National Transfer: Necromancer? Call Me Calamity!

Chapter 111: The City Lord of Lan City, I am determined!

That's right!

Bai Ye directly exchanged places with the butcher Yaleut who was arranged behind the transfer station.

And the burst energy of this rune formation is also earth-shattering.


The rich torrent of energy poured out directly towards the surroundings.

The three people who bore the brunt of it didn't even hold on for three seconds, and they turned into scumbags.

Even Yelut, the butcher with a good physique, was instantly torn apart by the torrent of energy because his weakness was just below.

The people who were still heading towards the transfer station felt the terrifying energy fluctuations behind them.

They all stopped and looked back.

Even though everyone has left a distance of nearly two kilometers, they can still feel the oncoming wind.

Sister Mengling and Sister Dali subconsciously worry about Bai Ye.

But seeing that Alleria and Tiktus were still there, he felt relieved.


Only then did the two of them react, how did Bai Ye come back?

Just when the two were thinking, Alleria directly pulled the stunned two people forward and continued, "Don't worry, the master has returned, I can sense it. 39

The two of them breathed a sigh of relief.

The others, at this time, were fortunate enough that they didn't stay with them.

This kind of terrifying energy pouring out is simply unstoppable.

According to the few people who stayed there, there is no possibility of surviving.

Sure enough, greed is the original sin.

In fact, if you can come back alive, you have already won.

After all, the share has doubled, which is definitely an astronomical figure of 363.

Some people even thought,

The death of the presidents of these three guilds means that the strongest combat power of their guilds is gone.

In this case, it can't even be counted as an S-rank guild, at best it can be counted as a larger A-rank guild.

Is it possible to find a way to swallow their share?

Thinking of this, everyone can only mourn for the three dead.

When people die, their homes are stolen.

As for Bai Ye, will something happen?

Looking at the skeleton lords who were still killing the enemy in front, he knew that Bai Ye would not die.

On Bai Ye's side,

With the "Dead Soul Replacement" that can teleport 10 kilometers at this time,

Directly back to the rear of the transfer station.

Unexpectedly, there are many orcs attacking here.

It's a pity that meeting Yaleut, the butcher who is very capable of guarding the family, is almost no different from sending him to death.

The orcs who were dragged into the "Corrupted Land" were immediately digested into bones.

Even if only a small part of the bones were exposed outside the "Corrupted Land".

It also almost covered the ground.

It can be guessed that the orcs have buried more than 10,000 bones here at least.

But the orcs are not so unbearable,

Bai Ye also added Yelut, the butcher, who was close to a thousand.

in front of the transfer station,

Under the leadership of Tiktes leading the charge,

Killed all the way back with almost no pause.

But when it came to the army of the skeleton lord, it was even easier.

After returning to the transfer station,

This back and forth, in less than an hour,

The crowd even felt a sense of alienation.

people at the transfer station,

At the moment when the "Totem Pole" fell and the ban effect disappeared,

He also immediately cheered.

The serious face of the city lord of Lan City also showed a smile as if he had already won.

And the few people who had been staring at each other with the eldest three before,

At this time, the fire was also extinguished, and a smile of the rest of his life appeared on his face.


The eldest miss didn't plan to just let it go, "You guys will only complain about other people's fires, so don't call them now?

"Bone Cavalry" also sneered aside, "If you are afraid of death, you will only shirk your responsibility when you encounter danger. I don't know how you completed the second round. Wouldn't it be the lowest reward?"

Even the "spirit caller" on the side echoed, "You owe Bai Ye an apology.

What words irritate a person the most?

Naturally it is the truth, the truth that is exposed.

When you say to a beautiful woman that you are ugly, the other party will only smile because they know that what you are saying is not the truth.

But when you say an ugly girl, you are really ugly, the other party will be anxious on the spot.

And among these people, they are really only the lowest-level rewards for completing the second-rank function.

However, with the help of the guild's relationship and the accumulation of time, he still managed to reach the level of LV60.

this short,

It directly ignited the anger of several people, "What? Breaking the "totem pole", isn't that what Bai Ye and the others should do?

"Let me (cbaa) apologize to a junior, why?"

"Without Bai Ye, it might not have been so difficult to make this transfer station, but he made it more difficult."

And at this moment,

rumbling ∼

The sound of the explosion of the rune formation came.

And the vice president of Demon City, who was standing on the earth wall, suddenly exclaimed, "This is... this is the energy pouring out of the "Spiritual Crystal Vein"!

at this time,

Even the city lord of Lan City on the side was shocked.

The energy pouring out of "Spiritual Crystal Vein" is a word that almost everyone has heard of, but very few people have seen it with their own eyes.

However, the vice city lord of Demon City has actually seen it with his own eyes, so he will definitely not admit his mistake.

This means that there is a "spiritual crystal vein" below this.

And the "spiritual crystal vein", even the smallest scale, means that at least trillion-level spiritual crystals can be mined inside.

If you keep fishing and mining slowly, you will earn at least hundreds of billions of dollars every year.

Moreover, "Spirit Crystal Mineral Vein" means that there are bound to be many other accompanying mineral veins around.

The crowd reacted,

No wonder this time the entrance to the "Land of the Gods" is so difficult!

Not only the indigenous people of the "Land of the Gods", but also the accumulated experience of dealing with people according to the opening of the entrance.

more importantly,

There is actually a "spirit crystal vein" here?

A hen that can keep laying golden eggs?


He directly hit the faces of the stubborn people who were still in the trio with the eldest young lady just now.

By the way, we ruled out the reason that "Bai Ye caused the difficulty of the strategy to increase".


Even the guild leaders of these people couldn't stand it anymore, "You guys can leave the guild now.

Immediately, these people were dumbfounded, how could the slap in the face come so quickly?

There was no way, these people could only begged in embarrassment, "President, we are wrong, we will apologize."

After all, the "Spiritual Crystal Veins" that appeared represented too many interests.

If they left the guild now, they would lose more than just a little bit of spirit crystal.

At this time,

Someone suddenly said, "I see, no wonder the land here is red, there should be a "red blood mine" nearby. ""

at this time,

The most excited is the deputy city lord of the magic capital.

He clearly knew what the "Spiritual Crystal Vein" represented.

This is the most difficult preliminary task that allows Lancheng to directly bypass the development of "Land of the Gods".

After all, it was only the first step to lay down this transfer station.

After that, it is necessary to continue to invest in construction, survey the vicinity, guard the transfer station, find resources, and then mine materials.

These steps require enormous human and material resources.


Lancheng directly omits the previous steps, and can directly mine and obtain benefits.

To this,

The deputy city lord of Demon Capital immediately made up his mind, and he was the city lord of Lan City.

Ps. Let's get some data!.

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