National Transfer: Necromancer? Call Me Calamity!

Chapter 62 You passed the ninth floor? (Subscribe!)

Bai Ye came to the competition place according to the address of Uncle Beard.

A group of blond men and women came into view.


Why are there international friends to help out?

Bai Ye didn't take it seriously, and came to the place belonging to Lancheng.

Except for a few people Bai Ye can often see on TV, including the city owner of Lancheng, the richest man in Lancheng, the president of the Professional Association, the president and vice president of the A-level guild "Kangtu".

There is also the eldest lady, "Bone Cavalry" and "Spirit Caller", and even Young Master Mo.

On the other hand, there were no other audience members, they were all rich and powerful people.

When the bearded uncle saw Bai Ye, he first came over and complained, "Brother Bai Ye, you are too busy to have an appointment with you."

It's not to blame Bai Ye. During this period of time, he was busy brushing his proficiency, and no one talked about it.

Sister Mengling and Sister Dali also inexplicably refused to let themselves go out.


Beard also hurried over to help Bai Ye introduce, "This is our City Lord of Lan City, this is..."

It was the first time that Bai Ye had seen so many big people who were usually high above.

But they only replied in turn, "The city lord is good, the richest man is good..."

On the other hand, the eldest lady on the side was stunned,

How did Bai Ye come?

Only then did he realize that Bai Ye was the one his father reported on?


It's a pity that Bai Ye couldn't participate in this competition.

It was because he thought too much.

The "Spirit Caller" was still familiar as usual, and directly pulled Bai Ye's arm, "Brother Bai Ye, why are you here?"5

"I'm here to compete."9

Hearing Bai Ye's reply, the "Spirit Caller" widened his eyes, "Are you here to participate in the competition?"

The "Spirit Caller" knew that Bai Ye was very strong, but there was no way to think that Bai Ye was actually here to participate in the competition.

Because the people who came to the competition,

In her eyes, they are all existences that have broken the shackles of the second-rank career.

And I just learned that the people who came here to participate this year have high-level exaggerated existences.


The "Spirit Caller" couldn't help but guess, could it be that brother Bai Ye has broken the shackles of the second turn?

So the upgrade speed is too fast?

During this time, Mu Qing and I still have a stone, the three of them go to the dungeon every day, and now they are only LV35.

Bai Ye is already LV45?

The richest man in Lancheng, who was watching the reaction of the "Spirit Summoner", knew it immediately.

It turns out that Bai Ye is one of those 21 boys who traded skill books with his precious daughter?

To be favored by the city owner and to participate in this competition, he should also have real skills.

With the skill book "Summon Night Elf", it's not impossible to give it a shot.

I just don't know how many skill books he has upgraded to?

Also, this is an advanced skill, and the mana consumption is not low. I wonder how many night elves Bai Ye can summon at one time?

at this time,

The bearded uncle also suddenly asked, "By the way, little fierce brother Bai Ye, what's your level now?"

Bai Ye answered directly and truthfully, "LV33, I haven't had time to go to the dungeon recently."


In Bai Ye's words,

All the people in Lancheng were stunned.

The "Spirit Caller" exclaimed subconsciously, "Brother Bai Ye, you haven't upgraded recently?"


It's all over!

Almost all Lancheng people present were dumbfounded.

How does this compare?

Only Young Master Mo, who knew that Bai Ye had come to participate in the competition from the beginning, subconsciously avoided Bai Ye.

Now I hear Bai Ye say that he hasn't upgraded in this period of time, and he still only has LV33.

Mo Shao almost laughed.

Bai Ye was afraid that he was going to be embarrassed, and he just threw it out of Lan City.

Hearing Bai Ye's words, the bearded uncle looked embarrassedly at the City Lord of Lan City beside him.

After all, he recommended Bai Ye to participate in the competition.

What is this to yourself?

Do bad things with good intentions?

You must know that even if you only lose a resource-based dungeon, the loss of each collection is in units of 100 million.

Not to mention the next five years.

Looking at the embarrassed bearded uncle, Lan City City Lord didn't say much.

He could only step forward, pat Bai Ye on the shoulder and comfort him, "It's alright, don't be stressed, just do your best."5

Bai Ye looked at the disappointed expressions of everyone and just wanted to explain.

I heard the host on the stage shout, "All the contestants, please gather here."

Bai Ye had no choice but to walk over there.

Although no other spectators were present here,

But there are live broadcast equipment.

Professionals in the entire area are all paying attention to this game, and the barrage in the live broadcast room has long been swiped.

"The five-yearly qualifying competition has begun, I'm looking forward to it. 35

"Why are there so many blondes on stage? This is for a show? I don't remember this one in previous years?

