Three hundred and forty thousand war coins, at this stage, is definitely a huge amount of money.

But Su Heng’s costs were even greater.

The salary given to the Black Tiger Camp and the reserve troops is not much, just over 10,000 yuan a month.

The maintenance of problematic weapons, purchase of ammunition, soldier training, etc. cost more than 300,000!

Training is definitely a big drain.

The basic hit rate has no numerical value. Even if you get A-level precision shooting, it may not be more accurate than a well-trained soldier.

To increase the hit rate, you can only fill it with bullets!

The more shots you shoot, the higher your accuracy will naturally be.

But what you shoot during training is not bullets, but money!

A soldier who shoots ten rounds of ammunition a day will earn six to seven hundred a month.

Five hundred people is three hundred thousand!

The cost of raising soldiers alone is 400,000 yuan a month!

Su Heng's more than 300,000 war coins are not enough for a month's expenses!

Fortunately, a large area of ​​land near Black Tiger Mountain is now under the control of Black Tiger Camp, and more than 10,000 people farm Su Heng's land.

In one month, at least 700,000 catties of coarse grains are harvested.

Earn 700,000 war coins per month!

Su Heng finally decided.

Recruit some players' minions.

The remaining ten spots in the Black Tiger Camp are reserved for players.

In war, communication is a big problem.

Every player is a humanoid radio station.

Players can quickly send messages through the chat channel.

Su Hengshen spoke for the first time in the regional chat forum.

"Black Tiger Camp recruits 10 player militia members!"

"Requirements: Level 3 militia or above, priority is given to third-level soldiers, and priority is given to special talents."

"After entering the Black Tiger Camp, you are not allowed to exit, otherwise you will be shot without mercy!"

"Salary: Three hundred war coins per month, plus meritorious service. Interested parties can go to Black Tiger Mountain for an interview!"

Su Heng's words immediately aroused heated discussion in regional forums.

【What? Black Tiger Camp is recruiting troops? 】

[Don’t Black Tiger Camp not recruit players? 】

[I went there twice and asked to join the Black Tiger Camp, but I was rejected both times! 】

[But the treatment is too bad, right? Only three hundred yuan a month? 】

[Now that you can be promoted to a third-class soldier, who is not a strong one out of ten thousand? No matter which team you join, your monthly salary will be upwards of one thousand! 】

[The problem is Black Tiger Camp! 】

[Black Tiger Camp is strong and safe]

[More importantly, in Black Tiger Camp, there is absolutely no shortage of opportunities to make meritorious deeds. 】

[It is possible to become a general leading an army in the future! 】

[Is this definitely from Black Tiger Camp Su Heng? 】

【Can there be any fake ones? Don’t you see yourself going to Black Tiger Camp for an interview? 】

[The question is too overbearing. After giving such a small amount of money, you are not allowed to withdraw! 】

[They give you weapons and equipment, train you, and then you turn around and walk away. Are you being taken advantage of? 】

[The more you refuse to quit, the more it proves that they really want to train you! 】

[Brother went to explore the road first, and he just completed the task of transferring to third-class soldier! 】

[The boss is awesome! The third-class soldier wants to kill three invaders! 】

[I’m going to check out the situation too! 】

Two women who were buying coarse grains in Xiaoying Village saw the forum message.

"Black Tiger Camp is recruiting people?"

One of them, a petite woman with huge breasts, looked at the tall, long-legged woman next to her with wide eyes.

"Sister Yi Shu, how about we give it a try?"

Qin Yishu hesitated for a moment: "Didn't you say we need a third-level militia? We are only at the second level!"

The petite woman quickly said: "But we are beautiful!"

"Maybe Su Heng will like us!"

Female players are quite difficult to mix in this war game.

Most of them can only choose to continue to accept farming tasks in Novice Village.

I get two kilograms of whole grains every day to survive.


There are also some particularly beautiful women who live a very comfortable life as women of other powerful players.

Like Qin Yishu and Su Xiaoya.

