticated fighting style.

Not at all like a freshman who just entered college.

Instead, it's like a junior or senior senior!

And they themselves have become school girls who need to be protected.

"This comparison makes me look smaller."

On the back of the white tiger, the petite loli Wen Tianrun pouted and said quite cutely.

Under the slow-healing treatment, except for her right arm, her condition has recovered.

And the missing right arm, as long as it can return to the city.

Just find a level 40 cleric, or buy a potion of powerful recovery to respawn.

So, she seems to be in a good mood now.

"Senior sisters are joking, it just happens that my holy light has restraint on demons, so it seems to be more harmful. 35

Zhou Yi smiled slightly.

After a pause, he looked at Su Qinglian and said:

"Senior sister, judging from the situation encountered along the way, the alien demons are probably humans who want to completely clean up the surrounding area."

"If we want to leave here directly, I'm afraid it will be a little difficult.

"Moreover, the most troublesome thing is that there is an extremely open plain area on the way to leave this northeast and the region..."

Zhou Yi's tone was a little dignified.

The terrain in the Gale Mountains, in addition to the jungle mountains, also has areas such as plains and rivers.

And want to leave from the place, on the way to the supply base, there happens to be a very open plain area.

In this area, the field of vision is wide and there are almost no obstacles.

Judging from the situation just now, if the devil really appeared from this area, it would be impossible to let any human being leave.

And that plain area, it is easy to be garrisoned by the demon army.

Su Qinglian frowned, obviously thinking of this.

He sighed and said helplessly:

"There's no way, so far, we can only take one step at a time. 35

"Let's go there first. If there is a demon team stationed there, we will find a way. 55

"That's all there is to it."

Zhou Yi nodded, and the group quickly got their equipment and set off again.

In the following time, although I encountered several waves of the demon team of flames.

But with the concerted efforts of everyone, these demons were quickly killed.

However, even so, it was already two hours later when it was time to leave the jungle area.

At the edge of the jungle area, Zhou Yi and the Qingyuan team gathered here, stopped, and (Qian Hao) hid behind the tree trunk.

Then through the gap between the tall jungles, look out to the plains.

The time is now around three o'clock in the afternoon, and the sun is just right.

It can be clearly seen that on the vast plain, there is a pair of horned and dangerous flame demon squads patrolling back and forth.

At first glance, there are at least hundreds of them.

"It's troublesome, the demons really arranged a garrison army on the plain to prevent anyone from escaping."

Su Qinglian retracted his gaze and smiled bitterly.

This is not a monster, but a real demon with extremely high intelligence.

The more the number, the stronger the strength formed!

And hundreds of demons.

Even if all of them are only 20-level silver rank, they are far beyond the scope of what they can deal with.

Not to mention, there are even stronger high-level demons.

"Could it be that we can only die here?"

Subconsciously, Su Qinglian looked at Zhou Yi.

However, he found that the expression on his angular and determined face was still calm.

As if nothing would surprise him.

"Huh, when did I become worse than a junior?"

Su Qinglian laughed at himself and shook his head, "Besides, even if there is really no way to break through, it's not bad.

A smile appeared on her lips.

The afternoon sun shines on her through the gaps between the leaves, making her already beautiful profile even more crystal-clear.

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