National Transfer: Weak Wizards? I Can Dissect The Gods

The 101 bloodline has been successfully transformed! The corpse of the super-giant creature in the a

The sheriff's office?

Longhua's students, look at me, I look at you, eyes full of doubts.

Obviously, they don't know why there are people from the security bureau coming to the copy center.

But just when several people were planning to discuss with each other to see if they had heard some crime news recently.

The sheriff who walked into the dungeon center was already walking towards the crowd gathered together.

The sheriff walked up to the crowd and took the initiative to ask:

"Sorry--I want to ask, did Chen Yuan appear in the copy center just now?"

Hear the sheriff.

Everyone present was stunned.

It turned out to be looking for Chen Shen??

I saw a few people with shocked expressions.

The sheriff also knew that he might have been misunderstood, and quickly said with a smile:

"Don't worry, I just came to Chen Yuan to confirm some information, and it has nothing to do with him.

After listening to the sheriff's explanation, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Let's just say, how could Chen Shen have done something that could make the police come to you.

One of them looked down at his watch and said:

"This police officer, Chen Shen entered a hell-level gold book just now, and it has only been five minutes since he entered, you may need to wait for a while.

Hell-level gold-level copy?

The sheriff was stunned.

Even he had heard of Chen Yuan's name.

I just didn't expect that, as a freshman, I even started to swipe the hell-level gold-level dungeon.

This kind of perverted difficulty, even if he asked his captain to go, it is estimated that he would have to go in vertically and come out horizontally...

Thinking about it, the sheriff smiled at the crowd:

"Okay, then I'll wait here for a while, I guess it won't be long, at most an hour..."

After he finished speaking, he went to the rest area in the center of the copy to sit down and wait while resting.

On the contrary, the few people who stayed behind all laughed and said:

"An hour? This police officer feels a little despised by our God Chen! I have a strong hunch that God Chen must only take half an hour!"

"Do you dare to start another game?"

"Open it! Whoever is afraid!"

"Spell it out! The lower plate is pressed backwards, and the villa is by the sea! I will press Chen Shen to come out in less than half an hour!"


Finished opening.

Everyone was waiting.

I plan to see how long it will take Chen Yuan to make a hell-level gold-level dungeon.

ten minutes later.

When Chen Yuan's figure reappeared at the door of the hell-level golden book.

The stunned crowd wailed, only the guy who pushed Chen Yuan back in half an hour made a lot of money.

Looking at the noisy crowd, Chen Yuan didn't know what they were doing.

I am planning to continue to brush a hell-level gold book--

The clearance reward of the hell-level gold book is guaranteed to have a gold tool.

And, by brushing a book, the power of the undead that can be collected is about 300 units.

It is about one-half more than the Nightmare Book, and it can convert almost 4 undead creatures, and the efficiency will be higher.

Just when Chen Yuan was going to continue to brush a few other hell-level gold books.

The sheriff who was resting and waiting in the rest area had already walked up to Chen Yuan.

However, at this time, his face was full of shock, and he was speechless when he looked at Chen Yuan.

This is a hell-level gold book!

He had already heard that Chen Yuan was very strong.

So he wasn't too surprised when he heard that Chen Yuan had done a copy of this difficulty.

But this speed, is it serious???

How long has it been since? My ass is not even hot!

He's already done brushing! Still brushing alone!

This shock lasted for a long time until Chen Yuan took the initiative to ask him what was the matter.

The sheriff, who was deeply shocked, then recovered his strength, coughed softly, and started talking about business.

"Student Chen Yuan, I have a message for you-"

"Mahiko Liuyun from Imperial University, has been missing since yesterday--"

Speaking of which, the sheriff paused.

There was no longer the shock in those eyes.

Instead, it suddenly turned into a keen scrutiny, staring firmly at Chen Yuan.

After all, he is a security man, professional skills, excellent.

He needs to judge whether Chen Yuan is related to this matter through Chen Yuan's facial expression and his reaction after hearing the news.


Chen Yuan's performance did not have the slightest problem.

After meeting his gaze, Chen Yuan's expression on his entire face was very calm and natural.

This kind of calm is not a calm calm, but from the corners of the eyes, to the corners of the mouth, to the wings of the nose--

There was no change in his micro-expression, which could show his slightest panic--

Even the sentence "Is it? But what does it have to do with me", all said calmly.

