National Transfer: Weak Wizards? I Can Dissect The Gods

104 Complete the promotion! Longxia upheaval! The undead dragon is born!

When I heard Thrall's disgusting voice resounded.

Mona immediately stood up and walked outside the sacrificial hall.

Looking at Thrall, who was leading a large group of elven guards, he asked coldly:

"What are you going to do?"

Thrall, sitting on a white steed, grinned:

"I was planning to go back just now, but on the way, I found that a confidential document I was carrying was missing.

"Because that document is so important, I have to find it right away."

"So, can I trouble you to ask your Longxia student, and his two friends, to come to me for a review?"

"I promise that nothing will happen to them, even if they really stole my confidential documents, I will take your face~ and forgive them.

Mona, who almost knew the shamelessness of Thrall, saw through Thrall's mind at a glance.

The so-called loss of confidential documents is probably just a play directed and acted in order to get Chen Yuan away.

But this guy didn't hide it from you, he just made it clear that he was going to take it away, because the confidential documents were indeed gone.

As for where it was placed, it is estimated that only Thrall himself knows.


Mona gritted her teeth.

I thought I was going home this time.

In addition to being able to help Chen Yuan obtain the essence of water, the [Resonance] of the water element has been upgraded to [Fusion].

In the end, I didn't expect to encounter the fly Thrall, and it was stuck like this.

Mona felt a pang of nausea.

at this time.

Old Odd came out of the house.

He glanced at the elf guard that Thrall was carrying.

"Prince Thrall, if you can, I hope you don't have much trouble here."1

"Today is Mona's first day back, and I don't want to fight over something.

"Your Majesty asked you to visit Carlow Province in order to exercise your abilities and expand your horizons--"

"It's not for you to be here, because of a trivial matter, to put on such a good show in front of our Longxia guests."

Ord as the priest of the kingdom.

Not only is the strength terrifying.

In the court, it also has a very high right to speak.

Even sometimes, the Elf King, Thrall's father, would follow the advice of the high priest Odur.

Therefore, his words are actually equivalent to the words of the Elf King.

But somehow.

This time, Thrall, who felt like he was going to be green, had to go all the way to the black.

Bite to death believes that the confidential documents that he has lost must be related to Chen Yuan and his party.

Seeing Thrall's stubbornness, Odur sighed.

Not because of what happened tonight, but because of the fact that the country has such an heir as Thrall.

"High priest, as a subject of the kingdom, do you want to favor foreigners at such a moment?"

Thrall raised his voice, trying to embolden himself.

From his point of view, his father's obedience to the high priest was actually a cowardly act.

Now, even if he has not yet accepted the throne, he has dared to confront the high priest!


Ord sighed again.

When he raised his hand, a hurricane surged up.

Instantly overturned the person who was blowing by the elf guard in front of him.

Look at the group of rabble in front of you.

Odd said slowly:

"Go back, Prince Thrall."

"If His Majesty really asks, I will explain the reason to him, presumably - he also has the ability to distinguish right from wrong."

Look at Sal.

After being blown to the ground by a hurricane spell from Ord.

His face had already turned the color of pig liver.

He knew there was no way he could stand up to the most powerful being in the kingdom.

But the problem is that he can't figure out why his father, the king, is clearly holding the big killer of the elf royal family in his hand.

But it is still a taboo, so respect for the mysterious elves represented by the high priest!

Obviously they believe in strange things, and they don't even believe in the goddess of nature!

If the royal father can be braver, he doesn't even need to pursue Mona, he just needs to use the coercion of the royal family to directly make her his woman!

Thinking of this, Kasa's heart throbbed for a while.

But tonight, it is estimated that nothing can be done.

For the few foreigners from Longxia.

Ord even went so far as to fall out with him.

This is what Thrall did not expect.

But now it has happened.

What else could it be?

Only to reorganize the elf guard.

Feeling aggrieved, he left the shrine of Mona's house.

Thrall left completely.

Mona went back to the house.

Once again, I apologized to Chen Yuan.

"Get some rest early today.

"Waking up early tomorrow, I will take Chen Yuan to collect the 'Essence of Water'.

"Chifei and Qinghuan, the two of you can stroll around the town and experience the customs of our mysterious elves.

"As for Casa - my father has given him a considerable amount of warning, he should not dare to make trouble.

on the road.

Mona has already introduced her father to several people.

Chen Yuan and others also knew Oder's status in the kingdom of elves.

Therefore, listening to Mona say this, naturally, I don't care about the mad dog-like elf prince.

After chatting with each other for a while, they went back to their rooms.

Early the next morning.

Chen Yuan was called out by Mona.

As for Chi Fei and Gu Qinghuan, they were still in deep sleep.

Yesterday, after all, after a long period of exhaustion, and the mad dog elf prince went out again and again, it was normal for him to be a little tired.

After getting up, Chen Yuan first fed the greedy snake with a golden utensil.

After getting 10 points of attribute return, I checked the ingredients for [Secret Medicine Water Spirit].

