Looking at the large number of scorpion monsters gushing out of the yellow sand in front of him.

Everyone present except Su Yi couldn't help but panic.

These scorpion monsters are not only strong in their own strength, but also comparable to those monsters with a level of about thirty-eight or nine in the ordinary map of the outside world.

And there are a lot of them.

With the configuration of their team, even if there is a genius of the rare profession of legal little loli.

It is also impossible to be an opponent.

In particular, there are two "oil bottle" assassins in this team.

You know, the assassin profession is to rely on the explosiveness of a set of skills to instantly kill the enemy.

But the health bar of these scorpion monsters in front of them is very thick.

Even if these two assassin-type professionals try their best, they may not be able to kill them instantly.

And once a set of skills is finished.

They will become the waste of "standing in place".

However, the arrow is on the string and has to be fired.

In the dungeon, after the professional enters, the first ten minutes cannot be opted out.

That is to say, at this moment, they and these scorpion monsters can only survive one!

Thinking of this, the eyes of several people looking at Su Yi became more resentful.

It's just that they can reach their level.

They also know that the enemy is now, and now is not the time to blame each other.

There is only Su Yi, a defensive professional, in the team.

If it continues at this time.

With the small bodies of their three crispy professions, they are surrounded by these scorpion monsters.

It is estimated that I can't bear it for five minutes.


"My passer-by assassin brother and I are responsible for outputting in the dark, killing as many monsters as possible in seconds!"

"Little sister, you are in charge of remote output and supporting us!"

Chen Wei began to make arrangements.

As the highest level male in the team!

In the 350 situation where the captain is an idiot, he felt that he had to shoulder the responsibilities of the captain.

After finishing the arrangement, he squinted at Su Yi, and said coldly: "As for you, protect little sister, if she's gone, we'll be really cold!"

After speaking, he and another passer-by assassin were ready to attack.

The little white-haired loli beside her was also holding a bow and nocking an arrow, ready to shoot at any time.

However, Su Yi's movements are much faster than theirs,

"Whoa, whoa!!"

Only to hear the violent sound of piercing through the air.

Su Yi's figure rushed out like an arrow from the arrow, and rushed into the encirclement formed by a group of scorpion monsters in an instant.

"You man, why don't you obey orders..."

See Su Yi in action!

Chen Wei couldn't help feeling angry in his heart!

He was about to say something, but before he finished speaking, the rest of the words seemed to be stuck in half.

Just because, in front of his eyes, a scene that shocked him extremely happened.

The passer-by assassins on the side did the same, their faces looked like they had seen a ghost.

Shock full!

As for the little white-haired loli beside her, she opened her mouth even more savagely!

His face was full of disbelief.

I saw, because just rushed into the encirclement of the scorpion monster.

A group of scorpion monsters found that this broke into human beings.

No nonsense.

With an angry roar, they all rushed forward.

However, the current defense power is as high as 4734 points.

Although these scorpion monsters are terrifying, under this perverted defense,

All their attacks landed on Su Yi, but they had no effect at all.


miss! (bdca)!

On the contrary, as it is attacked, the anti-injury effect of the [Counterattack Storm] skill is activated.

A series of white real damage values ​​slowly floated out from the heads of these scorpion monsters.

-10412 points (true damage).

-10412 points (true damage).

-20824 points (true damage. crit)!

With this series of real injuries floating out.

The health bars of all the scorpion monsters began to drop rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But Su Yi stood there like a normal person.

It seemed that what surrounded him was not a group of ferocious scorpion monsters, but a group of pigs who could be slaughtered by him.

"Fuck, fuck!"

"This... I'm sure it's not my eyesight, it didn't break my defense!"

"A group of scorpion monsters that can rival the 38th and 9th levels of the outside world, even silver-level professionals, have to be careful. Now that they are besieging one person together, they can't break the defense. This is too outrageous!"

"This... what kind of abnormal defense power!"

Seeing this scene, the two assassin-type professionals couldn't help but exclaimed.

As for the white-haired little loli on the side, her eyes were full of shock.

Defense type occupations, in terms of defensive power, are indeed far superior to other types of occupations.

