National Warlord: My Aircraft Carrier Is Killing People Like Crazy

78. Defeated The Ninth Route Army And Su Heng Occupied The Entire Province! (Please Subscribe)

Half an hour later.

Chen Zhitang's three-pronged army finally arrived outside Nansha Station!

I saw densely packed bunkers and towers.

Artillery pieces were lined up.

There are also infantry fighting vehicles and tanks, ready to enter the battlefield at any time.

Knowing that the opponent is low on ammunition.

Chen Zhitang, Ma Sanpao, etc. were still breathing in the cold air uncontrollably!

at the same time.

The greedy look in his eyes emerged uncontrollably!

Just get the equipment and weapons of the Tiger Army.

This world!

It belongs to him, Chen Zhitang!

Su Heng was still bombing Yangcheng.

Chen Zhitang did not dare to waste time and was about to issue an attack order!

In the Tiger Army, a man suddenly stood up, holding the big lama and roaring with all his strength.

"Brothers from Yangcheng!"

"I am Qian Youzhi, the commander of the third regiment of the third brigade of the 209th Division under General Lin Hu!"

"Now, he is the leader of the Tiger Army!"

"We, the Tiger Army, will fight against the invaders at all costs!"

"After paying heavy casualties, the invaders were finally defeated and driven back!"

"Commander Su, avenged the countless brothers who died at the hands of the invaders, and General Lin Hu who died on the battlefield!"

"Why do you want to repay kindness with hatred?"

"I know that most of you have no choice but to do so!"

"As long as you go to the battlefield, drop your weapons and surrender on the ground!"

"We can guarantee that we will never kill any soldier who surrenders!"

"Commander Su will also recruit everyone into the Tiger Army!"

"Do you know?"

"As the leader of the regiment, I can get five thousand war coins a month!"

"My brothers, at least two thousand a month!"

"As long as you join the Tiger Army and you have a penny less, you can come to me. If it is not enough, I will make up for it for you!"

"In addition, Commander Su had no choice but to dispatch the Invincible Fleet to bombard the Yangcheng Chenji camp!"

"Everyone put down your weapons quickly and don't make unnecessary sacrifices! Go back home and take care of your parents, wives and children!"

"I believe that all brothers are bloody men!"

"Even if you die in battle, you should fall on the battlefield fighting the invaders!"

"Rather than die under the gunfire of the Tiger Army!"

Hearing these words, some of the soldiers of the Ninth Route Army showed hesitation.

They all whispered to each other.

"No way?"

"To join the Tiger Army, at least two thousand war coins are required?"

"We only have two hundred and fifty dollars!"

"I heard that it was originally worth a thousand! But half of it was deducted, and the general deducted another half. When it was given to us, all that was left was!"

"I know Qian Youzhi, he is a nail-biter, there is no need for him to lie to us!"

"There are indeed many soldiers in the Tiger Army who are from Yangcheng!"

"They are all wearing body armor and helmets, but they are still holding level three rifles!"

"With all this equipment, it's not worth ten thousand dollars, right?"

"The Tiger Army is so rich, it would be no problem to give them two thousand soldiers!"

"The warships of the Tiger Army really went to blow up Yangcheng?"

"If Chen Zitang comes over to hit someone, they will definitely fight back!"

"Oh, I hope it doesn't blow up to my house!"

"I just said, this battle shouldn't be fought at all!"

"The Tiger Army is a great hero who kills the invaders. If we attack him, doesn't it mean we are helping the invaders?"

"Stop talking! After all, we are on the battlefield, so we have to drop our weapons and surrender!"

"The Tiger soldiers have three-level guns and countless machine guns. We only have one made in Hanyang. How can we fight?"

"Brothers in the third platoon, listen to me! Look at my eyes and act. If something goes wrong, get down and surrender!"

The soldiers in Yangcheng are not stupid either.

Your life is your own. If you win the battle, the credit belongs to the general.

What good can you do to yourself?

The worst case scenario is a three to five hundred stipend!

