National Transfer: Weak Wizards? I Can Dissect The Gods

177 Icefields of the North! City in the Far North! Statue of the Wolf God! Blasphemy?

Just collect all three pieces.

The broken scepter can restore the power of the six-star wizard.

At that time, as long as Chen Yuan can successfully be promoted to the fifth-ring stigmata wizard.

Relying on this six-star witchcraft, the gods of this small world will no longer be able to pose any threat to him.

To know--

Cloris, the goddess of nature polluted by the mother tree of desire.

Since he was able to obtain the qualification to leave this world by killing Tarnick hundreds of years ago.

Now that she is reborn in this world, she will definitely know her identity as a wizard through various means.

after all--


Chen Yuan hadn't learned much about the inside story of this world.

There is no concealment of his identity as a wizard.

At that time, the Longxia exam, the mutual training of freshmen, etc.--

can be easily found on the Internet today.

In this way, it is difficult to guarantee that Cloris will not have any thoughts about herself.

Therefore, the collection of these three fragments is crucial.

Northland --

A sprawling kingdom in northern Lungshar.

Since the advent of the professional era.

The human race and the orc race in the north slowly merged together.

The blood of each other blends and reproduces offspring.

The Northern Territory has gradually evolved from a human kingdom to a country where humans, orcs, orcs and other multi-ethnic groups are integrated.

This land is covered with ice and snow all year round, and the severe low temperature can only be resisted by the natural fur of the Orcs.

This is also the reason why the aborigines in the north choose to actively integrate into the orcs.


This time, after the kingdom of elves declared war on Longxia.

As the initiator of the Sanctions Alliance, the Star-Spangled Kingdom declared war at the same time.

However, the relationship between the northern border and Longxia has always been that the well water does not violate the river water, and the two countries are at peace with each other.

No one thought that the North would choose to attack Long Xia at this time.

you can say it this way--

If it weren't for Long Xia's strong national power.

Change to any country, when facing the kingdom of elves and the kingdom of stars and stripes at the same time when the goddess has descended.

If it is attacked by a big country like the North, it will definitely last less than a month.

But Long Xia is different.

As the country with the most demigods in the world today.

Long Xia's strength below the demigod rank can also be called the strongest in the world.

In this way, there is a feat of fighting from three sides at the same time without seeing obvious signs of defeat.

This move made other countries in the world feel more jealous of Long Xia.

The wood is beautiful in the forest, and the wind will destroy it.

Long Xia's hidden strength has developed wildly over the past few hundred years.

Finally today, due to the fuse caused by the dead dragon, it was revealed.

This is not a good thing, but the first incentive that is very likely to drag Long Xia into the abyss.

As for the specific situation, we can only see the outcome of the war and which side the scale of victory will lead.

The battle site of the North and Lungshar.

located at the border of the two countries.

That is, the northern part of Longxia.

But Chen Yuan came from the east, from Sakura Country.

Therefore, he avoided the battlefields of the Northern Territory and Longxia, and went directly to the circle drawn by the Three-Eyed Crow on the map.

in Sakura Country.

Fragments of the Broken Scepter are located in the capital's Eastern Capital.

But in the North, the shard is not located in the capital of the North.

It is the northernmost city in the north, the 'Tusuo City' known as the end of the world.

In the North --

Because the three races of human, orc and half-orc together constitute members of the country.

Therefore, in the actual division of jurisdiction, there are also faint signs of changes in the distribution of the three races.

This northernmost city, Tusuo City, is the main central city of the orcs among the three races.

Above the vast expanse of ice in the north.

The most powerful force in the orc race, Liangren.

This is an extremely ferocious species, with human-like intelligence.

But no matter in terms of strength, speed or physical fitness, it crushes human beings in all aspects.

Therefore, under the professional system, werewolves also have their own traditional professions--

Just as elves are born mages and archers.

Werewolves are almost always born warriors and assassins.

Their terrifying speed and power make them the best hunters on the ice.

The city of Tusuo was the central city of the werewolves in the north.

When the North decided to invade Longxia.

The werewolves of the North are one of the most powerful forces in the North.

Nature also participated in the war.

A large number of werewolves traveled from this northern city to the battlefield in the southern part of the North.

There, as bloodthirsty and fierce warriors and assassins, they took the lives of countless Longxia soldiers.

On the third day of entering the North.

Chen Yuan went all the way north, and finally came to the city surrounded by the three-eyed crow.

Along the way, Chen Yuan relied on the form of the Shadow Demon and moved forward in the form of shadows.

Otherwise, his completely different appearance from the people in the north would be easy to recognize.

Of course--

There is no god in the north now.

Even if it is recognized, it is not impossible to solve.

It's just that Chen Yuan didn't want to waste time on this kind of thing, and his main purpose was to get the fragments.

After coming to this far north city.

That bone-biting cold.

For others.

It may be extremely deadly, and it may even be frozen to death directly alive.

But for Chen Yuan, who is fused with the blood of a giant dragon, this is nothing at all.

Even if the physique of the orcs is strong, it is only for humans.

In front of the giant dragon, even the strongest orc race is still no different from the ants.

Therefore, Chen Yuan did not feel any pressure at all, and went all the way to this holy city of werewolves.

(Zhao Zhaohao) When Chen Yuan first came to this city, he felt the guidance from the Broken Scepter.

This guidance was so strong that Chen Yuan even frowned slightly.

It stands to reason that if it is a fragment preserved in some kind of enchantment, such as the one in Sakura Country, this kind of attraction cannot be so strong.

But now, the attraction of this fragment is so strong, is it possible that it is exposed?

Although it was strange, Chen Yuan didn't expect too much, and moved forward with the sense of attraction.

Until it came to the center of Tusuo City, the vast plain square.

here - demon

A huge black statue was erected.

This is the holy statue of the werewolves in Tusuo City, created according to the legendary wolf god.

Chen Yuan's eyes narrowed slightly--

He can feel it.

That fragment is in this huge statue.

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