"Your news is too backward, that is the city representative of the Holy See of Light participating in the cooperation."

"What does it mean to have so many golden retrievers in our own game?"

"That is, what do people in these cities think?"

"Wouldn't we be ashamed if we lost to them outsiders?"

"If so many of them join forces, what do we compare to others? Just admit defeat."

"There is no way, I can only say that the Holy See of Light has given it too much."

"Huh? Why is there someone so young inside?"

"I know him. He is the necromancer who passed the ninth floor of the Secret Realm Tower two months ago in Lancheng."

"The ninth floor of the Secret Realm Tower? Or the Necromancer? You don't have to brag like that. The Secret Realm Tower of the Holy See of Light is originally aimed at the profession of the dark class. Can he pass the ninth floor?

That's right,

Standing in the crowd of contestants at this time, Bai Ye's grade looked the youngest.

And the host just counted the people,

I am preparing to tell the rules of the next game.

The Cardinal, who also came to the scene, suddenly interrupted the host, "I'm sorry to disturb you, I want to say a few words first."

The host frowned, this is a live broadcast, but it is not good to directly hit the other party in the face.

So I had to say, "Okay, but you have to hurry up, you can't affect the progress of the game."

The cardinal looked confident and said slowly, "Because there are six players from our Holy See of Light among the candidates for this competition, for the fairness of the competition, I hope to change the rules of the competition.

"Prevent you from saying that we, the people of the Holy See, won't be fair enough.

After the host looked at the leader, "You said, how do you change the law?"

The cardinal smiled and said, "I want to change the dungeon of the game to "LV45 Fairy Forest", this dungeon can choose its own difficulty.

"And the monsters inside don't need to take the initiative to go out to find them, they will be delivered to the door themselves, which greatly improves the efficiency. We just need to wait and see, and that's fine."

The host asked his doubts, "What does this have to do with fairness?"

only see,

The Cardinal waved his hand and took out a pile of crystal clear dark purple gems, "Our Holy See of Light can provide "Refresh Stones" for free, as long as the players enter one by one, after everyone passes the level, we can directly use the "Refresh Stones" Refresh the progress of the dungeon, so as to ensure fairness. "5

After listening to the cardinal's words, the city lord of Lancheng showed such an expression as expected, and I knew that they still had something to deal with.

Holy See of Light,

This is the plan, first use fairness to make a good name for yourself, and then use the "refresh stone" to show that you are not only fair, but also pay more money.

see this,

The host had to suspend the game first and go to the backcourt to discuss with the leaders.

But the live broadcast room exploded directly,

"I'm going, I just said that the Holy See of Light and the others joined forces, it's more than a fart, so this is the case?"

"I didn't expect the Holy See of Light, it's quite fair, so no one can join forces, and neither can they themselves."

"What is this "refresh stone"? Why haven't I heard of it?"

"Refreshing Stones are rare items that can only be made by advanced life players, and it is said that one can sell for hundreds of millions. "

"Hundreds of millions? It's just to refresh the progress of the dungeon, how expensive is it?"

"That's your ignorance, you can use it to refresh those resource-based dungeons, and once you refresh it, you will definitely make no loss.

"One hundred million yuan, the Holy See of Light is going to spend 1.5 billion this time? Just for fairness? This is too rich and powerful, right?

"I heard that the Holy See of Light is rich, but I didn't expect it to be so rich!""

"I'm going to work at the Holy See of Light, and no one will stop me."

"Take me one, as long as you give more, just look at the door!"

The host quickly returned to the stage.

Then he said, "Okay, just do as you said, we thank you in advance for your free gift.

It also explains the new way of earning points.

Because this dungeon is difficult to choose, starting from LV45, the dungeon has difficulty selection.

Divided into simple, abyss, nightmare!

Therefore, the ordinary monsters in the simple are 1 point, the elite monsters are 5 points, and killing the final boss can get 50 points.

Because of the difficulty of the abyss, this data needs to be doubled.

Nightmare difficulty is doubled.

If they are all cleared, the score will be judged according to the clearance time.

This requires players to consider themselves, whether to pass the simple mode stably, or to go for a more difficult mode.

After all, there are quite a few ordinary monsters in it, so you don't have to solve the boss.

In fact, the leaders did not want to change the rules at will,

Because this tradition has been going on for a long time.

Only because of the professionals participating in this competition, the Holy See of Light accounted for too much.

This has interfered with the fairness of the game.

Originally, when the rules were announced, they deliberately warned them to forget it. After all, they did spend a lot of money in several cities.

but now,

Now that there are better options, there are ways to make the game more fair and equitable.

It was proposed by the Holy See of Light itself.

They certainly won't refuse.


Everyone changed the venue and came to the "LV45 Fairy Forest".