This little money is not worth risking your life for.

It's better to join the Tiger Army and earn at least 2,000 a month!

I heard the soldiers talking among themselves.

Chen Zitang secretly screamed, "It's not good!"

He shouted loudly: "Don't listen to his nonsense!"

"Artillery brigade, fire immediately! Shoot down this deserter and traitor!"

Two artillery brigades of the Ninth Route Army.

It is the strongest combat force of the Ninth Route Army!

Naturally, Chen Zhitang's confidants will be in charge.

Hearing Chen Zitang give his order.

More than two hundred 75- and 90-caliber infantry guns roared and spit out fire.

Densely packed shells.

Like rain, it was thrown towards the Tiger Army position!

Chen Zhitang was reluctant to spend a lot of money to arm ordinary soldiers.

But the real elites who are directly under the leadership will not be stingy.

Chen Zhitang bought more than two hundred cannons from foreign arms dealers at a high price of more than 50 million.

The artillery salvo is quite frightening!

Balls of fire exploded in the Tiger Army's position.

Fire Phoenix issued the order to counterattack without hesitation!

Heavy artillery shells.

The artillery array fell on the Ninth Route Army.

The explosion was filled with smoke and dust.


The opponent's artillery array had many defensive fortifications, which could greatly weaken the power of the explosion and did not cause much damage to the two artillery arrays of the Ninth Route Army.

Heavy artillery had little effect.

There are not enough shells.

Artillery battle is really no match for the Ninth Route Army.

Fire Phoenix pondered slightly.

The ultimate weapon is deployed!

The heavy bomber roars into the sky!

The Ninth Route Army's air defense methods are far inferior to those of the Eight-Power Allied Forces, and it lacks anti-aircraft guns.

The heavy bomber almost flew over the head of the Ninth Route Army.

Two one-ton aerial bombs roared down and hit their targets accurately.

Two mushroom clouds appeared at the artillery array of the Ninth Route Army.

Chen Zhitang, Ma Sanpao and others were stunned!

One of the two artillery brigades that he spent a lot of money to set up is just gone?

Saw the R.VI heavy bomber returning quickly.

Apparently went back to reloading.

Chen Zhitang's expression suddenly changed.

The plan to rely on artillery arrays to consume the Tiger Army's ammunition will not work!

At this time, the heavy bomber is almost invincible!

Chen Zhitang finally couldn't bear it anymore and issued the order for a general attack!

Ma Sanpao, the leader of the Ninth Route Army, had the deepest hatred for the Tiger Army.

After all, the old nest is occupied by the Tiger Army.

Now in Yangcheng, I am living under someone else's roof, and I have been holding back my resentment for a long time.

The first to attack were his two divisions!

Ma Sanpao's troops slowly approached the Tiger Army's front line.

Most of the soldiers raised their Hanyang weapons and fired before they even entered the range of their rifles.


They just had a shot.

The Tiger Army soldiers on the opposite side emerged from the trenches one after another.

98k in hand, 38 big cap, bang bang bang bang violent shooting!

Especially the elite Tigers armed with submachine guns.

Bullets continued to spray out, and in the blink of an eye, hundreds of bullets were fired!

The Ma San Pao soldiers were instantly stunned.

How to fight this?

Made in Hanyang, even at such a long distance, ten shots could not hit even one.

Can you fire ten shots a minute?

The firepower from the opposite side was as dense as rain!

The soldiers in front kept falling down like wheat!

The soldiers in the rear still had the slightest fighting spirit.

I remembered what Qian Youzhi said earlier, as long as he dropped his weapons and surrendered, the other side would not kill the surrendering soldiers.

It must be important to save your life!

There was a funny scene on the battlefield!

The soldiers in front were still standing.

The soldiers in the back row fell to the ground one after another.

It’s as if the bullets of the Tiger Army can hit cattle from across the mountain!

The soldier in front was lucky enough not to be killed.

I looked back by chance.

Damn it, why is there no one behind me?

Naturally, they immediately followed and got down.