Before coming, the sheriff had done corresponding work and had a general understanding of Chen Yuan's character--

He is indifferent to almost anything but his own interests.

Therefore, all of Chen Yuan's performances are quite normal.

'I just said, Chen Yuan is the enchanting genius of our Long Xia, how could it be related to this disappearance case...

The sheriff thought so.

He didn't quite believe that Chen Yuan would be involved in this matter.

In the follow-up, I just randomly asked a few ordinary questions such as "Why did you have a conflict with Liu Yun Mahiko?" "Have you seen him since then?"

After asking, I recorded a little, and after expressing my apology to Chen Yuan for taking up the time, I left the copy center.

As for Chen Yuan.

It just didn't take it seriously.

Turn around and go to the service desk, ask for the permission of a hell-level gold book, and continue to brush.

When the time comes to night.

After returning to the villa residence.

Chen Yuan counted his achievements today.

First, nature is rank.

Crazy leapfrog dungeon, directly causing Chen Yuan's level to skyrocket.

From the first Iv.20, to the later Iv.25, and then brushing 5 hell-level gold books, it rose to Iv.28.

The higher the level, the more difficult it is to level up. The experience required for leveling up is also increasing exponentially, but this kind of situation where you can level up 8 levels in one day - it is completely considered a miracle.

Except for grades.

The number of silver-rank undead units in [Paradise Lost] has reached more than 70.

These seventy silver-rank undead were equivalent to nearly 6,000 units of undead power.

If Chen Yuan needs it, he can re-inhale them into the [Death Graveyard] to transform the undead of the Gold Rank or Platinum Rank.

Finally, there is the gold.

Chen Yuan got a total of 9 pieces of gold for the whole day today.

Almost enough for the greedy snake to eat for a week.

After the statistics are finished today's harvest.

Thinking back to that sheriff--

Chen Yuan smiled slightly, his soul connected to the wizard tower--

When Chen Yuan came to the [Bloodline Transformation Area] on the first floor of the Wizard Tower.

The Liu Yun Mahiko, who was locked in the containment cage, has completed a considerable degree of blood fusion.

I saw that his body became stronger than ever, and the large muscles that bulged seemed to be full of explosive power.

On the surface of the skin, there are pieces of gray rock armor scales covering it, but I don't know what the specific defense is, and whether it can reach the level of the rock abyss earth dragon.

See Chen Yuan again.

The madness in Liu Yun Mahiko's eyes was even worse.

Although he didn't know why all his abilities disappeared.

But inexplicably, he acquired a physical, violent force.

This kind of power was something he had never experienced before, as if he could easily tear apart anyone who dared to stand in front of him.

Therefore, he frantically slammed the walls of the containment cage, and the sound he made was countless times louder than the previous Jane - which meant that the increase in his pure power was also quite terrifying.

"It looks like the experiment was a success.

Excitement appeared on Chen Yuan's face.

He raised his hand, and [Condensation Suppression] condensed a metal spear in the space.

As Chen Yuan's thoughts moved, he directly stabbed Liu Yun Zhenyan in the cage.

Due to the small size of the containment cage, there was no place for Liu Yun Mahiko to hide.

After roaring and roaring, he chose to pick it up hard!

I saw his fist covered with rock armor scales swiping directly at the metal spear!


There was a sound of gold and stone colliding.

The metal spear condensed by [Condensation Suppression] was instantly broken and fell to the ground.

Seeing this scene, Liu Yun Zhenyan first glanced at his fist in astonishment.

Immediately afterwards, there was ecstasy on his face, looking at Chen Yuan's eyes, full of provocative killing intent!

That look seemed to say--

You can't kill me, but as soon as I get out of this damn cage, I'll kill you!

It is a pity--

Chen Yuan didn't want to work too hard with an experimental living body.

He found a button on the side of the cage and pressed it lightly.

It was almost the moment Chen Yuan pressed it.

The entire containment shrinks in an unimaginable way.

Before Liu Yun Mahiko could react, it shrunk into a single point--

By the time the containment cage returned to its original state, everything was gone.

【Experimental Living Body Elimination Button】

This is the note next to that button.

"Now that the in vivo experiment has been successful...then now, it's time to test the results."1

Follow the basic steps.

