National Transfer: Weak Wizards? I Can Dissect The Gods

147 The Fallen Land! Special World Community [Dead World]! Pale Ghost!

All the way from the imperial capital to outside the 'Yuandong'.

The current 'Yuandong' is still banned.

However, when Chen Yuan came this time, he did not inform Lin Tianzhan of his plans.

Therefore, with the help of the Shadow Demon's ability, he directly bypassed the outer blockade and entered the 'Abyssal Cave' directly.

According to the information given to yourself by 【Skynet】--

Tanik, that is, the undead natural disaster fell to the ground.

It is located about 16,000 kilometers away from 'Yuandong'.

That's right--

Even this five-ringed stigmata wizard.

When it fell, it still did not fall to the end of the 'Yuandong'.

"I don't know if this place has an end..."

Chen Yuan couldn't help but be curious.

If there is no end.

Then the bottom of this 'abyss hole'.

It is estimated that it is connected to some kind of different space.

Otherwise, the planet would have been pierced long ago.

From the shallow abyss layer at the entrance of the 'Abyss Cave', to the non-light layer, and then to the abyss layer, all the way down.

After reaching the end of the road built by the expedition team in the abyss--

Chen Yuan summoned the corpse dragon from [Paradise Lost].

Riding the corpse dragon and descending gradually --

The monsters that hide in the dark and peep.

After feeling the breath of the dead dragon, they all instinctively fled, daring not to come close.

Slowly, as the depth gradually increased, Chen Yuan could feel a faint coldness--

This kind of coldness not only comes from the body, but more, it is a kind of coldness from the soul.

When this cold erosion became more and more serious, Chen Yuan could only fight by igniting a small part of the fire of his soul.

In this way, the cold feeling gradually disappeared--

Depth, also explore the limit from Longxia of seven kilometers.

Descending slowly until ten thousand meters, ten thousand meters...

After reaching a depth of 14,000 kilometers --

A gray-white light-colored light curtain appeared in front of him.

The gloomy and cold aura on it was several times stronger than before.

Chen Yuan knew in his heart--

This should be the barrier of the land where the undead natural disaster fell.

Thinking in my heart, I took out the secret key of the Fallen Land that Tarnick gave him through [Skynet].

This secret key is not in the shape of a key, but a necklace--

At the pendant of the necklace is a small skull--

After bringing it on--

Chen Yuan could clearly perceive it.

The light gray barrier's rejection of him completely disappeared.

Command the corpse dragon to continue to dive through the barrier--

in the darkness--

Those monsters who were hiding and watching Chen Yuan.

The strength is much stronger than the above monsters.

A large number of monsters with the same strength as diamond roam in the darkness.

Some have even reached the pinnacle of the Diamond Rank--

"A place like this... if an official expedition comes, I don't know how long it will take to reach this depth

Chen Yuan sighed, and at the same time continued to descend--

When the corpse dragon carried Chen Yuan to a depth of 15,000 kilometers--

In the darkness around--

The original number of monsters is dense.

All of a sudden it all disappeared--

But that feeling of being spied on in the dark --

But it didn't lighten up at all--

Even, due to this depth.

The world can be said to be the ubiquitous fire element, all of which are terrifyingly thin.

As a result, the flames originally used for lighting were instantly extinguished--

Only the pale flame burning in the hollow pupil of the dead dragon was left, exuding the last bit of dim light.


in this endless darkness.

The corpse dragon took Chen Yuan to dive to 16,000 kilometers --

In 'Yuandong'.

Every 2000 meters, there is a large flat layer.

In the center of the large floor, there is only the entrance to the next floor.

The abyssal layer, the matte layer, the abyss layer—referring to actually these large flat layers.


Chen Yuan came to a depth of 16,000 kilometers.

After conversion, it is already the eighth floor.

The five-ringed stigmata sorcerer--

The guy who was recorded in history as the 'Scourge of the Undead'.

fell here.

Chen Yuan jumped off the corpse dragon.

Began to search in this great layer--

The diameter of the 'Yuandong' is tens of kilometers in diameter.

Therefore, the area of ​​this large floor is naturally very large--

Chen Yuan meticulously searched this large layer--


in a corner.

A pile of dead bones was found.

Here is--

The corpse of the five-ringed stigma wizard named Tarnic?

Chen Yuan slowly approached the pile of dead bones--

The skull necklace on the chest then fluctuated.

This fluctuation means that Chen Yuan's guess is not wrong.

A wizard who has reached the stigmata of the five rings.

An existence enough to be called a 'God' in a small world.

After the fall --

Just like ordinary people.

It turned into a pile of dead bones, and there was no magic at all.

For a time, compared to the excitement of discovering this fallen land.

In Chen Yuan's heart, there is more of a kind of emotion, a kind of helplessness for the lightness of life.

The five-ringed stigmata is still the same, the six-ringed stigma and the seven-ringed stigma—can it reach the state where the fire of life is endless?

If not, do we have to reach the Nine Rings Stigmata--

Even the true spirit wizard who surpassed the nine-ring stigmata--

To achieve true immortality?


This word has never appeared in Chen Yuan's mind so strongly.

Let him pursue truth and power while--

There is also an endless desire for the immortality of life.

After about three or five minutes of grace--

Chen Yuan temporarily regained his mind.

What he came here for.

The most important thing is to find something from him that is helpful to me--

Beside the pile of dead bones, there is a small ring--

If nothing else.

This should be similar to the existence of a storage ring.

Chen Yuan walked over and picked it up--

When ㄉ has been sealed.

The skull necklace hanging on the chest emits a faint gray-white light--

Immediately afterwards, the seal on the ring was released, and Chen Yuan was able to explore what was in it--

a note

two pieces

ID card --

There are many things stored in it.

Chen Yuan took the lead to look at the notebook--

After opening --

at a first look.

This is a blank note.

But Chen Yuan knew that this was the handwriting of the soul unique to wizards--

Using the power of the soul to carve the inner (King Zhao's) content on the paper, only a wizard can check it.

Anyway, since the time was running out, Chen Yuan simply sat down and watched slowly--

"|||My Skynet level is not enough--"

"There is an extremely limited amount of content that can be broadcast --"

"If anyone can see this notebook of mine--"

"First of all, allow me to express my sincere thanks and respect to you.

"In order to better allow you to plan your follow-up actions, here I have recorded in detail everything that happened after I came to this world--

"Besides that -- there are secrets I've never revealed --"

"About the origin of my 'Fire of the Undead' - some discoveries about the special world community, the dead world."

"Perhaps you would think that as a small five-ringed stigmata wizard, how could he have any special understanding of the world community.

"But I swear in the name of a wizard--my bloodline, my family, the origin of the existence known as the 'Pale Ghost'--and inextricably linked to the dead world--

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