National Upgrade: Select The Defensive Talent Tree At The Beginning

002. "The Outer Circle Is Scratched, The Inner Circle Is Hot, Hitting Me Is Equal To Hitting Yo

"I feel that you can take the route of defending fighters." Zhang Jun said suddenly after thinking about it.

defensive warrior?

Reload the front row?

Unexpectedly, Yang Qiao thought of a top road hero with a high meat output in a moba game in his previous life.

As a certain anchor said, the outer ring is scratched and the inner ring is hot. Hitting me is equivalent to hitting yourself.

The thinking is clear at once! ! !

With a sudden flash of inspiration, Yang Qiao thought of many things in succession, and there was also a protagonist who was invincible at the end because he was afraid of pain and defended all the way in a light manga.

Therefore, defensive fighters should not be weak chickens.

"Speaking of which, defending fighters seems feasible." Yang Qiao pinched his chin and began to analyze, "However, I want to try all-point defense."

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Jun was taken aback, "Full defense?"

As he spoke, he stretched out his fleshy hand and touched Yang Qiao's forehead.

Measure the temperature!

"You don't have a fever, why did you come up with such an idea?" Zhang Jun was puzzled. "Others choose to add multiple points, you actually want to use all points of defense?"

Yes, the current trend is to choose multiple points, at least at least two talents.

For the time being, no one has focused on one talent.

"Isn't there anyone who starts with a talent?" Even Yang Qiao was stunned.

Zhang Jun thought about it carefully for a while, then shook his head and said, "No, really not, at least none of the known fourth-rank professionals focus on one talent."

"it is good!"

"Then I'll be the first one to eat crabs." Yang Qiao clapped his big hands on his legs.


It's just that he didn't pat on his own leg, but on Zhang Jun's "elephant leg".

This is also the capital for him to drive away Chen Jiaming and others. Zhang Jun only needs to charge forward like a bull.

Ordinary people can't stop it.


The flesh on Zhang Jun's legs shook several times, causing a wave of flesh!

"Hiss, Qiaozi, you are immoral!" Zhang Jun bared his teeth.

"Hey!" Yang Qiao withdrew his hand with a smile, "Then it's such a happy decision, I want to be fully defensive."

Zhang Jun suddenly became anxious, "Don't, you have to think twice, ordering all talents is like putting eggs in one basket."

"Uh... it's equivalent to gambling stud!"

However, the more Yang Qiao thought about it, the more feasible it became, and immediately said, "Stud!"

"Must stud!"

"Give it a go, a bicycle becomes a motorcycle!"

Zhang Jun on the side was about to cry anxiously, but Yang Qiao, who couldn't help but have long nights and dreams, turned on the Heavenly Dao system as quickly as possible, and started operating it one after another.

I haven't changed my job yet, and the level system hasn't appeared yet, so I can only order the most basic talent stone.

There are eight basic talent stones, Beast, Vitality, Spirit, Weapon Mastery, Strength, Constitution, Defense, and Neurological Reaction.

Sweeping his eyes over the eight basic Tier 1 talent stones, Yang Qiao focused all his talent points on defense, and then a dialog box popped up.

"Please confirm to complete adding points."


At the moment, Yang Qiao made a decision without hesitation.

Zhang Jun put on a look of hating iron but not steel, and shouted, "You are confused, Qiaozi!"

"Why do you want to stud?"

"Big deal, I'll tell you my career thinking for free!"

As Fatty Zhang's voice fell, Yang Qiao also received a notification that the job transfer was successful.

He hastened to check.

"Ding, congratulations to Yang Qiao for becoming a first-tier job changer and the first heavy-armored knight in this system."

"Reward the only passive skill, anti-armor!"

"Exclusive professional skills have also been issued, please pay attention to check."

The only passive skill, anti-armor?

Seeing this, Yang Qiao's eyes straightened, and he quickly clicked on the page of the Heavenly Dao system to examine it carefully.

two skills.

Passive skill, anti-armor: convert 30% of the damage received into energy damage, and hit back to the enemy.

Active skill, Counter Storm: Reduce damage by 50% within 20 seconds, and continuously release storms to attack enemies within three meters.

"I put on an anti-armor suit at the beginning, and the all-point defense is really promising." Yang Qiao was overjoyed.

From the current point of view, the two skills of anti-armor and counter-storm are not very powerful.

But what you need to know is that the skills in this world can be upgraded, and the upgrade mode is still based on proficiency.

As long as Yang Qiao is diligent enough, one day in the future, he may be able to counter 100% of the damage if he reaches the full level.

At that time, who dares to hit me? Hitting me is like beating yourself!

Thinking of this, Yang Qiao couldn't help laughing.

"Crazy, this person is crazy." Zhang Jun only thought that Yang Qiao's first job change was not very good.

Immediately said earnestly, "Qiaozi, listen to my brother's advice, the start is not good, as long as we work hard, we can always raise the level, and then choose the second-level talents carefully to complete the second rank."

Yes, talent can only be selected before changing jobs, and normal upgrades will automatically give corresponding enhancements according to the job.

"What and what?" Yang Qiao suppressed the joy on his face, and handed Zhang Jun his panel to look at.

After Zhang Jun glanced at it, he couldn't move his eyes any longer, and said, "A passive skill and an active skill?"

"It's still anti-armor and counter-attack storm, Qiaozi, you are going against the sky!"

Even Zhang Jun could see the strength of the combination of these two skills, "Also, other people have only one active skill when they get a job for the first time, but you have two skills?"

"Damn, I'm envious!"

Regardless of the yelling guy in front of him, Yang Qiao looked at himself, forming a "protective layer" around him.

This is the effect of passive skills against armor!

It's safe!

For no reason, Yang Qiao felt a sense of peace of mind.

Immediately, he patted Zhang Jun beside him, "What do you think will happen when my skills are upgraded?"

Zhang Jun turned around and said, "Awesome, even more powerful!"

The fat man was so excited that he couldn't think of any words to describe it.

"Then I'll go to upgrade!" Yang Qiao retracted his panel and said.

"Don't wait for me!" Zhang Jun said anxiously. "I'm changing jobs now, too."

While speaking, Zhang Jun opened his personal panel and began to add points.

After a while, he also completed the job change, and then he smiled sinisterly, "That person really didn't lie to me, it really is... this job."

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