National Transfer: Weak Wizards? I Can Dissect The Gods

180 The Awakening of the Goddess of Nature! Peeps from the Fallen Land!

This is Chen Yuan leaving from the north.

It's about time to reach the dividing line between the North and the Continent.

A sudden feeling.

The tremor from the soul light group.

So Chen Yuan had to find a place to stop first.

Fourth Ring Stigma!

Discover how to change a rule from the very beginning.

Chen Yuan introduced the 'knowledge-power equivalence theory'.

Even in order to generalize this theory on a large scale.

It's not too much of a hassle to build the 'Ring of Truth'.

Later, he also went off the stage in person and went to the army to spread the word.

All these efforts were not in vain.

A long time has passed since now.


The degree of condensation of the fourth ring stigmata.

has reached one hundred percent.

After finding a suitable resting place.

Chen Yuan directly ordered "Seven Seven Seven" and sat down.

Meditate and sink your consciousness into the soul world.

it's here--


The soul light group is no longer the faint light it used to be.

Now, after countless trials of tearing the soul.

The current soul light group is bright and stable, and its intensity is several times higher than before!

It was because of this that Chen Yuan felt the power of that soul more and more.

This power allows him to feel that he is gradually detaching from this world.

The so-called 'professional system' is completely nonsense in his opinion now.

The only person who can truly entrust him with strength is the soul.

Thinking of this, Chen Yuan's eyes fell on the soul light group.

There, the three stigmata that had been condensed for a long time were spinning quietly.

At the outermost periphery, the fourth ring of stigmata has gradually condensed from the phantom--

Slowly, countless light spots surged around the stigmata of the fourth ring.

Gradually entered the stigmata.

What followed was an indescribable pleasure.

It was as if a gentle hand brushed gently in the depths of the soul, bringing the kind of comfort to people.

Nothing in the world can match the happiness.

in this incomparable feeling.

Chen Yuan could clearly feel it.

The strength of your own soul has once again increased exponentially!

Even, the speed of this improvement is even faster than the previous one!

However, this cohesion takes a certain amount of time and is not completed so quickly.

Chen Yuan is not in a hurry, anyway, the only fragment of the broken scepter left is the last piece of the European continent.

He believed that apart from himself, no one else should be able to find the shard.

As a result, Chen Yuan was completely relieved and began to condense the fourth ring of stigmata with all his strength.

at the same time.

The kingdom of elves--

The capital Karoo, in the forbidden area of ​​the Elf Royal Court.

The tree of nature, which was regarded as a god by the elves, suddenly shone with bursts of brilliance.

This brilliance is so sacred, it seems to represent all the holiness and vitality in the world.

When people see it, they want to immerse themselves in it unconsciously, and forget any troubles forever and ever.


Beneath this divine white radiance.

In the middle of the divine tree of nature, a huge opening suddenly opened.

In it, scarlet flesh and blood are faintly seen squirming, and there are a lot of unknown unclean things.

The contrast between the two is huge, like the gap between heaven and earth, giving people an inexplicable and strange fear.

In the opening of this divine tree of nature--

A figure slowly emerged from it.

The owner of this figure is none other than the goddess of nature, Cloris.

Originally, she had left the world and left the rest of the world.

And without the permission of the corresponding world master, it is impossible to enter this small world.

Fortunately, she left a clone here, that is, the so-called 'daughter of God' in the kingdom of elves.

This 'Daughter of God' is actually the agent of Cloris in this world.

Originally, the strength of this clone was only a demigod.

But now, through the power from the mother tree of desire.

After being bred for a long time in this polluted natural tree.

This clone of Cloris was also successfully promoted to a god, controlling the authority that originally belonged to the main body.

Of course--

Although this authority is only effective in this small world.

Cloris' body doesn't look good at all..

But for this clone, it is quite a powerful help.

"Now that you have reached the level of's time to open that guy's Fallen Enchantment..."

Cloris murmured.

There was a flash of enthusiasm in his eyes.

The secret about Tarnick.

She didn't know it until she left this world later.

Originally, the biggest secret on his body was not the so-called 'Wizard League' or 'Wizard World'.

It is the secret about the [Dead World] that is extremely cherished even in the outside world!


The weapon he used to use.

It turned out to be a six-star witchcraft!

Cloris now.

I have already seen the true power of the six-star witchcraft.

That is definitely not a force that the gods of this world can resist.

Fortunately, at that time, Tarnick had been polluted by her inadvertent use of the Mother Tree of Desire.

There is no way to fully exert the strength of that six-star witchcraft.

Otherwise, at that time, he would unite with the gods of other countries to encircle and suppress him.

Perhaps in the end, it will even evolve into a unilateral slaughter of the rest of the gods by Tarnik alone.

So this time--

She, while obtaining the secrets of Tarnick.

You must also get the six-star witchcraft.

In this way, her reliance on the outside world will be the same.

4.1 Thinking of this, Cloris slightly stretched her figure and planned to head towards the Star-Spangled Kingdom.

She needs the help of Anthony, the god of the mountains, to open the barrier of the land where Tarnic fell.

Before that, it may be necessary to help Anthony to let the chosen 'God of War' complete his promotion.


Just as Cloris was about to leave.

After hearing the news, the Elf King Nuoba immediately kneeled on the ground respectfully.

"The Great Goddess--"

"I have news to report to you!"

The elf king Noba came.

To report to Cloris.

It was not long ago that a demigod in the north was beheaded.

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