National Transfer: Necromancer? Call Me Calamity!

Chapter 135 'Maple' was eaten by the box???

Looking at 'Ling' who forgot to put away her equipment,

Bai Ye looked at her curiously, "What? Are you planning to start a fight with me?

At this time, 'Ling' woke up from the shock just now, and hurriedly put away her scythe.

Glancing at the disgusting head on the ground,

Only then did Bai Ye remember that this was in the building of the Professional Association, "By the way, what to do with this guy's body?"

Although the actions of several people had to be kept secret, they killed the president of the association in such a grand manner.

It doesn't seem like it's going to be said.

The two girls also gave Bai Ye a roll of eyes again, and then took out a prop.

I saw that 'Maple' injected magic power into the props,


After a green light flashed,

A piranha with a size comparable to the Skeleton Lord suddenly appeared in front of the three of them.



The piranha swallowed the corpse of the association's president in one bite.


Don't you need a certificate or something?

How can there be a feeling of secretly entering a room, killing people, destroying corpses and destroying traces?

Bai Ye was about to ask a question, but when he thought of the white eyes of these two people, he immediately swallowed the question that came to his mouth.

Anyway, the two of them also said that they are the responsibility of a thug,

As for killing this guy directly, and other follow-up matters,

Then it has nothing to do with you!

"Then it's alright, can I leave now?"

After saying that, Bai Ye planned to leave directly.

It's obviously not as interesting as staying at home to brush up your proficiency with two cold-hearted girls.

And at this moment,

On the mysterious box on the table, a streamer flashed, which suddenly aroused Bai Ye's curiosity.

"Huh? What is this?"

Just when Bai Ye was about to step forward to pick it up and observe,

The 'Feng' in the back spoke again, "It's none of your business, don't move the things here, we still need to collect evidence, don't destroy the scene. 35


Bai Ye had no choice but to withdraw his arm and prepare to leave.

The 'Feng' behind him also passed over Bai Ye and directly picked up the mysterious box on the table.

Casual look, where does it seem to be doing some forensics?

Bai Ye seemed to feel the dislike of the two women towards him again.

As a result, at this time,


The mysterious box suddenly lit up with brilliant light, and then with a 'boom',

Directly sucked 'Maple' in.


As the box lost its support, it fell to the ground.


Bai Ye hurriedly rubbed his eyes, uh, what's the matter?

This mysterious box can eat people?

But then,

The 'Ling' behind Bai Ye immediately heard a painful cry.

what happened again?

When Bai Ye turned to look at 'Ling', he saw scars slowly appearing on her body.

Although she was injured, 'Ling' hurried forward and picked up the mysterious box on the ground.

Want to know where the 'Feng' went?


At this time, the box has no movement.

There's nothing special about it except that it looks older.

"Hello? What's going on?"

Bai Ye can probably guess that the injury on this 'Ling' is most likely related to the missing 'Feng'.

And 'Ling' still didn't speak,

He just took out a few bottles of red medicine, drank a bottle directly, and even put a bottle in his mouth.

Fortunately, the red medicine is more delicate, otherwise the picture is a bit too evil.

No answer at all Bai Ye,

‘Ling’ actually broke the glass of the association building and jumped down from the height of dozens of floors.

call ~

A huge wing immediately appeared in front of Bai Ye's eyes.

When I saw 'Ling', an extremely rare "Red Flame Eagle" was summoned and flew out of the city.

Although 'Ling' didn't speak, Bai Ye could still clearly feel her panic.

After a little thought, Bai Ye probably guessed it,

There is a high probability that 'Feng' and 'Ling' are related, similar to their own skill "Life Link".

And the injury on 'Ling' just now should be the injury faced by 'Feng' at this time.

There must be some kind of connection between the two.

That 'Ling' now panicked, obviously knew where 'Feng' was.

Do you want to be together?

Or is more than less?

Just when Bai Ye was considering whether to help or not, the association building sounded the alarm.


Depend on!

The girl 'Ling' just broke the window, and directly activated the alarm system of the Transit Station Association Building.

Bai Ye immediately decided to help out together.

If these two girls hang up, then I can't tell for a while, where the president of this association has gone.

Explaining what is the most troublesome.

You can't just reveal your current identity.


I saw that the Skeleton Lord who had just been summoned just disappeared in place in an instant.


It is a graceful figure with white to luminous, three-dimensional features and full of evil charm.

It is precisely the feature of "Dead Soul Replacement" LV16 that Bai Ye can now not only exchange the positions of himself and the undead.

It also allows the undead to switch positions with other summons.

And this girl is naturally the product of "Summoning the Vampire Count" under the "Supreme Summoning".

"Vampire Count Rebecca Legendary"

Xie Mei's voice also sounded right after, Jie... Master~, do you miss me? Or, do you want to ride me like last time?"5

"Quick, catch up with the taxi in front... No, catch up with the "Red Flame Eagle" in front.

"Okay, master~, then you can sit down!"

call ~

As a pair of bat wings spread,

Bai Ye looked at Rebecca who only had wings growing in front of him and behind him, but there was no (good Zhao Hao) Rebecca who was completely transformed into a bat.

Listening to the sound of the security personnel coming from the building because of the alarm,

Bai Ye covered his face helplessly and said, "I don't have time to play with you, hurry up and catch up with the "Red Flame Sculpture" in front of you!

"Master is so fierce, but~, I like it very much."


Bai Ye rode on a huge bat with wings spread over 10 meters, and rushed in the direction of "Red Flame Eagle".

Fortunately, the last time I had the experience of flying, Bai Ye was quite familiar with it.

And Rebecca of "Huabat" is also extremely fast, and the distance from "Red Flame Eagle" is rapidly pulling in.

Only the bearded uncle who came in a hurry,

Looking at the blood on the ground in the office of the president of the association, and the familiar back of the leaving, I fell into deep thought.

The one on the bat's back is Bai Yeguang?

You won't be blinded, will you?

Ps. Ask for data wow!.

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