
"Is this considered equipment?" Chen Jiaming asked repeatedly.

But the Heavenly Dao system did not respond to him.

"Hey, are you going to fight or not?" Yang Qiao pulled the reins on the horse's back and was ready to use his charge skill.

Use the charge skill immediately on the fire bone, and the damage can be further improved.

"Hit! Am I afraid of you?" Chen Jiaming took out two guns.

Uh... two energy pistols!

Chen Jiaming changed his profession to a weapon warrior, who can use any weapon.

Among them are energy weapons.

The energy weapon is a high-tech weapon produced by the Tiandao system. It no longer uses gunpowder as the bullet, but uses energy as the bullet.

Theoretically speaking, as long as the energy is enough, it is infinite bullets.

In addition, the future job transfer directions of weapon fighters are also very diverse. At the second job transfer, you can transfer to Sword Soul Warrior, Rune Energy Gunner, Mecha Master...

Therefore, weapon warrior is an extremely popular profession.


Jia Li, who had left before, didn't actually go far. He was watching the group arena in secret.

After seeing Chen Jiaming's double guns, "Weapon warrior, this little guy has a bright future. I don't know what profession that guy on horseback is."

"Ordinary knights? Or undead knights?"

At the same time as he was guessing, on the Tiandao Arena, Chen Jiaming was the first to attack.

He stepped on light steps, like a bird, launching a storm-like attack.

Yang Qiao frowned slightly when energy bullets flooded the sky, "It's actually a long-range attack. I wonder if my anti-armor can counter-injure Chen Jiaming."

Not allowing him to think too much, the energy bullets poured down in a torrent, hitting everywhere on his body.

However, with a rock-solid body and anti-armor body protection, Yang Qiao was basically uninjured.

Therefore, Chen Jiaming really explained what is called... scraping!

"Hey, this Chen Jiaming is still a master Gua Sha master." Yang Qiao was so happy that he didn't make any defensive or evasive moves at all.

Let the raindrops of energy bullets hit him.

Seeing Yang Qiao standing there stupidly, Chen Jiaming felt contemptuous, "You don't even hide, what a fool."

What he didn't know was that his blood volume was slowly dropping.

The effect of anti-armor is to convert the received damage into invisible energy damage and hit back to the enemy.

In addition, Chen Jiaming's attack was so scraping that he didn't even notice it.

At this moment, Yang Qiao was not in a hurry, but the people watching the game felt extremely weird.

Jia Li frowned, "Stay still? Did you just give up?"

"What the hell does he mean by that?"

Zhang Jun looked weird, "Even if you have the magic skill of anti-armor, brother Qiao, you should hide!"

"Otherwise, I would think it was a fake match!"

As for Chen Jiaming's dog legs, it's another look.

"Did you see that he was beaten so hard by my brother Ming that he was powerless to fight back?"

"Brother Ming is mighty!"

"This kid is a paper tiger. How powerful he was just now, but how cowardly he is now."

"That is, as far as I can see, it won't be long before he throws in the towel."

"A knight still wants to fight a flexible gunner? Think too much!"


Chen Jiaming ran out of a set of combos, and then roared, "Luan Wu!"


I saw the two guns in his hands flying up, forming a torrent of energy that filled the sky.

Seeing this scene, his few legs immediately shouted excitedly.

"This is our young master Chen's ultimate skill, Luan Wu."

"Relying on this move, Young Master Chen killed the boss of Yunluo Secret Realm, and the power is quite good."

"This time, that kid can still stop it?"

"Why don't you kneel down and surrender?"

"A rotten persimmon is a rotten persimmon after all, so how can it compare to our Young Master Chen?"


Hit by the huge energy torrent, Yang Qiao remained motionless. He didn't lose much blood, but the blood on Chen Jiaming's head was dropping rapidly.

"Did he not notice his blood volume?"

"I can't live with laughter, my family."

"It seems that my anti-armor skill is the real magic skill!"

He was very proud of himself, and he was only going to give Chen Jiaming a lore at the end.

After being baptized by the torrent of energy, Yang Qiao said loudly, "Have you run out of skills?"

Chen Jiaming was falling on the ground, gasping for breath, but a flash of surprise flashed in his heart, "Why is this kid okay after taking so many of my skills?"

In fact, Yang Qiao only lost one-third of his blood after eating so many skills.

Two thirds left!

This two-thirds blood volume is definitely Chen Jiaming's nightmare.

"It's my turn now!" Yang Qiao's mouth curled into a devilish smile.


With his yell, the flaming horse trampled on all fours, and rushed towards Chen Jiaming with Yang Qiao.

Chen Jiaming was on alert, ready to rely on his skills to avoid Yang Qiao's charge.

Unfortunately, the charge skill is equivalent to a directional skill!

And the speed is amazing!

Even though he had been prepared, Chen Jiaming was still hit head-on.


He was thinking, "It doesn't matter if you get hit, the knight's charge... doesn't do much damage."

Suddenly he found that his blood tank was empty!

"Where's my health bar?" Chen Jiaming turned pale with shock.

In the next second, the notification sound from the Heavenly Dao system came.

"Ding, in the ring sparring match, professional Yang Qiao won, and he will be rewarded with 50 arena points and 3,000 gold coins!"

"Since it's the professional's first victory, a permanent defense of 5 points is specially rewarded!"

Permanent 5 point defense!

This is the legendary permanent attribute point?

"The rewards are not bad, and there are even permanent attribute points!" Yang Qiao looked at the rewards in the account and thought, this reward is not bad.

The people watching the game were all dumbfounded.

Jia Li scratched his head and couldn't think of a reason, "Instakill, why did a simple charge instantly kill that weapon warrior?"

Zhang Jun praised repeatedly in his heart, "Fuck, fuck, it turns out that Brother Qiao came up with this idea, and left it until the end to create a spike effect."

"In this way, everyone else ignores Brother Qiao's anti-armor damage, and finally pays attention to the charge's skill damage."

"In other words, Brother Qiao did all of this deliberately to hide his trump card... anti-armor!"

"It turns out that this is the real you, and you really have a deep scheming mind."

"However, I like it!"

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