"No?" Yang Qiao squeezed his chin with one hand, and lit a cigarette he bought from the Tiandao System store with the other, "That's weird.

"Then why are there four patterns?"

Aike suddenly said, "Could it have something to do with us being awakened?"

Yang Qiao, who exhaled a big puff of smoke, nodded and analyzed, "It's possible, very likely.

"However, since we are given four modes to choose from, let's choose carefully.

Aike cautiously pointed to the normal mode and said, "How about we just play this?"

After many "experiences", Zhang Jun has grown a lot more courageous, so he pointed to the difficult mode and said, "Brother Qiao, with our current strength, we must choose this difficult mode.

Normal mode? Hard mode?

No, none of them are in Yang Qiao's dictionary.

"You are all so conservative." Yang Qiao smiled darkly, "If you want me to say, choose the abyss mode!"

While speaking, he pointed to the abyss mode.

Originally it was just pointing, but Yang Qiao miscalculated the length of his current wingspan.

Accidentally... encountered the abyss mode!

"Whoosh whoosh!"

The three figures, Yang Qiao, Zhang Jun, and Ai Ke were sucked into the green gate by a huge force.

Then, they appeared in a green passage, and continued to fall downwards.

It's like falling into an unknown place.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Zhang Jun yelled directly at the terrifying feeling of falling.

"Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow " in the aisle that you did what on earth did you?"

It was the first time Yang Qiao encountered this kind of thing, he seemed calm and didn't yell, but...he had a fear of heights.

The feeling of falling made him unable to breathe, and his heart started beating wildly with a "thump, bang, bang, bang".

I don't know how long it has been.

Until a light appeared before their eyes.

Then, the three of them plunged into the light, and finally...

"Puff ~ "!"



Three dull sounds came, Yang Qiao and the three of them fell heavily to the ground.

Fortunately, their physical fitness has already been strengthened in all directions, and they still have treasure-level suits on their bodies. If they were changed to other professionals.

Just a single fall like this will cause serious injury even if you don't die.

"Cough, cough, cough!" Aike struggled to get up, coughing non-stop. "Cough cough, rate me this time...

Aike reluctantly opened her eyes, only to feel the surrounding things whirling in front of her eyes.

"Where is this?" Zhang Jungang raised his head to look, and he saw a piece of white.

In the next second, waves of electric current emerged from his body.

Fuck, discipline!"

"Oh shit!"

Zhang Jun quickly covered his eyes, but it was too late, the electric current completely broke out on his body.

A burst of crackling...

What he saw was actually not someone else, but the dungeon boss. The image of this dungeon boss was similar to that of a human female.

But it's just so...open and close!

As a result, he suffered such unreasonable disasters later.

The only one who is okay is Yang Qiao. If there is still something wrong with the full point defense, then there is something wrong with the channel setting.

He stabilized Aike's figure with one hand, and looked at Zhang Jun again, Yang Qiao wanted to laugh but couldn't.

This guy is really miserable!

Then, he looked at the boss not far away.

The BOSS is called Mrs. Bajiao.

Seeing the name, Yang Qiao thought it was a spider spirit with eight spider legs.

As a result, he took a closer look and found that he was very wrong.

The eight-legged lady has eight beautiful long tui, and each tui is exactly the same as that of a human girl.

Aike was finally fully awake.

The first time she saw the appearance of the BOSS, she was frightened and jumped in place.

"Why does this thing look like this?" Aike pointed to Mrs. Bajiao and said repeatedly.

"Human!" Eight-legged lady let out a low growl.

"The majesty of the devil begins with obliterating your soul."

A wise boss is really rare.

What is rare is rare, but Mrs. Little Feet has already rushed towards Ai Ke.

As expected of the eight-legged lady, the eight-legged lady is extremely fast, and she arrived in front of Ai Ke in the blink of an eye.

At this time of crisis, Yang Qiao suddenly used his skills.

"Awakening Skill of the Strongest King - Flame Fury!"

A huge red lotus bloomed from his body, and the petals scattered around.

Just when the eight-legged lady was about to attack Ai Ke, Yang Qiao attracted all of its attention.

It involuntarily attacked Yang Qiao.

In an instant, hundreds of attacks were launched.

Dang dang dang..."

A series of attacks, with sparks and lightning.

After being attacked many times, although the block was triggered and the Holy Shield of the sky was also hit, it did not hit the eight-legged lady.

"Immune to control?" Yang Qiao took the damage with the shield on his head, but he still had the strength to see everything in his eyes.

Of course, it still benefited from the damage reduction of Flame Fury, coupled with the blocking effect of the Holy Shield of the Sky.

Therefore, even if Mrs. Bajiao hit him, he didn't suffer any substantial damage.

Although Aike reacted now, she didn't know how to attack.

It's really that Mrs. Bajiao's speed is too fast.

five minutes!

The eight-legged lady's ultra-high-speed offensive lasted for five minutes.

Only then did she stop, she stared at Yang Qiao with her bright green eyes, "What the hell are you? Why can't I move?"

This time, it was Madam Bajiao's turn to be puzzled.

However, taking advantage of this time, Yang Qiao seized the opportunity and released (Master Li's) full amount of deliberate value.

That's right, in just these five minutes of stormy attack, Mrs. Bajiao directly filled up Yang Qiao's intention value!

But just a second before Yang Qiao punched, a sentence sounded in his mind suddenly——

"Concentrate on one point and reach the peak!"



The deliberate value that should have been released was crazily compressed into the palm of Yang Qiao's hand.

Then, with lightning speed, he quickly punched out a sharp punch.

The moment the fists landed on the eight-legged lady, they were all released.


The terrifying energy is like a torrent, unstoppable.

It directly beat half of Mrs. Bajiao's body and disappeared.

The eight-legged lady with the remaining half of her body let out a sharp cry.


This sound is enough to pierce a person's eardrum. .

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