National Transfer: Necromancer? Call Me Calamity!

Chapter 147 How Did The Shadowy Man Die? ? ?

think of this,

The "fog of death" in front of him had clearly dissipated.

Instead, Faber became nervous.

It's all so weird.

Even Fubo's current status, he has experienced many battles, big and small.

Now is the moment when Faber is most concentrated.

After picking up the two girls,

Faber asked them to stay behind him and slowly walked towards the corpse wall in the distance.

Because of the "Mist of Death" killing feature, all the surrounding plants also died.

The three of them seemed to have come to the desert and could clearly see the situation ahead.

This also made Fu Bo relax a little. After all, it was difficult for the enemy to sneak attack on the three of them in such a location.

If it wasn't for 'Feng' who kept urging from behind,

"Fu Bo, let's hurry up!"

But at this time, Fu Bo has already started to make up his mind,

If this is really not Bai Ye's acting, it is really a conspiracy against the guild leader or the guild.

The other party must have a very high degree of certainty,

Otherwise, they would not directly attack the two eldest misses, and it could be said that they were the kind of killers.

Be careful yourself.

In fact, if only Fu Bo was alone at this time, he would be so nervous.

But now, behind him, there are two eldest young ladies, which makes him have to play his spirits.

These few kilometers of road,

Originally, for a professional of Fubo's level, even if he is not good at speed, with the equipment of this level, the more than a thousand points of speed brought by it can't be crossed in minutes.

But this time on the road,

Forber felt that he had taken the longest road.

The closer you get to this temporary base, the denser the corpses will be.

until you crossed the wall of corpses,

Only at this moment did Uncle Fu believe that all the people along the way were really dead, and there was not a single living thing around.

And in the base,

There is no energy fluctuation at this time either.

Fu Bo carefully took the two girls into the base,

There are still corpses all over the way,

Until passing by the rune formation that 'Feng' had stayed at before.

The scene in front of them once again shocked everyone.

everyone outside,

They are all eroded by the "fog of death", like a mummified corpse that has been drained of water.

And the corpses here are just as if they were all eaten clean by something.

The pale bones and the three toes couldn't figure out what happened for a while?

And 'Feng' also turned on its own equipment again,


Now it can only be analyzed by bone physiognomy, who are these corpses?

The two girls at this time were afraid that one of the corpses inside was Bai Ye's.

The two girls are afraid that they will have nightmares at night.


This corpse belongs to the Archbishop of the Holy See?

Looking at the analysis on the wrist of 'Feng', Uncle Fu was also stunned.

Because the two have known each other for a long time, but it is not a good relationship.

In the "Land of the Gods", there was a lot of friction and friction between the "Slayer of Gods" guild and the Holy See of Light.

This archbishop, Faber is also very familiar with.

Although fighting alone, he couldn't beat Faber, but this Catholic has been accompanied by three cardinals.

Complementing each other, Fu Bo also suffered a lot.


Fubo was also confused, who could kill this archbishop so cruelly?


'Feng' found the only one here that was even more bizarre than the other corpses.

Fubo hurried forward to observe,

And this corpse,

Heavenly Jealousy

It's just that the shadowy man at this time has an extremely frightened face on his face. Except for his shriveled head, almost everything under his body has been gnawed to death.

And at this time,

‘Feng’ let out a terrified cry, “Ah!!!”

Even 'Ling' showed a terrified look.

Fu Bo's heart also thumped at this time.

Because after thinking that this is not Bai Ye's acting.

Fu Bo was also really worried about Bai Ye.

Because they were able to meet for the first time, they sacrificed their lives to save these two young ladies. This kindness is not easy to repay.

Hearing the screams of the two girls,

Uncle Fu thought that he had discovered Bai Ye's body, so he said directly, "Since Bai Ye sacrificed for you, he will come here and give Bai Ye's family some subsidies.

But 'Feng' didn't have the panic just now, but slowed down and pointed to Uncle Fu's feet.

Fu Bo thought that he accidentally stepped on Bai Ye's corpse,

about to move away quickly,

But finally, he recognized the objects on the ground that looked like black stones.

I saw Fu Bo jumping up several feet in place,

Then he opened his mouth and scolded, "I! Where did the "Golden Scarab???" come from?

0 asking for flowers...

If this thing gets into the body, there is almost no other way to deal with this thing other than amputation.

It can be swallowed and copied at the same time.

"Golden Scarab" can be regarded as the last thing all professionals want to see.

The lethality is strong, it will split apart, and the defense is also extremely strong.

In addition to choosing to restrain these troublesome creatures and flee directly,

Few people would choose to fight this thing recklessly.

Just because I know the horror of this "Golden Scarab",

All Fubo, who would only be scared, jumped up several feet in the same place.

until after landing,

Only then did Faber realize that these were all dead "Golden Scarabs".

No wonder the two girls were startled at first, but quickly recovered.


Fallen Faber,

This time, I carefully observed the death of the shadowy man in a circle, and muttered, "I didn't expect that the president of this SS-level "Tianji" turned out to be a low-level "insect controller"?"

"But to get this "Golden Scarab", I have to say that he is very lucky. No wonder everyone who had seen him do it died, fearing that they were all eaten. "



The surrounding scene is still confusing to the three of them.

Who killed everyone here?

And this "Golden Scarab", why did it get out of control and kill all the professional slaughter?

And also killed his own master?

at last,

Who killed these terrifying "Golden Scarabs"?

When he didn't see the "Golden Scarab", Fubo felt that if he worked hard, he could still kill these professionals.

But after seeing the "Golden Scarab", Forber lost his mind.

When you encounter this thing, it is better to slip away.

Just after 'Feng' inspected all the corpses, he finally came to a conclusion,

There is no Bai Ye here at all.

Where did Bai Ye go?

‘Feng’ slapped his head at this time, “Damn it! Wouldn’t it be better if I contact Bai Ye directly?”

How could the self-proclaimed smart self make such a low-level mistake?

In anticipation of the two girls, the call was made,

The slightly trembling voice of ‘Maple’ sounded,

"Bai... Bai Ye, where are you?"

"I'm having dinner at home, sister Meng Ling, don't bring it to me, I can't eat it."


Ps. Ask for data wow six!.

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