In fact, before this, she had indeed seen quite a few defensive professionals with abnormal defensive power.

However, the defensive power of those defensive professionals is comparable to that of the young man in front of him.

The two are not at the same level at all.

What kind of metamorphic defense is this?

However, in addition to that amazing defensive power!

What happened next is even more inspiring to stay in Debo!

I saw Su Yi not far away, after resisting the attack of the next group of scorpion monsters.

Not only did the whole person not retreat at all, on the contrary, the whole person showed an extremely strong murderous aura.

Under this murderous shroud, Su Yi was like an Asura crawling out of hell.

The dark red spear in his hand drew a line and rushed towards a group of scorpion monsters.

"Fuck, what is he trying to do, take the initiative to attack monsters?"

"Defensive occupations, although the defense power is very strong, but the attack power is very low, even against this group of scorpion monsters, under the crushing level, it may not be able to break the defense!"

"He is in vain!"

"However, this is also good news. This person dares to choose the abyss-level difficulty dungeon, and he still has a little strength. At least, with his defensive power, there is no problem in leaving the dungeon after ten minutes of resistance.

It's just that, looking at him like this, his brain seems to be a little abnormal, a defensive type occupation, but he still takes the initiative to attack!"

The two assassin-type professionals looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief.

Su Xiao's terrifying defense.

It reassured him a lot.

At the very least, they don't have to die in this abyss-level dungeon.

As for the customs copy?

They didn't even think about it.

After all, in order to clear the abyss-level difficulty of the dungeon "Lost Desert", it is not enough to have a perverted defense.

It also requires extremely powerful damage output capabilities.

After all, the final boss of the abyss-level dungeon of "Lost Desert" is a gold-level boss!

Terrifyingly powerful attributes!

Most people can't even break the defense.

And Su Yi's defense is enough.

As for the damage output ability, they didn't have any expectations at all.

After all, defensive professionals usually have high defense and low damage output.

This is common sense recognized by everyone!

The white-haired little loli on the side felt a little pity.

"If my damage output ability is stronger, maybe I will have a chance to clear this abyss-level dungeon!"

As a rare profession, the damage output ability of the little white-haired Lolita is definitely far beyond that of ordinary professionals.

It's just a pity that her level is too low.

Like Su Yi, only level 20,

With her current damage output ability, it is difficult to pose a threat to the final boss of the dungeon!

Otherwise, with Su Yi's terrifying defensive power, there is still a certain chance to clear this abyss-level dungeon.

As for the thoughts of the three teammates, Su Shi naturally did not know.

Even if he knew, he wouldn't take it to heart.

In his eyes, these teammates are just tool people.

After successfully entering the dungeon, whatever they like to do will not affect him in the slightest.

At this moment, he has rushed to the front of a group of scorpion monsters.

"It's over!"

Although due to occupational reasons, the values ​​of his physical attack power and magic attack power are both 0.

But under the effect of the passive skill [Supreme Power].

Each of his attacks can cause true damage equal to defense x220% to the enemy.

In terms of his current defensive power of 4734 points.

To deal with these scorpion monsters, simply don't come too easy.


The dark red spear stabbed out, and the terrifying force star burst into the air.

In an instant, a scorpion monster rushing in front was easily penetrated!

[Congratulations on successfully killing a level 30 Shurima sand guard, experience value +158 points, maximum health value +5 points, maximum mana value +5 points...]

"Fuck, what's the matter with this Nima!"

"Kill a monster in one hit?"

"Are you sure this wasn't an accident?"

"How can a defensive type of occupation have such high damage!"

"I'm a level 30 assassin, and I can't even kill this scorpion monster with one blow. What's going on? It's outrageous.

"Don't think about it, what kind of trump card method he definitely used, otherwise, a defensive type profession, it is impossible to have such a strong damage output ability!"

Seeing this scene, the two assassins were immediately stunned.

Words kept chanting in my mouth, and I felt a burst of disbelief.

Little white-haired loli, he was surprised by Tianfen.

Kill a scorpion monster with just one hit?

You must know that, as a rare profession, her current damage output ability may not be so terrifying.

It takes at least several attacks to kill.

Is this an accident, or a

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