At this time, everyone was immediately stunned.

Bai Ye actually dared to do it?

A spike without a trace of affection at all?

The one who died was not a passerby, but a giant of the Dragon Kingdom.

After answering Bai Ye's words, Chu Lao immediately guessed what Bai Ye was going to do.

It was he who promised Bai Ye that he had the right to kill first and then play.

Bai Ye is the sword of the current dynasty, and it will cut off the officials of the previous dynasty.

It stands to reason that there is nothing wrong with it, but there must be some way to handle it.

If he kills this old man Ouyang for no reason, he will be held responsible.

As for the handle of the Ouyang family, not even the chief executive has been caught.

At most, it is to let him abdicate and let the sages be on the bright side.

Chu Lao knew that this matter would never be the case.

The people of the Ouyang 10 family will not give up.

And the other bigwigs around must also choose to fall into the trap.

Old man Ouyang died, for them, there were only advantages and no disadvantages.

Several people were already thinking about how to erode the Ouyang family's industry.

And Bai Ye's "golden elixir", they didn't forget it either.

Several bosses looked at each other and saw the smiles in each other's eyes.

As for the shadowy old man, the people in black around him really couldn't move.

After all, they are the most senior "security department".

In front of them, Bai Ye killed the head of the Ouyang family so casually.

This has definitely turned into an extremely bad event in their opinion.

Seeing the men in black, they all took out their weapons and quickly formed a combat formation.

Chu Lao hurriedly settled the situation, "Wait a minute, don't worry, this is a misunderstanding. It was I who gave Bai Ye a position only half a level lower than me.

"I think Bai Ye killed old man Ouyang for some reason, we'll wait for him to explain.


The people in black don't care about this, if they let Bai Ye go now, it would be their dereliction of duty.

Among them, as the captain of the man in black, he directly led the team forward, "Chu, please step aside, no matter what the reason [Yu Ye killed him in the street after all. So Bai Ye must go back with us for investigation."

"You'd better persuade Bai Ye to surrender now, otherwise we can only use force."

And at this time, I felt the movement here,

There are many people in black in Lancheng who have gathered here.

The men in black in Lancheng immediately guessed by dressing that this group is the highest-level "security department" from the imperial capital.

"These men in black are not our immediate bosses, are they?"

"No, they want to arrest Bai Ye?"

"What should I do? The city lord of Lan City just got out of the serious injury, and he couldn't make it at all."

Hearing that they were going to arrest Bai Ye, all Lancheng people were anxious.

"What happened to Bai Ye? Why did you arrest Bai Ye?"

"Hey, did you admit the wrong person? Or is there any misunderstanding?"

"Look at the one on the ground, isn't it the patriarch of the Ouyang family? I seem to have seen him on TV before.

"The Ouyang family seems to be in charge of the economy of dozens of cities. It is an absolute super family."

"It's over, Bai Ye killed him, this is a big disaster, what should I do?"

"Who cares, they can't let them take Bai Ye away. He has done so many things for us in Lancheng before. The young man made a mistake, what does it matter."

After all,

A group of professionals from Lancheng stepped forward one after another, trying to stop the man in black.

At this time,

Bai Ye is now staring at the communication, ignoring them at all.

It turned out that it was the City Lord of Lancheng who had seriously injured Su Xing just now, and finally received a message from Bai Ye.

According to the information of Lancheng City Lord,

At that time, when Sister Mengling and Sister Dali were attacked, the city lord of Yuancheng and the bearded uncle rushed to the scene immediately.

Seeing that someone was going to take Sister Mengling and the others away, the two sides immediately fought together.

As a result, the city lord of Lan City was injured and was dying, and the bearded uncle could only quietly keep up with the other party.

Now Bai Ye,

Just waiting for the bearded uncle to come to the position, so that I can save Sister Mengling and the others.


A coordinate appeared on Bai Ye's communicator.

And it was at this time,

The people in black also directly gave an ultimatum, "Idle people and others, get out of the way immediately, or you will all be brought back to the imperial capital for interrogation."

"Bai Ye, I advise you not to resist, and immediately go back with us to be investigated.


The people in black forcibly pushed the surrounding professional 930 practitioners away and walked towards Bai Ye with weapons in hand.

However, at this time,


A huge "Bone Dragon" instantly appeared in front of everyone,

Huge body, almost as big as the tall buildings on the side.

And that's why the "Bone Dragon" didn't stand up straight and spread its wings.

The terrifying deterrent force immediately startled the people in black.


Is this... "Bone Dragon"?

Is there such a big "skeletal dragon"?

How can a normal "Bone Dragon" have such a strong aura?

What is Bai Ye doing?

Wouldn't it really be about killing people, it's the same as facing Ouyang Pengcheng and the head of the Ouyang family just now, right?

If Bai Ye really does it, it seems that we don't have enough to give this "Shit the dragon's cold teeth.

What should I do?

Just when the nerves of the men in black were tense, they were preparing to face Bai Ye's attack.

The "Bone Dragon" flew away with Bai Ye directly.


Ps. Ask for data wow!.

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