"The Tiger Brigade is over!"

Kyushu is made of iron and blood, and countless players watch the live broadcast of the war.

He spat out a sentence in unison.

"Mark 1 tank, weighing 28 tons, 2 57mm Hotchkiss 6-pound rapid-fire cannon, 4 Hotchkiss machine guns, armor thickness 6 mm..."

Tie Xue is naturally more familiar with the performance of this tank than Su Heng, a pseudo-military fan.

"Ordinary rifles cannot threaten the Mark 1 tank!"

"The Mark Mi heavy machine gun is useful."

"The problem is, it is impossible for the Tiger Brigade to rush in front of the Mark tank with its heavy machine guns!"

"Su Heng's plan to consume the ugly army's ammunition failed."

"He probably didn't expect that the Ugly Army had so many chariots and tanks!"

Just as everyone expected.

With infantry fighting vehicles and Mark 1 tanks entering the battlefield.

The heavy machine guns on combat vehicles and tanks began a frantic harvesting of lives!

Even if there were soldiers from the Tiger Brigade, they would step forward and shoot with their guns without fear of death.

The bullets bounced off the tank's armor.

Then he was shot mercilessly by a machine gunner.

The rapid-fire cannon of the Mark tank continuously attacks the players' troops gathered in groups.

Break up the troops.

Then the chariot drove over and the massacre began again!

Tiger Brigade and player warriors, no matter how courageous and fighting spirit is high.

Facing the almost unsolvable war monster in the current price range, it will have no effect.

Originally, he was just a player who gritted his teeth and persisted.

Morale finally collapsed.

They fled the battlefield one after another.

Su Heng had a sullen face.

Order the Tiger Brigade to withdraw from the battlefield.

Anderson sneered triumphantly and without hesitation ordered the entire army to hunt down the remnants of the Tiger Brigade!

Of course, the ugly soldiers will not let go of this opportunity to easily shoot the enemy!

The reward for meritorious service depends on how many enemies you kill!

Chase down the fleeing enemies.

There is almost no danger.

Watching the Tiger Brigade retreat, countless players ran for their lives.

The audience watching this battle had quite mixed emotions.

The battle between the players and the invader army has finally come to an end.

Just like they thought.

The Tiger Brigade represents the player's strongest strength.

A complete failure!

The Tiger Brigade is so powerful.

One hundred thousand players were also mobilized to participate in the war.

They are no match for the ugly army!

It is estimated that it will take at least three years for players to truly have the strength to compete with the invaders.

Invaders and indigenous warlords armed themselves.

Will players be given such a development time?

Iron-Blooded Jiuzhou sighed: "Actually, it is quite remarkable that the Tiger Brigade can fight until now!"

Another old man nodded: "Although the Tiger Brigade is defeated, it is still an honor."

"What he lost to was not the quality of the Ugly Army's soldiers."

"We were defeated by a war machine with generation difference!"

"Commander Ugly did not immediately dispatch infantry fighting vehicles and tanks. His military strategy is quite good!"

"Wait until the artillery regiment of the Tiger Brigade is defeated."

"There is no way to stop the strangulation of combat vehicles and tanks!"

Iron-Blooded Kyushu smiled bitterly: "Losing is a loss! But Su Heng's prestige has not diminished but increased! He has a higher status in the hearts of players around the world!"

"As long as Su Heng is still there, the Tiger Brigade is not a real failure!"

"I believe it won't take long."

"Su Heng can rebuild the Tiger Brigade!"

"Although the Tiger Brigade suffered heavy losses, it also won many battle honors..."

Suddenly, Iron-Blooded Jiuzhou's voice stopped, his body shook violently, and he screamed out!

"What? War honors?"

Iron-Blooded Jiuzhou suddenly realized.

It seemed that he had missed an extremely critical issue, and then his eyes showed a look of horror!

War honors?

Exchange weapons?

The Tiger Brigade had previously received more than 15,000 legion battle medals!

Why didn't Su Heng exchange it for a powerful weapon that could deal with infantry fighting vehicles and tanks?

A world chat forum for billions of players.

Naturally, there are hidden dragons and crouching tigers, and there is no shortage of talented people with military qualities that are no worse than Iron-Blooded Kyushu.

Although the Tiger Brigade was defeated.

But the weird thing is.

Su Heng's central army, commanding a battalion of one thousand Black Tiger regiment soldiers, did not retreat.

And the formation is not scattered at all!

Countless people have a question.

Why didn't the Black Tigers withdraw?

The predecessor of the Tiger Brigade was the Black Tiger Camp!

no doubt.

The Black Tiger Regiment is definitely Su Heng's most powerful team and the most powerful regiment in the Tiger Brigade!

No matter how dangerous the situation is.

The Tiger Brigade, the strongest regiment, has never participated in the battle.

The players thought that they were responsible for protecting Su Heng!

But now the Tiger Brigade has been defeated.

Shouldn't the Tigers escort Su Heng out of the battlefield immediately?

Finally some players woke up!

【Everyone noticed it! The Legionary Medal of the Tiger Brigade! 】

[In such a battle that concerns the life and death of the Tiger Brigade, why didn’t the Tiger Brigade redeem their battle medal weapons? 】

【yes! In fact, at the beginning of the battle, judging from the proportion of battle losses, the Tiger Brigade even had the upper hand! 】

[The reason why he failed was entirely because the Ugly Infantry Fighting Vehicles and Mark Tanks were invincible! 】

[The battle medal exchange list has many weapons that can deal with chariots and tanks! 】

【Su Heng...Su Heng, could it be that he...】

The Tiger Brigade is not a regular military force.

The ranking of the world's player corps does not include the name of the Tiger Brigade.

Players cannot see how many battle medals the Tiger Brigade has received.

But they can figure it out.

Not to mention the medals obtained in other battles.

The Tiger Brigade was listed in the World Announcement twice and received a whopping 15,500 battle medals!

Why didn't the Tiger Brigade exchange powerful weapons to fight the ugly army?

Just when countless people are confused.

Some players suddenly exclaimed.

"Fuck! Look, everyone!..."

"I'm going! I'm going! A7V!"

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