National Transfer: Necromancer? Call Me Calamity!

Chapter 196 The Nightmare Of The Whole Kimchi Country!

That's right,

Since it is "Bone and Corpse Explosion", of course, the dead Skeleton King can also explode.

Explosion of over a thousand Skeleton Kings,

In an instant, almost all the professionals on the city wall were torn apart.

Countless blood mists bloomed on the wall.

Even the city walls they swore were blown up out of thin air.

They can no longer be afforded any protection.

at this time,

There were only a few lingering professionals left on the top of the city, howling in pain.

There is also the city lord of Guangcheng who was seriously injured by the energy spread,

I don't have the energy to fix my hurricane-tossed hair.

It is precisely because he has the highest level, and at the same time there is no Skeleton King explosion at close range,

This allowed him to survive.

see with my own eyes,

Over a thousand Skeleton Kings exploded in an instant, directly smashing the team of over ten thousand people and the city wall below.

In the blink of an eye it turned into a scene of ruins,

The city lord of Guangcheng, who even forgot to resist and take drugs, slumped to the ground in an instant.

In his empty eyes, he couldn't believe everything in front of him.

And the skeleton kings will not stop, they are still ruthlessly harvesting the professionals who are still in Yuan Chuan.

this time,

Even if they struggled and knelt down, no matter how much they begged 243, it would be of no avail.

Until a Skeleton King approached, he ruthlessly swung his axe and took the city of light. life directly taken away.

at the last moment of life,

The City Lord of Guangcheng only had monstrous remorse left, but it was too late.

On the eve of the explosion,

Almost all of the kimchi country professionals watched the battle.

And when the "bone explosion" occurred,

Looking at the city wall that claims to be able to block Bai Ye easily, including those lively professionals,

In the blink of an eye, it turned into a cloud of blood.

If it was said that Weicheng was weak before, it gave them a fluke mentality.

At that time, Bai Ye became the nightmare of the whole Kimchi country.

Is Bai Ye really human?

Can a person really do this?

Do not!

Bai Ye is definitely not a human being, he is a devil and a sin.

Look at the city wall that has been blasted to rubbish in front of you,

Therefore, the Guangcheng people fell into extreme panic.

this moment,

(babf) Under the shadow of Bai Ye, no professional dared to resist.

in order not to be killed,

All the people in Guangcheng walked to the street and knelt directly on the ground.

He even buried his head on the ground, for fear that Bai Ye would anger Bai Ye and kill them mercilessly.

The terrifying corpse explosion spilled the blood of this group of professionals in the city to several nearby blocks.

There are fingers, internal organs, and broken swords on the ground.

Smells disgusting blood,

There is only one thought left in their minds now,

Bai Ye is not human, he is a demon from hell.

He is not a necromancer, he is a natural disaster!

When Bai Ye crossed the city wall and saw people kneeling on the ground, he didn't feel anything in his heart.

Maybe it's been in contact with undead creatures for a long time,

Bai Ye's view of life and death is very light now, especially the death of a stranger, and it will not cause the slightest disturbance.

Unless it is a familiar person or thing, it is difficult for Bai Ye to develop any empathy.

And Bai Ye has always believed that poor people must have something to hate.

His advance warning was already his greatest mercy.

In this city of light, Bai Ye did not stop,

Instead, they continued to rush towards the capital city where the God of War of the Kimchi Kingdom was located.

Until Bai Ye left for a long time,

The entire Guangcheng people were still unable to face the facts in front of them for a while.

At this time, Guangcheng can be said to have been abandoned.

The high-end combat power is almost dead, and the dungeons in the city will be unguarded.

They could only leave their homes and rush to other cities.

For a long time to come, they will be enveloped by Bai Ye's nightmare.

As for continuing to resist?

Under that kind of terrifying strength, they have no idea of ​​resistance at all.

this day,

Bai Ye walked through several cities in a row,

It's just that in these cities, no one dared to resist Bai Ye.

Even for fear of angering Bai Ye, even the city gate was opened in advance.

The professionals in the city knelt down early, waiting for Bai Ye to pass by.

The strange picture seems to be a devout believer, waiting for their king to pass by.

Many young children knelt on the ground and asked their parents in confusion,

who's that person?

Why do we have to kneel?

Parents can only answer, don't speak, because he is the representative of the devil in the world, if we don't kneel, we will die.

But he doesn't look scary, does he?


Except for these children, no one dared to peek at Bai Ye.

Recalling the first video about Bai Ye, the experience with Bai Ye along the way.

It seems that Bai Ye did not deliberately kill innocent people.

From the beginning, those who kneel down will live, to those who resist, they will die.

It seems that only those who have attacked Bai Ye will be killed by Bai Ye.

Could it be that if we talk to Bai Ye well from the beginning, there will be nothing wrong, Mom?

But this thought only flashed in their minds.

He just smiled and forgot about it.


Because Blue Star is now a world where the strong are respected, no one dares to guarantee themselves,

Have the same combat power as Bai Ye, but don't do more than Bai Ye?

I'm afraid that most people, with Bai Ye's strength, will only be more brutal.

It's like this Kimchi Kingdom God of War, which is much dirtier than Bai Ye behind his back.

this moment,

They are more afraid of Bai Ye, fear of the strong, rather than resentment.

Bai Ye here

After two days of rushing on the road, we are only a small town away from our final destination.

But this small town is surprisingly quiet.

It can only be described as weird everywhere.

Ps. Ask for data wow!.

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