National Transfer: Necromancer? Call Me Calamity!

Chapter 170 The God Of War In The Kimchi Kingdom Is Coming!

Originally, Bai Ye planned to, when he accumulated enough strength,

Find another opportunity to give it directly to the old nest of the Holy See of Light.

But it looks like,

This Kimchi country girl, and this archbishop, are as annoying as flies.

Since you are courting death!

At this time, Bai Ye was too lazy to care so much,

Just let Alleria and the others kill the archbishop.


An arrow shot out, the sky and the earth are dark.

It is one of Alleria's unique moves, "The Finishing Move: Destruction Arrow",

It was also the arrow that killed the king-level fox girl.

this time,

He directly hit the archbishop by surprise.

The original plan of the archbishop was to make Bai Ye feud with the Kimchi Kingdom.

At most, I just fan the wind and light a fire on the side.

Although the hatred between the Holy See and Bai Ye, the savings are already deep.

But this has never been shown before the world.

Most people don't know Bai Ye's grievance with the Holy See of Light.



In the eyes of most people in the world, the Holy See of Light is still a positive and very good organization.

take this opportunity,

Not only can he make Bai Ye enmity with the Kimchi country.

He can also use his relatively positive identity of the Holy See to criticize Bai Ye's dark side.

And this time he came forward to speak out and organize Bai Ye, which was not his original intention.

Just because the speed of this negotiation was much faster than I expected.

First, Bai Ye was uneasy about playing cards, and didn't listen to the nonsense of Kimchi country girls at all.

And the public opinion also turned towards Bai Ye directly after Bai Ye's appearance.

time is too short,

And an important person has not yet appeared.

No one has a better understanding of Bai Ye's true strength than the Holy See of Light.

Even the former LV90 archbishop, who united with the "Heavenly Jealous" president,

In the end, it didn't cause any trouble to Bai Ye.

Even the dead are worse than the other.

The Archbishop this time,

How could you possibly think that a little girl from the Kimchi country can do any harm to Bai Ye?

That's right,

In fact, the Archbishop came forward this time to delay time.

Waiting for an important person to appear.

And this man,

He is the strongest in the Kimchi Kingdom, and the father of the girls in the Kimchi Kingdom.

After learning of the appearance of "Crystal Spirit Dragon",

The kimchi country god of war is already on his way.

However, at this time,

This archbishop still needs to face the death situation against him first.

Alleria's arrow was in front of him almost in the blink of an eye.

too late to respond,

The robes around the archbishop's body exploded instantly, revealing his bright head and exaggerated muscles.

This archbishop's occupation is the S-rank [Saint Messenger].

The golden light instantly enveloped it, forming a powerful defense.


After all, it was rather hasty, so the Archbishop could only reach out to block this [Ending Move: Destruction Arrow.”


The collision of the two produced a terrifying energy fluctuation.

Even the girl from the Kimchi country who fainted beside her was blown away by the energy.

And the Archbishop himself was also hit by this energy arrow.

When the Archbishop got up from the ground, the arm he had just used to block was already dripping with blood.

Even the forearms of both hands have been deformed.

And it's not over yet,


The blood spears formed by the blood of a few guards who had just died, then attacked.

this time,

The Archbishop had no time to resist, so he could only evade the key points in a hurry,

However, the blood spear pierced his left shoulder instantly,

It even shattered with the shoulder blades.

As a result, he directly lost control of his left hand and could only droop on his shoulders.


This archbishop is really panicked,

Regarding Alleria, they have records of the Holy See of Light.

But where did this Rebecca come from Bai Ye?

How can there be such a strong attack power?

Not even losing to Alleria.


It is true that Rebecca's offensive ability is average, and a professional with a higher magic resistance, the effect of "Blood Control" is relatively low.

And this blood spear's attack, part of it is to look at the blood quality of the blood spear that condenses.

this time,

Rebecca just killed a few guards, and in their blood, there are many products of dragon blood transformation.

In addition, the level of several people is not low, all of them are close to LV80,

After a few guards were concentrated, this terrifying blood spear was created, which directly abolished the archbishop's left hand.


If this goes on, the Archbishop feels that he is afraid that he will not be able to support the Kimchi Kingdom God of War.

If I were attacked again, I would really have to explain it here.

So the archbishop hurriedly shouted, "Bai Ye, the Holy See of Light has provoked you to provoke you, why do you want to kill everything like this.~?"

"I just wanted to come here to help Miss Jin to do justice, but you are the killer, what is your motive?"

"Do you still have humanity? Or have you fallen into darkness?"

Listen to the Archbishop's words,

Bai Ye was speechless for a while,

Are all these people so good at acting?

What does the Holy See of Light have to do with me, do you still not know?

As soon as we met, I didn't kill you directly, it was considered kind.

Now what is human nature, darkness?

And when Alleria and the others were about to continue their attack,


A shadowy shadow appeared.


With the thundering dragon roar, everyone's eyes turned to the sky again.

It is the familiar huge natural yellow figure again, but this time the body is much larger.

The wings are spread out and must have a length of nearly 300 meters, which is much larger than the mountain that everyone is waiting for.

Obviously, this is an adult "giant peak dragon".

And the breath is not too tyrannical than the dead one.

Adulthood and maturity, although only one level apart,

But it needs a giant dragon, which normally counts the accumulation of nearly a thousand years.

However, "Slave Dragon Envoy" obviously has its own means to cultivate dragons and speed up their growth for a long time.

at this time,

There is a two-layer form gap, and even the bloodline suppression of "Jingling Dragon" can't work.

Bai Ye guessed from the relieved look in the Archbishop's eyes,

It seems,

This one in heaven is the righteous Lord.

And with the landing of this "giant peak dragon",


The whole mountain shook.

As soon as the 100-meter-high "Giant Peak Dragon" landed, it found its dead companion, and immediately let out a painful whimper.


This voice at close range,

Make everyone cover their ears.

Because of their poor strength, almost half of the media professionals fainted from nose and mouth bleeding.

There are still many Lancheng people who are ready to support Bai Ye in the distance.

They were all shocked by the giant dragon in the air just now. this the dragon?

Can this body type really have creatures that can beat him?

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