No wonder Sister Mengling thought so much.

On this side of the Holy See of Light,

In the newly established branch of the Holy See of Light in Lancheng,

The reliefs on the wall tell various great stories of the Holy See of Light.

Whether it is the relief or the surrounding decoration, it is made of extremely rare and rare materials.

All show the transcendent status of the Holy See of Light.

at this time,

A new-faced red deacon,

He was kneeling on the ground, pressing his forehead to the ground, and telling the cardinal, "Bishop, last night's operation failed again, this is already our fourth group of people, and the people we can use now are no longer available. More, the other party is much stronger than we imagined."

"We even sent two LV60 priests last night, but we still didn't bring back any news."

The cardinal changed his past kindness at this time, and his face was only indifferent,

It seems that the dead groups of people, even the subordinates of LV60, are just tools.

The cardinal said lightly, "I have already checked the information of the other party, and they died not wrongly. I didn't expect the two trash fish to hide here. I have already notified the headquarters, and two "fanatical" people have been sent there. come." "

"We don't need to care about that Bai Ye, his level is still low, it's fine to take care of him for the time being. Now we have to expand the influence of our Holy See of Light in the Dragon Kingdom."

"I have already discussed with the professional associations in the other surrounding cities, and let our people participate in the next regional qualifying competition. The candidates and two "fanatics" are already on their way to Dragon Country. "

"Professionals from the Dragon Kingdom, most of them still don't know the power of our Holy See of Light, and only think that we are stupid and rich, so this time, we must win the regional ranking championship, and it must be an overwhelming victory. The impression that the Holy See of Light is invincible is established in my heart."

"Hmph, since Lancheng chose to reject us, let them regret it."

"The recent arrest of Bai Ye has probably aroused the dissatisfaction of the "security department" here. Before the arrival of the "fanatics", let's keep a low profile. "

Hearing the name "fanatic",

There was a hint of fear on the face of the red deacon, and he hurried back, "Okay, Lord Bishop, I'll let me know."


Only then did he get up from the ground and leave with respect.

As for the red-clothed aunt who has a relationship with Bai Ye, Bai Ye will never be seen again.

Because last night, she had already died under the scissors of Sister Vigor, and there was no room for resistance at all.

The name "fanatic",

It is neither a profession nor a position of the Holy See of Light, but a title of a group in the Holy See of Light.

Before they were baptized, they had absolute fanaticism for the "Goddess of Light".

And after being baptized, in addition to receiving more blessings, it also becomes more extreme.

Those who are called "fanatics" are all extremely powerful beings.

It's just that his thoughts are too extreme, and he can't spread the teachings of the Holy See of Light outside like a cardinal.

Instead, it's more suitable to do something unseen.

Each "fanatic" is a strong person who has passed the third rank, and is ready to sacrifice his life for the Holy See of Light at any time.


For those who oppose the Holy See of Light, the most troublesome thing is to encounter "fanatics", and they are notoriously difficult to deal with.

In fact, the cardinal of LV80 has an artifact projection, and his strength is above the "fanatic".

But to outsiders,

Would rather meet a cardinal than a "fanatic".

At least the cardinal may choose to flee in extreme circumstances.

And "fanatics" never die.

Because in front of "fanatics", even if they just say "Goddess of Light" casually, or show disdain, they will be killed, or even genocide.

Because of its extreme nature,

The Holy See of Light did not encounter special circumstances, and rarely dispatched "fanatics".

The Cardinal also asked for two "fanatics" from the headquarters only after he discovered Sister Meng Ling and Sister Dali.


The cardinal sat on the chair, tapping his fingers on the armrest regularly, "If a 'fanatic' takes action, I see what resistance you two trash fish do? I just don't know if I can find the props that I used to do by the way? "

If I hadn't been in the official line of sight of Lancheng,

The Cardinal had already done it himself.



On the day Bai Ye broke through the ninth-story tower of the secret realm.

After the bearded uncle told Bai Ye to let him participate in the "Regional Qualifying Tournament", he came to the City Lord's Mansion.

Tell Bai Ye's performance that day to the Lord of Lan City.

at this stage,

Bai Ye broke the gold-level shield with just two "bone spears" with the basic skills of the necromancer.

Although there is a suspicion that the previous blow of the "Bone Cavalry" had already damaged its shield.

But passing the ninth-floor secret realm tower is real,

It is enough to represent that Bai Ye has extremely strong combat power and potential.

This level of ability, according to the past, is more than enough to participate in the "regional ranking".

The people that other cities can send are at most people who have just passed the second rank.

There are a total of 16 cities in the region. In the last competition five years ago, Lancheng only won the seventh place.

An unbeatable ranking.

The City Lord of Lan City did not expect to win the championship.

Especially still,

Uncle Beard explained that Bai Ye has now reached LV33, but it took less than half a month.

Only then did the city lord of Lancheng show a surprised look.

Because there are still two months before the "regional qualifying".

According to Bai Ye's upgrade speed, and then casually upgrade to the forty or so levels, he will definitely be able to fight and get a top ranking.

such strength,

It is already much stronger than the candidate of the Lancheng City Lord at the beginning.

The city lord also waved his hand happily, minus what he originally said to test Bai Ye.

Directly reported Bai Ye's name.


Because the surrounding cities are related to the Holy See of Light, it is very abnormal.

There was no news about the people sent by the Lord of Lancheng to investigate the Holy See of Light.

In addition, the constant persuasion of other cities has already made the city lord of Lancheng wear his mouth.

This prevented the Holy See of Light from continuing to reach agreements with other cities, and reduced the Holy See of Light's frenzied recruitment in the surrounding area.

As a result now,

The Holy See of Light has intervened in the "Regional Qualifying Tournament" again?


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