National Transfer: Necromancer? Call Me Calamity!

Chapter 193: One Hundred Thousand Corpses In One Battle!

for a time,

Except for the professionals who died on the ground, the rest of the people could only kneel in panic.

Until the Skeleton Kings passed them, and had already slain in the city of Vi,

Even slowly being blocked by the building and disappearing from sight,

Only then did they look at each other, rejoicing for the rest of their lives.


The crowd did not dare to get up at all, for fear that they would become like the broken corpse beside them.

Until I don't know how long it took, even if everyone's legs were numb and unconscious, they still didn't dare to get up.

And at this time,

Da da da

Bai Ye took Alleria and the others, riding a skeleton horse, and walked slowly over.

at this time,

This city with a population of one million, at the cost of hundreds of thousands of lives, ushered in a deadly silence.

In the air at this time, "Seven Zero Seven" was filled with a strong bloody smell, which was disgusting.

The streets that were full of people a few hours ago now seem to have experienced a hundred years of devastation, leaving only the remains of the ground.

Except for the hundreds of thousands of people who escaped from the city, day and night did not let the Skeleton Kings pursue them.

There are about a hundred thousand people left in this Wei City at this time, and they are all lost, kneeling on the ground full of confusion.

this time,

After seeing Bai Ye's figure up close, these people were able to survive because they knelt down.

Finally no longer arrogant.

When Bai Ye and the others came over on the skeleton horses, everyone hurriedly lowered their heads, for fear of making Bai Ye unhappy.

that's it,

Bai Ye still managed to enter the city.


But it entered with an extremely strong attitude.

Bai Ye glanced around, and naturally no one dared to look at Bai Ye.

"You, go and call your highest-ranking official."

Huang Mao, who was picked up by Bai Ye, hurriedly crawled and started looking for someone.


The city lord of Wei City, who was at the city gate, directly climbed over on his knees, for fear that Bai Ye would kill him because he did not kneel.

I just heard him trembling, "What instructions do you have?"

Only to hear Bai Ye's flat voice, "I want you to do me a favor."

Although in a state of extreme fear,

But the city lord of Weicheng hurriedly squeezed out a smile that was even uglier than crying, "You said, I'll take a photo right away.


An announcement notified the entire Kimchi nation.

"Let the Kimchi Country God of War come to see him, otherwise, every time Bai Ye passes through a city, he will continue to belong to the city.

"Those who kneel live, and those who resist die."

And the God of War in the Kimchi country also received the news immediately.

There was still no change in his face.

Because in his opinion, those who died were just scum.

After all, Ulse City is in Kimchi Country, and it is only a small city.

Because Weicheng does not have any high-level dungeons, there is no powerhouse in it at all.

On the way to the next,

The Kimchi Kingdom God of War has prepared quite a few surprises for Bai Ye.

To this,

He also directly sent a message to Bai Ye.

"I'll be waiting for you in the capital city. If you have the ability, just kill you all the way."

During this time,

Kimchi Kingdom God of War spent most of his time researching contracts.

I hope to find a way to break the contract between Bai Ye and "Crystal Spirit Dragon".

The result was nothing.

However, Bai Ye's behavior of "slaughtering the city" made him think of other ways.

Since this contract cannot be cancelled by outsiders, then find a way to win Bai Ye.

After experiencing the huge pressure of facing Tiktes last time.

Kimchi Country God of War decided to ask Bai Ye's biggest enemy for help.

The enemy of the enemy is the friend.

After collecting Bai Ye's information, the Kimchi Kingdom God of War had no choice but to envy the power of Day and Night.

And before the final battle comes,

First wait until that person arrives, and then weaken Bai Ye's undead army.

This, is part of the current plan of the Kimchi Kingdom God of War.

As for Bai Ye's biggest enemy, of course, is the "Pope" of the Holy See of Light.

Isn't it the Holy See's favorite to execute someone like Bai Ye?

Being able to kill Bai Ye and preach the teachings of the Holy See of Light, I would be very happy if I wanted to come to the church.

And after Bai Ye received the information,

He also guessed what the other party must be preparing for.

Otherwise, the god of war in the Kimchi country would not deliberately reveal his position, and would even let Bai Ye kill him all the way.

This is clearly delaying time.

And Bai Ye,

While brushing the proficiency, he also directly acquiesced to the other party's conspiracy,

Bai Ye wants to see what means the other party can prepare?

As for why Bai Ye accepted this conspiracy,

This is also impossible,

If Bai Ye ignored him and flew over to look for him, I'm afraid that the God of War of the Kimchi Kingdom would also run away without hesitation.

Since the other party was preparing, Bai Ye let him die clearly.


Bai Ye doesn't have time to play hide-and-seek and chase with this Kimchi God of War.

it is good

Since you want me to kill directly, I will follow your schedule.

Bai Ye, who stayed for one night in Weicheng,

Go straight to the next day.

The people who were kneeling yesterday are still kneeling on the ground at this time.

Under the fear of death, they did not dare to get up or flee at all.

After all, who knows what's going to happen to that?

Under the threat of death, they did not dare to gamble, and no one dared to do this.

Facing Bai Ye who was walking away slowly, until Bai Ye's figure completely disappeared in the distance,

They breathed a sigh of relief.

Until the first professional, trembling and getting up.

The people on the street were full of kneeling, and then they climbed up with difficulty.

And many people accidentally fell again because they had been kneeling for too long.

look around,

Dilapidated buildings in 2.9, with broken limbs everywhere,

This scene,

It will be a scene they will never forget.

Bai Ye here,

Soon came to the second city, Guangcheng.


This city is much larger, and there are many more professionals in it than the previous Weicheng.

Perhaps because of the strength of a large number of strong people, they are not afraid of Bai Ye.

Seeing this, Bai Ye became interested.

If they didn't resist along the way, wouldn't it be a lot less fun?

without hesitation,

Bai Ye shouted directly, "The city will be massacred in an hour, but this time, anyone who has attacked my undead army will die even if they kneel down!"

Ps. Ask for data wow!.

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