After confirming that the materials are all ready and the method of configuring the secret medicine, I have simulated it several times through the [World Original Code], and I am familiar with it.

Chen Yuan then set off with Mona to collect the 'Essence of Water'.

On the way, Mona and Chen Yuan briefly talked about what the so-called 'water essence' refers to.

"The place I'm going to take you to later is called Spirit Spring—"

"In the entire country of elves, there are only three elf springs."

"One of them is about five kilometers away from my Menoro town."

"The other two, one is in the royal court of Karoo, the capital, and the other is in the main church of the Church of the Goddess of Nature in the south...

"As a foreigner, you must have no way to enter those two places, so the elf spring you will go to later is the only way for you to obtain the 'Essence of Water'.

"In the elf spring, the spring water containing spirituality will give birth to a creature called 'water elf'."

"The existence of the water spirit will only last for less than 3 seconds - from jumping out of the spirit spring to falling back into the spirit spring."1

"In this short two or three seconds, you need to capture it and seal it with the sealing technique I taught you before the water of the 'Water Spirit' is exhausted.

"After the seal, this 'Water Spirit' is the so-called 'Essence of Water', but the effective time of the seal is only 30 seconds... This is why the 'Essence of Water' cannot be stored.

"As for why you need to capture and seal it yourself, this is because once multiple people participate, the 'Water Spirit' will become turbid, and the corresponding 'Water Essence' will be greatly reduced.


"Understood." 1

Chen Yuan nodded lightly.

The distance of five kilometers is not too far for the two of them.

Soon, Chen Yuan saw the Spirit Spring that Mona said.

Originally, Chen Yuan thought that the Spirit Spring was just a small gulp of water.

...for flowers...

As a result, I didn't expect that this Elf Spring was as big as a basketball court.

To capture the 'Water Spirit' here, it is necessary to obtain a gold element that is denser than the water element and will not cause any damage to the element.

Chen Yuan's gold element affinity has reached [Resonance], which is more than enough to capture the 'Water Spirit'.

The key is the method of sealing the 'Water Spirit' and the control of time.

After clarifying these points, the two began to wait for a long time.

The first water elf leaped from the elf spring.

Chen Yuan immediately condensed gold elements around it.

But accidentally, a small part of the 'water spirit' touched the water surface and let it escape directly.

About two hours passed.

The second water elf leaped from the elf spring.

But this time for various reasons... it also failed.

Until the third water elf jumped high out of the water.

Chen Yuan, who has been keeping his true eyes open since the second failed capture.

Immediately condense gold elements... Capture success!

After the successful capture, Chen Yuan almost immediately used the sealing technique given to him by Mona.

After sealing the 'water spirit', he took out the various materials that had been prepared, and began to prepare the [secret medicine: water spirit] at the fastest speed.

Finally, before the deadline for the seal of the 'Essence of Water', Chen Yuan finished making the [Secret Medicine Water Spirit]!

As early as the very beginning, Chen Yuan and Mona discussed that he would take the secret medicine in the water element environment and complete the promotion.

Mona agreed to Chen Yuan's request to enter the Spirit Spring.

Therefore, at the moment the configuration is completed.

Chen Yuan jumped directly into the Elf Lake.

In that extremely pure water element environment, take the [Secret Medicine Water Spirit] down.

At the moment of taking the secret medicine.

Chen Yuan could feel that his whole body was instantly filled with endless pure water elements.

Even, in the environment, there are still a lot of water elements gathering towards him, as if to burst him, there is an endless stream, and it is impossible to stop.

Chen Yuan tried to absorb all of them into his body, and then started his own guidance--

He is going to try and integrate the elements into the soul.

Do a true fusion.

Mona waiting for Chen Yuan by the Elf Lake.

Is wandering in a daze.


The water surface of Elf Lake gradually began to be rough.

But the problem is, there is no wind on the water now.

As if thinking of something, Mona looked at the Elf Spring in surprise.

I saw that the turbulent waves suddenly grew into huge waves like a tsunami.

And at the top of that huge wave! It is Chen Yuan's figure!

Seeing this scene, Mona knew.

Chen Yuan's promotion is complete.

At least on the water element.

Chen Yuan completed the leap from [Resonance] to [Fusion].

Thinking that he has the blessing of racial talent, he can only complete the [Fusion] promotion at the golden level.

But the current Chen Yuan is only at the silver rank, and has not yet reached the golden rank. He has already achieved it.

This terrifying talent even surpassed his own racial characteristics.

Mona had no choice but to sigh that Chen Yuan's talent was the best she had ever seen in her life.

When Chen Yuan is the country of spirits.

When the [Fusion] promotion of the water element is completed.

Longxia, a drastic change happened.

The cause of the upheaval came from the 'Yuandong'.

On this otherwise peaceful day.

In the 'Yuandong'.

A terrifying dragon roar was heard.

Immediately after--

A shadowy figure.

From that 'abyssal cave' fluttered out.

Ask for a custom mountain.

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