The reason why it is said here is to just wait and see.

It is because the wild monsters in it are all wood-type, and they are very sensitive to the breath of strangers.

So everyone doesn't have to look for wild monsters everywhere, which really saves a lot of time.

When the first player is about to enter the dungeon,

The contestant is a normal Dragon Country local player, S-rank LV49 "Hurricane Swordsman".

Passive is the elemental attack with a hurricane in the ordinary swing of the sword.

because it is the first,

He decisively chose the simple mode and chose to play steadily.

Before he entered, he got a free "Repatriation Scroll" and a "Mirror Crystal".

"Mirror Crystal" is provided by the auxiliary profession "Mirror Master".

It allows the "mirror master" to directly obtain the lens of the person who carries the "mirror crystal".

Can be used as a live camera.

When "Hurricane Swordsman" entered "LV45 Fairy Forest",

Everyone saw it through the "mirror crystal", and the surrounding vines seemed to come alive and attacked the "Hurricane Swordsman" directly.

The ordinary monster "LV45 Dryad" and the elite monster "LV45 Thorny Dryad" came one after another.

Fortunately, every time "Hurricane Swordsman" swings his sword, it is quite a group attack.

Eh! Eh! Eh!

The approaching vines were all shredded and scattered all over the place.

"Hurricane Swordsman" quickly adapted to the battle rhythm.

The higher the power level of the S-class occupation, the more it can be displayed.

"Hurricane Swordsman" will only use skills when encountering elite monsters.

even so,

Under the continuous attack of the opponent, the "Hurricane Swordsman" could only swing his sword and drink medicine at the same time.

And they were drinking "spiritual potions" and "physical potions" that were one level higher than the big blue medicine and the big red medicine.

Before and after, a total of millions of potions were spent.

"Hurricane Swordsman" has just ushered in "Crown Dryad Ferrin Boss".

In the end, two items worth tens of millions, "Bodyguard" and "Elemental Amplifier", were spent.

293 Only then did the final boss beheaded.

In the end, kill 1200 ordinary monsters, 80 elite monsters, and 1 boss.

Got 1650 points and took 1 hour and 25 minutes.

The second player, the S-level LV54 "Blood Spear Knight", was more aggressive and directly chose the abyss mode.

His level is the highest except for the players of the Holy See of Light.

I thought my level was much higher than the previous "Hurricane Swordsman".


Because he is not good at range attack.

After being surrounded by a group of elite monsters, he could only throw away his armor and armor, and after finally running away, he escaped with the "Repatriation Scroll".

Only got 860 points in the end.


As soon as he came out, he was taken away by the "medical team".

Everyone saw that his body was covered with thorns, and there were many thorns with barbs.

"Ah!!! Tap!"

The miserable cries frightened the players in the back, so they decided to clear the simple mode honestly.

The third player was the S-rank LV58 "Holy Hammer Knight" from the Holy See of Light.

He is also the second-highest player in this competition.

He decisively also chose the abyss mode.

This act immediately aroused everyone's exclamation.

And as soon as he entered the dungeon, he immediately began to set up buffing skills for himself.

There were more than a dozen gain skills in a row, and everyone who watched it was stunned.

Before that "Blood Spear Knight" needed more than a dozen shots, or two skills, to destroy the ordinary monster.

This "Knight of the Holy Hammer" only needs two hammers.

bang bang․ ..

It can be emptied directly, and every time he hammers the ground, he can shatter a lot of vines and ordinary monsters around.

that's nothing,

This product can also add blood and blue to himself, and he has never taken medicine at all.

With the powerful comprehensive ability, "Holy Hammer Knight" finally successfully cleared the level.

In the end, 2400 ordinary monsters, 160 elite monsters and 1 boss were killed.

Got 6900 points in 58 minutes.

Whether it is points, time, or difficulty of killing, they all overwhelmed the "Hurricane Swordsman" who passed the simple mode before.


The next few people participated in the competition, as if it was a family game.

Bai Ye even felt a little drowsy.

Until it was the turn of someone from the Holy See of Light again.

It was Kotori who represented Qingcheng, who was the person with the highest level this time, S-rank LV60 "Holy Summoner".

I saw him, but did not go directly to the entrance of the dungeon.

Instead, he suddenly walked towards the sleepy Bai Ye.

With an aloof attitude, he looked at Bai Ye, "Is it because you passed the ninth-floor Secret Realm Pagoda? It doesn't seem to be anything special.

After he finished speaking, he walked towards the entrance of the dungeon.

Leaving Bai Ye with a blank face.

And at this moment,


Exclamations rang out in an instant throughout the whole process. It turned out that it was this "Holy Summoner" who had directly chosen the Nightmare Mode.

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