National Warlord: My Aircraft Carrier Is Killing People Like Crazy

44. The Battle Honors List Was Dominated By The Tiger Brigade!

The iron-blooded Kyushu is as hungry as it is hungry.

At market prices, I bought a large number of various low-end weapons and equipment seized from bandits from Su Heng.

We also bought 300 tons of coarse grains.

He didn’t even dare to bargain with Su Heng!

Now the only one who can sell weapons and equipment, various supplies, and food in large quantities is Su Heng.

The warlords themselves don't even have enough.

Don't talk about other players.

Only Su Heng has won consecutive battles.

Not only did he wipe out the bandits, but he also defeated the invader army in a row, so he had to replace so much equipment.

Only Su Heng controls such a large territory.

More than a thousand tons of coarse grains are collected a month, and the excess military rations are sold!

Su Heng originally planned to throw the garbage equipment in the arsenal into the system for recycling.

Later, he stayed and trained the reserve battalion militiamen.

Unexpectedly, I have now brought myself a huge sum of more than two million yuan!

Transaction complete.

Su Heng immediately sent people to various novice villages in the territory to purchase guns and ammunition.

turn out.

The weapon shop in Novice Village was packed with people.

All small pistols are sold out...

But no wonder.

As long as you buy a gun in a weapons store, you will earn money. If you just throw it into the trading platform, you will at least double the profit.

Don’t talk about the players in the territory.

Many players from outside stay in the weapon shop day and night, waiting for the weapons to arrive!

The weapon shop has plenty of ammunition.

Other players don't fight as frequently as the Tiger Brigade, and they don't dare to fight with guns and artillery as aggressively as the Tiger Brigade.

There is not as much demand for bullets as there is for guns.

Another reason.

Bullets are so expensive!

It’s not easy for players to make money.

Players who choose to be farmers may not be able to earn three or four yuan even if they work hard for a day.

This little money is only enough to buy two rifle bullets!

Su Heng spent one million to buy ammunition.

Distributed to each main battle group soldier, each person received more than a hundred rounds!

There are more than one million left.

It didn't stay in Su Heng's hands for long.

Various military merit awards and casualty pensions are distributed.

The wallet is empty again.

However, Su Heng generously rewarded his soldiers and horses, and the centripetal force of the Tiger Brigade was stronger.

The soldiers' fighting spirit was very high, and they became more and more loyal to Su Heng!

The Japanese army and the British army were completely wiped out by the Tiger Brigade.

The invaders were probably a little afraid of this weird militia force, and they even killed a Japs regiment of several thousand people.

Until we find out more about Su Heng, we naturally don’t dare to take any chances with Su Heng.

Based on intelligence.

They stepped up their offensive against Chen Zhitang's tribe.

Now Chen Zhitang's department is in danger.

Many of the small military leaders under his command had their own ideas and even withdrew from the battlefield without obeying orders.

Keep it up like this.

It doesn't take two months.

Chen Zhitang wanted to admit defeat, pay a large amount of war indemnity, and let the invading coalition forces establish a concession in Yangcheng.

Otherwise, the invaders' army could capture the two main sites of Yangcheng and Focheng and withdraw with the remaining troops.


The invader army also paid a heavy price.

After all, Chen Zhitang has been deeply involved in Yangcheng for many years, and his strength is still not weak.

Otherwise, the Japanese Army and others would not be able to free their hands to deal with Su Heng's growing tiger.

Su Heng naturally seized this rare opportunity.

Send the soldiers under his command to a place dozens of miles south of Dongshan Ridge.

While expanding the territory, opening up new maps, suppressing bandits and training troops.

Many warlords broke up and fled to Su Heng's territory, plundering the villagers wantonly.

Being strangled mercilessly by Su Heng!

Now the actual territory controlled by the Tiger Brigade is close to 2,000 square kilometers!

A battle with the Japanese army.

Su Heng's weak defense and low HP are revealed.

Su Heng redeemed the battle medal.

Only stronger.

Only in the future can you obtain more battle medals.

Take a look at the player merit rankings.

as I thought.

With 3,300 battle medals, Su Heng ranks first on the battle medal list!

The second place made Su Heng a little dumbfounded.

It was his bandit wife, Fire Phoenix!

Fire Phoenix (belonging to Tiger Brigade Aboriginal): 410 battle honors!

Can aborigines be on the war merit list?

Is it because he joined the Tiger Brigade?

Su Heng looked down again.

The third person is actually Lin Qinglong, who is also marked as belonging to the Aboriginal Tiger Brigade, with 390 battle honors!

The fourth place is Qin Yishu, and the fifth place is Su Xiaoya.

There is no annotation about aboriginals in the back, only an explanation about belonging to the Tiger Brigade...

The two little wives are both leaders of the Tiger Brigade.

When fighting against the Japs Alliance, you will receive the commander's battle medal bonus.

Just not as much as Su Heng.

Sixth on the battle merit list, it was finally the turn of other players.

Jiuzhou is made of iron and blood, marked as the leader of the Iron-Blooded Regiment, with 280 battle honors.

After all, it is the national team.

The Iron Blood Regiment was sent to the front line as soon as possible. Even if they couldn't win, they would still get some battle honors.

The seventh one is the captain of Chou Kingdom, with 275 battle honors, and he will not let go of Jiuzhou made of iron and blood.

The eighth to tenth were from the Tiger Brigade again.

Zhang San, Zhao Si, Su Jiuming!

Su Jiu Ming, one of the five female militiamen rescued by Su Heng after he captured Heifeng Village.

She was also the female soldier who saved Su Heng's life during the battle with the Japanese army squadron.

Su Heng changed her name to Su Jiu Ming.

Let yourself remember her life-saving grace.

Now Su Jiu Ming has been promoted to the deputy leader of the Black Tiger Regiment.

Su Heng was a little dumbfounded when he saw such a magical ranking of military honors.

Not to mention other players who have been paying attention to the battle medal list.

There has been a lot of quarrel on the forum.

Su Heng couldn't help but open the forum to see what others thought of the Tiger Brigade.

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