Chen Yuan first took the prepared hemolytic agent.

After the corresponding time, he injected himself with the blood of Yanyuan Earth Dragon that had been prepared in advance.


He did not wait until the natural fusion of blood power like Liu Yun Zhenyan did.

Instead, through the previously learned [Blood Control], he slowly guides the earth dragon essence and blood in his body to digest slowly.

This process, if it happens naturally.

For example, like Liu Yun Mahiko, it takes about a whole day.

But under the guidance of [Blood Control], it didn't take too long.

Even before the connection with the gray fog world reached its limit, Chen Yuan had already completed the absorption of the power of blood.

However, his body did not have the mutation like Liu Yun Mahiko's. Only when the power of the bloodline was turned on would it be transformed into that form.


"You have to have such a low bloodline--ga--"

The Three-Eyed Raven appeared silently again, and cast a contemptuous look at Chen Yuan.

Chen Yuan said helplessly:

"The previous owner here was a six-ring stigma wizard, and when he took office, he was a nine-ring stigma wizard—"

"Compared to them, I, who have just condensed the first stigmata, can fuse the blood of the earth dragon quite well.


"It seems to be the case."

The Three-Eyed Raven tilted its head slightly, as it agreed with Chen Yuan's statement.

"I don't know when I will be able to fuse the real dragon blood--yes."

Chen Yuan wanted to sigh with emotion, but suddenly he had a more curious question.

"According to what you said, I have now been successfully promoted from a wizard apprentice to a real wizard.

"So, can I go to the second floor of this wizard's tower now? Or -- the third floor?

According to Chen Yuan's inference.

The functional divisions of the three floors of the wizard tower should be consistent with their corresponding 'rings'.

The first layer corresponds to the 'Flesh Ring', so here are all the equipment and instruments for studying the flesh.

The second layer corresponds to the 'soul ring', does that mean that there is also a secret to enhance the power of the soul?

Facing Chen Yuan's question, 737 said casually as he lowered his head and stroked the feathers on his wings:


"If you want to enter the second floor, you must at least reach the level of the third ring stigmata... As for the third floor, you are still far behind..."

"How far is it?"

Chen Yuan asked.

"Wait until you can see the origin of your world--ga--"

'It's far from bad.

Chen Yuan thought to himself.

But the distance from the second floor does not seem to be too far away.

The third ring of stigmata is only two away--

Just thinking about it, the soul light group swayed slightly.

This means that the connection with the gray fog world has reached the upper limit of time.

Chen Yuan disconnected from the gray fog world and returned to the real world.

"Before going to bed, try it out a little - blood stimulation."

As soon as the words fell, Chen Yuan stimulated the bloodline power of Yanyuan Earth Dragon in his body.

As Chen Yuan's pupils gradually turned pale gold, some kind of mutation was taking place in his body.

Dark gray rock armor scales cover the body surface, and the well-proportioned body gradually becomes extremely strong.

When the power of blood is fully activated, the mutation on the body is gradually completed.

Chen Yuan felt the inexplicable sense of confidence that he had given Liu Yun Zhenyan earlier.

This feeling, as if being able to tear apart any living creature standing in front of him.

Look at the muscular lines of the arms and body that are full of strength.

Chen Yuan was quite satisfied with the result of this bloodline modification.

"A perfect bloodline transformation.

After the experience.

Chen Yuan turned off the power of the bloodline.

The pale gold in the pupils slowly faded away.

The changes in the body are gradually hidden.

into a normal human appearance.


Longxia Mansion.

Office of the President.

As the president of the Longxia Court.

Although Lin Tianzhan has many things to deal with every day.

But generally speaking, he can rest normally until 2 o'clock in the evening.

But now, it was 4 am, and he was still frowning.

All of this is just because of a handwritten report sent from Yuandong in a hurry tonight.

"Analysis report on the discovery of super-giant biological bones at 7,500 meters underground in 'Yuandong'"

Also included in this report are several photos--

In the photo, under the spotlight of the Guan J insurance team.

A huge corpse of the creature can be seen.

It is embedded on a giant rock platform at a depth of 7500 meters.

But this is not the main thing.

The main thing, the top right corner of this photo --

Next to the huge corpse, there were three... eggs.

Ask for custom.

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