National Warlord: My Aircraft Carrier Is Killing People Like Crazy

76. One Billion Rewards! Hidden Double S-Level Legion Skills!

Zhong Chumo left with his troops.

Her headquarters of 9,000 people, plus the 3,000 player soldiers she recruited, totaled 12,000 people to come to the rescue.

In the end, only about 5,000 people were left!

More than half were killed!

After all, without sophisticated weapons, if you charge into the Eight-Nation Allied Forces position, the casualties will be huge!

Of course Su Heng will not make Zhong Chumo bleed and shed tears!

In this war, the money was spent like water, and Su Heng didn't have much savings left, so he only gave Zhong Chumo 10 million.

But in terms of weapons and equipment.

Su Heng is never stingy.

Thirty artillery pieces!

Including five 203 heavy guns!

Five infantry fighting vehicles! Two tanks!

One hundred light and heavy machine guns!

Five thousand rifles, submachine guns, and shotguns of all kinds!

Five hundred sets of protective equipment!

One thousand tons of grain...

After this battle, Zhong Chumo gained a lot of experience and was successfully promoted to major, becoming qualified to become a warlord!

Such an astonishing amount of military supplies.

Enough for Zhong Chumo to rebuild an elite army of ten thousand people!

Seeing the huge amount of supplies Zhong Chumo pulled away.

The audience at the forum were dumbfounded!

The fact that the Tiger Army has grown to this point is certainly not due to luck!

Who can compare with Su Heng for such a generous act?

In the future, when the Tiger Army is in trouble, will Zhong Chumo be willing to risk his life to help?

"Su Heng is really awesome! Zhong Chumo is more prosperous this time!"

"Heavy artillery, infantry fighting vehicles, and tanks are all level five heavy weapons!"

"There are countless sophisticated third-level and fourth-level firearms!" Four, five, three "Thousands of tons of military rations!"

"It doesn't cost hundreds of millions to buy it?"

"I don't know how many billions there are, but I am sure that even if you have money, you can't buy it!"

"But don't be envious, everyone! I risked my life to get it back!"

"That's right! Before the war started, who knew Su Heng had so many trump cards? Who would have thought that the Tiger Army could actually win!"

"Zhong Chumo and the others went there with the determination to die on the battlefield!"

"This time the rabbit's national team is developed!"

"That's not necessarily true! I heard that Rabbit has removed Zhong Chumo from the national team!"

"Why? Are they stupid?"

"Why else? Zhong Chumo is obviously going to die!"

"How can it be so easy to cultivate an army of tens of thousands of troops?"

"If the national team generals from all over the country are like Zhong Chumo and don't listen to orders, how can the national team control the overall situation?"

"Actually, the situation is similar in every country!"

"The generals have great power, even more powerful than the headquarters, so who would be willing to become a puppet!"

"Just like Su Heng, if you send someone over and ask Su Heng to hand over control of the army, will Su Heng agree? Will his generals agree?"

"A game is a game! Anyone can become a boss, and no one will be easily convinced!"

"This was originally the era of warlord separatism in history!"

"Unless there is a super powerful boss who can convince everyone, or have to obey his orders, the situation of warlord separatism can be changed."

"Fuck! Just say Su Heng!"

On Iron Blood's side, many people had different expressions.

After a long time, someone finally suggested: "Should we call Zhong Chumo back?"

Iron-Blooded Jiuzhou finally couldn't bear it anymore and said in a cold voice with a gloomy face: "When she went to support the Tiger Army, everyone agreed to get rid of Zhong Chumo's national team status!"

"Now, you want me to recruit her back?"

"You are shameless, I want it!"

Everyone was silent!

Captain Ugly is here.

All the think tanks looked solemn and speechless.

Don't look at the current system combat strength assessment of the Tiger Army, which has dropped to 450,000!

But there is no doubt about it.

Su Heng won the battle.

I don't know how many heavy weapons have been captured. Once the Tiger Army replenishes its troops, it will be repaired.

