National Warlord: My Aircraft Carrier Is Killing People Like Crazy

40. The Firepower Of The Militia Camp Is So Fierce

Yamazaki insisted on waiting for Su Heng to finish his bombardment before launching the attack.

Su Heng was even more confused.

Why do you look at such an elite Japanese army, a third-level unit?

Are you as stupid as the English?

Just stop there and allow yourself to bomb at will?

Could it be.

They still don’t know that they have unlimited firepower skills?

Since the Japanese army wants to be a living target.

Of course Su Heng would not be polite.

Anyway, there is that A-level weapon maintenance talent player next to him.

Don't worry about durability.

Just carry out the bombardment tactics to the end!

Another half hour of shelling.

The experience is amazing.

Most are two experiences, and there are even three or more.

The bombardment lasted for almost an hour.

system hint.

Su Heng level, promoted from captain to major!

Looked at the properties.

[Military Rank]: Major (Prestige 13)

[Position]: Militia leader

[Attributes]: HP 520, physical strength 300, agility 20, defense 51+50 (+10)

[Troops]: Black Tiger Battalion (500/500), Phoenix Battalion (500/500), Qinglong Battalion (500/500), Artillery Battalion (200/500), Reserve Battalion (300/300)

[Territory]: Tiger Regiment’s headquarters (1,200 square kilometers)

[Skills]: Unlimited firepower (sss), advanced gunnery proficiency 100% (A), advanced precision shooting 30% (F)

[Warehouse]:... (3 cubic meters)

[Experience]: 1/1500

[War Coin]: 543623

[Battle Honors]: 800

The war is coming.

Su Heng immediately added all 10 points of upgraded attributes to defense.

The total defense is 111!

Colonel Yamazaki was tortured by Su Heng for an hour.

Finally understand.

Su Heng's shells are outrageous.

Although I don't understand what is going on.

But no more offensive.

This war is certain to be lost.

Gritting his teeth, he drew out his saber and gave the order with a ferocious face!

"Second Battalion! Third Battalion! We must capture Dongshan Ridge..."

"Artillery squadron, arrange the artillery array immediately!"

"The first brigade, support on the spot to prevent the enemy's peripheral troops from attacking..."

With the release of the Yamazaki mission.

The Japanese army finally moved.

The Japanese army, who had been holding back their anger, quickly approached Dongshan Ridge!

The artillery squadron of the regiment also arrived at the predetermined location and arranged the artillery array.

Fourteen 90-caliber infantry artillery roared and opened fire!

The infantry artillery battalion on Su Heng's side was also firing on all cylinders, fighting against the opponent.

It depends on who can take out the opponent's artillery array first.

Although what Su Heng captured was a 70-caliber cannon.

But from a high position, the range is not much worse than Yamazaki's 90-caliber infantry gun.

A round of blows.

Yamazaki was shocked to find out.

His fourteen 90mm infantry cannons could not blow up the opponent's 70cm infantry cannon.

Subject to transportation capacity limitations.

The regiment only brought 500 rounds of artillery shells.

The ammunition reserve is not as good as that of the well-funded Tigers!

Seeing the artillery battle fall to the disadvantage.

For a while, it was impossible to unplug the opponent's bunker.

Two infantry squadrons of the Japanese army, three thousand soldiers.

Finally gritted his teeth and launched a charge.

The Japanese soldiers all over the mountains and plains, shouting, are rushing toward the highlands of Dongshanling.

Su Heng's spirit suddenly shook.

Soldiers from the Black Tiger Camp and the Phoenix Camp emerged one after another, killing the Japanese soldiers with loud gunshots.

Su Heng also changed to a heavy machine gun and poured bullets at the Japanese soldiers like crazy!

Each light machine gunner launched an attack on the Japanese soldiers in the bunker.

The Japanese soldiers were once again frightened by the terrifying firepower of the Tigers.

Is this a militia camp?

There are more than one thousand or two thousand soldiers and horses, all of which are 38 big caps and 98K!

There are no less than twenty heavy machine guns and light machine guns?

damn it!

The firepower of a battalion is comparable to that of their 4,000-man regiment!

Only then did Yamazaki realize.

Su Heng's is not a battalion-level armed force.

It is definitely an independent regiment or even an independent brigade-sized armed force!

Being attacked so hard by the Tigers.

The Japanese army suffered heavy casualties.

However, the level of the Japanese soldiers is high, and their blood volume is basically between 200 and 300.

Except for more lethal machine guns.

It often takes two or three shots to kill a Japanese soldier.

Led by officers with thousands of HP, the Japanese army's offensive became increasingly fierce.

One by one, the strongholds of the Tiger Camp were torn apart by grenades and explosive charges.

The Japanese army suffered hundreds of casualties.

Finally, they reached the halfway point of Dongshan Ridge.

The war has entered a fierce stage.

Su Heng’s eyes are red!

Although the equipment of the Tiger Regiment is no worse than that of the Japanese Army.

However, the quality and combat experience of the soldiers are far inferior to those of the Japanese army.

Moreover, the number is only half that of the Japanese army!

Just this time.

The casualties have exceeded 500!

Su Heng has become the target of many Japanese.

The body armor on his body was beaten and torn.

The blood volume dropped to over 300!

Fortunately, his basic defense is high enough.

As long as it doesn't hit a vital point.

Sanba Gai can only take away fifty or sixty points of his health.

Otherwise, he would have been beaten to death by the Japanese army!

I quickly used a first aid kit to restore 100 HP.

Su Heng finally gave the order.

The Qinglong Battalion, waiting for an opportunity to act outside, launched an attack on the first brigade of the Japanese Army!


Osaka Yamazaki had anticipated this.

The first regiment pressed forward and withstood the Qinglong Battalion's attack!

The battle in Dongshan Ridge became increasingly fierce.

The bandits' wives were shot multiple times, and their health dropped from 800 to 400!

Su Heng had no choice.

No matter how powerful his unlimited firepower is, he can't seal the battle line that stretches for several miles.

Fortunately this time.

Second wife and third wife.

With a reserve battalion of 300 people, they came from the left.

Colonel Yamazaki did not expect that Su Heng would have reinforcements at this time.

Gritting his teeth, he separated a squadron to attack Qin Yishu and Su Xiaoya's reserve army.

However, the reserve army is basically composed of aborigines who have just joined.

After preliminary training, it is equivalent to the third-level militia at most.

There is no way to break through the Japanese squadron's blockade!

The battle reached a stalemate.

Both sides gritted their teeth and held on.

The battle lasted for more than an hour.

More than half of the Tiger Regiment's casualties had been lost, and a full thousand lives were lost in Dongshan Ridge.

Fire Phoenix's expression suddenly changed and he said urgently.

"Su Heng, out of bullets!"

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