There are not many independent women who choose to kill enemies and level up.

Other players don't dare to bully them easily.

After all, there are women everywhere who are beautiful but afraid of death and dare not go out to kill monsters.

As long as you give them money and food, you can do whatever you want.

There is no need to provoke Qin Yishu and Su Xiaoya.

How can it be easy for a woman who dares to fight against robbers and bandits?

Say it again.

People have guns.

I want to use force against them.

What if you accidentally kill yourself?

Qin Yishu was still hesitating.

Su Xiaoya added: "Sister Yi Shu, the robbers and bandits nearby were basically killed by the Black Tiger Camp."

"The bandits and bandits that come in every day are not enough for the players to kill!"

"A lot of people choose to go elsewhere."

"If we don't go to Black Tiger Camp, we have no choice but to leave here!"

Qin Yishu gritted his teeth: "Okay!"

"Let's go to Black Tiger Camp and take a look!"

The two women were safer in Novice Village.

If you leave the Novice Village area and go to other game areas.

Not to mention whether it can pass through the territory of warlords and invaders.

I'm afraid the bandits and robbers entrenched everywhere will be able to capture them.

That is really worse than death!

There are only so many game resources.

A territory of several hundred square kilometers could only support one Black Tiger Camp.

Other players don't have many options except to seek refuge in the Black Tiger Camp or take the risk of leaving here.

Unless you work with the aborigines every day!

Qin Yishu and Su Xiaoya immediately set off with two Hanyang weapons.

On the way, I met a large number of players.

In groups of three, three, or even a dozen people, they walked towards Black Tiger Mountain.

Arrived outside Black Tiger Mountain.

Qin Yishu discovered the open space outside the gate of Black Tiger Camp.

Hundreds of thousands of players have gathered.

The players who can come here are all real game elites.

Basically kill dozens of enemies.

Especially for third-class soldiers, when changing jobs, they had killed more than three invaders.

Players like this are naturally very tough and will dare to kill people if they disagree.

But at this time, everyone was honest.

no way.

Black Tiger Camp is too powerful!

Ten times more powerful than what was said on the forum!

No wonder they can form an organized army to eliminate the invaders!

Soldiers guarding the camp gate.

All 98K!

The two Mark Mi heavy machine guns mounted on the tower at the camp gate made the players tremble with fear!

If the heavy machine gun fires.

All of their 1,800 players were shot dead within a few minutes!

They even saw two direct-firing infantry cannons!

Even the national team’s Iron Blood Camp and Delta Camp can’t afford this thing!

Su Heng was a little surprised when he saw so many people coming.

They are all elite players!

Su Heng pondered.

How about collecting them all and forming two more reserve battalions?

There are too many people from Panshan Village in Black Tiger Camp now.

Even if he deliberately recruited many elite bandits from Juxian Ridge, it would be difficult to compete with Panshan Village.

Once he and Fire Phoenix have a disagreement.

If you are from Panshanzhai, should you listen to yourself or to Huo Fenghuang?

It is indeed necessary to recruit more players and soldiers.

It will also help you control the Black Tiger Camp.

Su Xiaoya and Qin Yishu finally squeezed into the crowd.

Arrive at the registration location.

A dashing woman is in charge of recruiting people.

After asking about the levels of Su Xiaoya and Qin Yishu.

Then he said that they did not meet the camp entry regulations and asked Su Xiaoya and Qin Yishu to leave.

Su Xiaoya suddenly looked disappointed.

The person in charge of recruiting people is a beautiful woman, and she can't even use her beauty trap even if she wants to.

As a result, Qin Yishu gritted his teeth and said, "General, I... I know Battalion Commander Su."

Huo Fenghuang was stunned for a moment and looked Qin Yishu up and down: "Do you know Camp Commander Su?"

Qin Yishu's face became determined: "Yes! My name is Qin Yishu."

Huo Fenghuang frowned and said to the guard next to him: "Go and notify the battalion commander."

Hear the announcement.

Su Heng couldn't help shouting: "Fuck!"

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