The strength will definitely increase several times or even ten times!

"We need to speed up our development!"

"Su Heng has a battleship and may attack other countries' territories at any time.

Captain Chou's eyes flashed coldly: "Issue a wartime call-up order!"

"All players in the territory must join the Delta Brigade!"

"If you refuse, you will be killed without mercy!"

Zhong Chumo left with a huge amount of material.

Some player soldiers who spontaneously came to help the Tiger Army stayed behind.

The number is more than three thousand!

They all expressed their willingness to follow Su Heng's command!

Su Heng naturally included them all in the Tiger Army!

The 30,000 beggar troops from Yangcheng suffered even greater casualties.

Only more than 11,000 people were left out of the 30,000 people!

What surprised Su Heng was.

This Yangcheng reinforcements has dozens of commanders.

But they are all at the level of battalion commander, company commander and platoon commander.

The highest military rank is just a captain!


Only Su Heng found out.

It turns out that they organized themselves spontaneously.

They are soldiers under the general Yangcheng who fought against the invaders before!

Most of their comrades-in-arms fought against the invaders, and many generals died in battle.

In the Yangcheng warlord system, he is a remnant soldier who has no father, no mother, and no one to love him!

One hundred thousand invaders attacked the Tiger Army.

They have a deep hatred against the invaders.

Chen Zhitang was asked to send troops to fight against the invaders.

Chen Zhitang and the upper-level warlords and generals remained unmoved.

These soldiers were extremely angry.

Finally, the low-level leader, a young officer, contacted secretly in private.

Finally, a group of 30,000 soldiers were gathered who were willing to rush to the battlefield and came non-stop to support the Tiger Army!

No wonder their weapons and equipment are extremely backward, and they can only kill enemies with broadswords!

Su Heng sighed in his heart.

Such a passionate warrior.

If they are not included in the Tiger Army, should they be sent back to Yangcheng, where they will be ostracized by the warlords or even put to death?

Incorporate the players and the remaining Yangcheng troops into the Tiger Army.

The number of Tigers in Nansha has finally returned to 21,000!

In addition, there are five thousand reserve troops at the Buddhist temple.

Although the Tiger Army is not as good as the peak soldiers and horses, it is not far behind.

Sure enough, at this time, as long as you have food and weapons in your hands, you are not afraid of being without soldiers!

Su Heng estimated the gains from this war.

It can only be described in two words.


The invader troops from the three provinces brought almost all their property with them.

There are more than 80 infantry fighting vehicles and tanks that can still be repaired!

bombed by aerial bombs.

There are only eight 250-caliber heavy guns left that can be repaired and used!

In addition, there are more than two hundred artillery pieces of various calibers!

On the contrary, there are not many rifles and machine guns.

Probably 20,000 to 30,000 pieces!

After all, the invaders retreated and it was difficult to carry heavy weapons.

Still reluctant to throw away firearms.

As long as the captured heavy artillery is added to the heavy artillery originally owned by the Tiger Army [arranged at the bay fort!

The shipyard is absolutely impregnable!

Not many firearms were seized during the war, but many were returned to Zhong Chumo.

But for Su Heng, firearms are no problem at all.

When I go back to Fucheng, Shuncheng, and Black Tiger Mountain, I will upgrade all the weapon shops.

More than a thousand good guns in one day.

As long as the money is in place, firearms are not a problem!

Finished cleaning the battlefield.

Some soldiers who were too excited to chase the invaders and got lost also came back.

Only then did the Tiger Army truly withdraw from the war.

The system prompts that it is too late.

[World Announcement: The Tiger Army defeated the 100,000 Eight-Nation Alliance Army, and gained +112,000 Legion Merits]

[Reward an S-level gold treasure chest! One billion military assets!]

[Military Commander Su Heng’s prestige +20!]

Saw this world announcement!

Su Heng was shocked!

Players from all over the world!

Envy! Shock! And fear!

Defeat is not annihilation!

There are more than 110,000 battle medals, which is within the players' expectations.

