National Upgrade: Select The Defensive Talent Tree At The Beginning

042. A Super-Large Mysterious Organization Created By The Brain!

Yangtian Hotel.

After a full meal, Yang Qiao, Yang Fu and Zhang Jun were chatting casually.

Yang Fu leaned lazily on a bench, "Which school did you both apply for?"

Looking at the cat-like sister, Yang Qiao said confidently, "Sister, of course it is Zhanzheng College. If you don't apply to Zhanzheng College, where else should you apply?"

Yang Fu stretched his waist and said, "Not bad, not bad, Zhan Zhan College is indeed a top college for combat classes."

"However, the top academies are too competitive. You can't relax too much. When the academies fail the assessment, they will be eliminated."

Zhang Jun said earnestly, "Sister, don't worry, there is absolutely no problem with this."

"For us, fighting monsters and upgrading is as simple as eating and drinking water."

It's as easy as eating and drinking.

A gleam flashed in Yang Fu's eyes, and he said to himself, now it seems that these two guys are very much appreciated by that large organization?

That said, don't worry too much about the safety of either of them.

But... Upgrading is as easy as eating and drinking? Do you know how I got here in the past five years?

Do you know how hard it is to hit the secret realm? Do you know how difficult it is to pass the copy?

Damn it!

By the way, a copy!

Thinking of this, Yang Fu rolled his eyes and said abruptly, "A few days ago, a team broke all the records of the bronze dungeon and got all the highest scores."

"Could it be... you guys?"

Yang Qiao, who was leaning on the chair, was about to speak when Zhang Jun said proudly, "Yes, it's us, me, Yang Qiao, and many others!"


Yang Fu was startled, with mixed feelings in his heart.

And Yang Qiao looked at Zhang Jun unexpectedly, not knowing why he said that.

Zhang Jun noticed something and immediately winked at Yang Qiao.

It seems to be saying, brother, just listen to me on this matter!

Seeing this, Yang Qiao just nodded, "Yes, we cleared that bronze copy."

Yang Fu felt dizzy as his blood pressure rose.

However, she forced herself to be calm and comforted herself constantly. Now there is good news and bad news.

The bad news is that Yang Qiao actually joined a secret organization with extremely terrifying power.

The good news is that Yang Qiao is very valued and has been vigorously cultivated by that organization, so his life is not in danger for the time being.

This is the result that Yang Fu concatenated the information he got one by one.

But at this moment, Yang Fu woke up suddenly, why not do his best to support my brother and let him become the leader of that organization.

When the time comes, let him take the entire organization with him and become our own.

I don't know if it's feasible or not, otherwise I'll discuss it with the above.

Yang Fu was silent for a while, then Yang Qiao stepped forward and asked, "Sister, what are you thinking about?"

Yang Fu was startled, looked at Yang Qiao's face and said, "It's nothing, I just got a little touched, I didn't expect that brat to grow up!"

"Okay, I won't talk to you guys anymore. I just remembered that there is one more thing I haven't dealt with. Don't play too late today!"

Afterwards, Yang Fu stood up and opened Tiandao's wallet, "My sister is happy today, I will give you a red envelope."

Zhang Jun waved his hand and said, "Sister, why are you so embarrassed? We made a lot of money in the dungeon last time."

Yang Fu frowned, "How much money can a bronze copy make?"

Zhang Jun opened his Tiandao wallet to show it, pointed to the balance displayed on it and said, "The 250,000 gold coins are all earned by us last time."

Yang Fu's frown suddenly relaxed, "What about Yang Qiao?"

The fat man really knows how to show off, Yang Qiao cursed in his heart, and had no choice but to open his Tiandao wallet, "I still have 270,000 gold coins!"

Yang Fu was even more surprised now, thinking repeatedly, that mysterious organization is really willing to spend money, it is very likely that even the legendary permanent attribute medicine was used by the two of you, plus a sum of more than 200,000 yuan per person gold.

"The financial resources of the mysterious organization are extremely astonishing!" Yang Fu came to another conclusion again and again.

At this moment, she figured out that the mysterious organization behind Yang Qiao and Zhang Jun is probably a super-large professional organization with an astonishing size all over the world.

"Okay, just accept it!" Yang Fu didn't care about anything else, and directly sent a big red envelope to Yang Qiao and Zhang Jun.

Thirty thousand gold coins per person!

Converted into Chinese currency, this is already a huge sum of money!

At the same time, he said, "Especially you, Yang Qiao, no matter what your future holds, you are my dear brother."

In any case, Yang Fu is sincere.

Even if Yang Qiao just came through time, he could still feel the eagerness.

He stepped forward and hugged Yang Fu, "Of course, I will always be your younger brother."

Yang Fu felt very relieved, and hurriedly said, "Okay, let's stop talking, I'll go to work first!"

"I'll treat you to another meal when you successfully pass the entrance examination to Zhanzheng College."

Zhang Jun quickly agreed, "Then thank you sister in advance."

Yang Fu smiled, "Let's talk about it after you pass the exam!"

After finishing speaking, she left quickly. She wanted to discuss specific matters with the leader as soon as possible.

After Yang Fu left, Yang Qiao patted Zhang Jun, "Fatty, you are really good at taking advantage of it, and you can get all the benefits from me."

"You are more diligent than the wool party who plucks wool!"

Zhang Jun was pretentious for a while, "Brother Qiao, you can't say that, we call it... called brotherhood, and its strength cuts through gold."

"Advance and retreat together, share prosperity!"

"And there's more..."

Zhang Jun, who couldn't think of an excuse, scratched his head and scratched his head.

"Okay, I'll skip these, but what's the story of your bronze dungeon?" Yang Qiao didn't really intend to care about it, because the fat man was already his exclusive support.

Ordinary trifles don't really matter, anyway, the big deal is that you can catch the fat man and grab the golden elixir!

So, everything else is trivial.

Zhang Jun hurriedly explained, "You don't understand this, it is possible for others to pass the level if they are 25 people, and we only have two people."

"Tell me, who will believe it? Tell Gou, Gou won't believe it."

"What's more, your sister, a fourth-rank professional, how can you not know the difficulty of the bronze dungeon?"

"So, I can only say that we rely on a lot of talents to pass the customs."

"In this way, your sister will definitely believe it."

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