After all, if you win the battle, your battle merit will be increased!

In this battle, the number of invaders destroyed by the Tiger Army is estimated to be around 40,000, and the number of merits for killing enemies alone is not much less!

This is what shocked the players.

S-level gold treasure chest!

There are still one billion military assets!

Isn’t that outrageous?

One billion!

The level three rifles in the weapons shop are basically priced at 2,000 to 3,000 each!

Can’t this buy a level 3 rifle worth 30,000 to 40,000 yuan?

Anyone who gets these one billion can instantly raise an army of more than 20,000 people!

S-level gold treasure chest, there may even be one billion new treasure chests!

After all, if the national team works harder, it is still possible to earn one billion...

But don’t even think about S-level gold treasure chests.

"Are the Tiger Army's rewards too outrageous?"

"One billion plus S gold treasure chest?"

"For Su Heng, one billion is probably not too big a sum. After all, he downloaded 150 million after placing a copy once!

"The firearms seized in this war are worth more than one billion, not to mention other tanks and heavy artillery!"

"It seems that Su Heng has obtained two S-level treasure chests, right? Remember last time he was rewarded with two S-level silver ones."

"I think there are more than two, but the system didn't announce it!"

"Yes! Su Heng's heavy bomber and super battleship must have come from an S-class treasure chest!"

"I really want to know what will be found in the super gold treasure chest!"

"Stop dreaming!"

"I guess no one knows except a few high-level officials of the Tiger Army!"

"This is a super killer trick!"

"Just like now, as soon as the heavy bombers come out, the situation of the battle is instantly reversed! Defeat is turned into victory!"

Su Heng couldn't think of it either.

After defeating the Eight-Nation Alliance, the game system rewards, unexpectedly!

One billion military resources are enough for him to build a dragon fleet!

A super battleship worth 70 million can build more than a dozen!

Next up!

Naturally, they mobilized their troops and formed a dragon navy.

At the same time, let the warriors of the dragon army redeem battle medals and obtain battleship control skills!


Su Heng looked at the golden treasure chest.

Getting ready to unbox.

The system prompts are not finished yet!

【Your prestige exceeds one hundred!】

[You can choose one of the following two SS legion skills!]

[1. Enemy troop level -1! 2. Enemy troop weapon damage -30%!]

Su Heng was stunned!

Prestige and this terrifying hidden ability?

What the hell!

It is indeed a double S-level legion skill!

Su Heng really wants both!

Troop level greatly affects the overall combat history of the army.

For example, the overall attributes of the soldiers! Morale! The ability to continue fighting for 3.9 times, etc.!

A level three force.

Definitely much harder to fight than the second-level troops with the same number and equipment!

Just like this time the Eight-Nation Allied Forces attacked.

The Japanese army and the Prussian army are on the fourth level!

They were the ones who caused the most casualties to the Tiger Army, and they were the ones who retreated in the end!

There is no need to explain the 30% reduction in damage.

Su Heng hesitated again and again.

Finally, the enemy unit level was reduced by one!

A 30% reduction in weapon damage is indeed quite impressive.

In the early stages of the game war, and even the entire First World War stage, it will greatly weaken the enemy's strength!

But as the game progresses, there will definitely be more and more powerful weapons.

For example, heavy artillery has a lethality of more than 2,000!

One shot exploded.

For ordinary soldiers, there is actually no difference between two thousand kills and one thousand fourteen kills.

They were all killed with one shot!

Su Heng has a feeling.

In the future, the level of the invader troops will definitely become higher and higher!

In the later stages.

The double S legion skill of reducing the enemy's army level is definitely much better than reducing the damage by 30%!

In early development and late potential.

Su Heng decisively chose skills that would help the legion even more in the later stage!

The system prompts that it is finally over!

Su Heng can finally happily open this treasure chest with the highest level ever!

Wait until you see the system prompt for the treasure chest!

Su Heng fell into a petrified state again!

No way?

You actually opened this thing?!!.

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