Chen Jitang likes to fight the war by himself, but I won't accompany him anyway.

It's not like attacking the invaders.

Joining the Tiger Army will not only increase your income tenfold, but you will also be able to actually fight the invaders.

Only a fool would fight for his life against the Tiger Army!

Saw a funny scene on the battlefield.

Not to mention Chen Zitang and Ma Sanpao were stunned.

Even Huo Fenghuang and Lin Qinglong, the two leading generals of the Tiger Army, were stunned!

Chen Jitang and others look at me.

Is it better to let the troops continue to attack, or to order a retreat?

The soldiers of the Ninth Route Army fell to the ground.

The Tigers decisively stopped shooting. Apparently they were running out of bullets.

Send someone up if the problem arises.

Will this funny scene happen again?

Chen Zhitang waited and hesitated.

Soldiers on the battlefield don't hesitate.

The Tiger Army stopped firing on sight.

Some soldiers raised their hands and stood up slowly.

He shouted loudly: "Don't shoot, I surrender!"

Saying that, he quickly ran towards the Nansha position!

Bullets have no eyes, so it is best to get out of the battlefield as soon as possible.

Other soldiers also followed suit, raised their hands and ran towards the Tiger Army.

Chen Zhitang's expression suddenly changed.

He raised his hand and was about to give the order to shoot the traitor.

The adjutant next to him quickly stopped him.

"Commander! You can't shoot! If you shoot, the soldiers may mutiny!"

Chen Zitang put down his hand weakly and gritted his teeth: "Damn it!"

"Now how to do?"

The adjutant whispered: "For the current plan, we can only return to Yangcheng first and make long-term plans!"

Where there is life, there is hope!"

"The worst case scenario is that we will hand over Yangcheng to the Tiger Army!"

See this situation.

Everyone knows.

The Ninth Route Army has no chance of winning!

The bomber appears again.

Chen Zhitang was also decisive: "The whole army retreats!"

A hilarious battle involving a hundred thousand troops besieging the Tiger Army ended like this.

Before departure.

Chen Zhitang and others were high-spirited and felt that the future of the world was in their hands.

When we went back, everyone had serious faces and said nothing!

Not many members of the Tiger Army were killed.

Most of one of his artillery brigade was destroyed.

Ma Sanpao was the worst.

Of the 20,000 soldiers and horses, more than 8,000 went to the Tiger Army...

How can they laugh?

Return to Yangcheng station.

Chen Jitang was even more dumbfounded.

Where is the camp?

Where has your camp gone?

A headquarters camp that can accommodate tens of thousands of people.

How did it become a ruin?

Like being plowed by thousands of heavy artillery shells?

Not to say.

Did the Tiger Army run out of artillery shells?

All the warlords and senior generals looked at each other, wanting to cry but without tears!

The camp is gone.

Where do you want soldiers to live?

Everyone goes back to their respective homes?

Chen Zhitang could only order the tired and complaining soldiers to clean up the completely destroyed camp.

Senior officers put up tents or returned to their mansions in the inner city to rest.

Ordinary soldier?

Sleep in the open air!

Chen Zitang couldn't sleep all night.

It was around five o'clock in the morning before I fell asleep.

As a result, he didn't sleep long before he was woken up by the frightened adjutant.

"Commander! Something bad has happened!"

Chen Zitang jumped up, sat up suddenly, and asked urgently: "Tiger Army"


The adjutant looked bitter: "The Tiger Army didn't come!"

"But most of our soldiers are gone!"

"Some regiments and camps have all disappeared!"

Chen Zhitang's expression suddenly changed.

No need to ask.

Just know where the missing soldiers went!

"Damn, they're all white-eyed wolves!"

He didn't even realize his mistake at this time!

The soldiers followed him to attack the Tiger Army and ran forty or fifty kilometers.

As a result, it didn’t take long before I had to travel dozens of kilometers to come back!

Return to camp.

I thought I could take a break.

As a result, we had to clean up the bombed camp again.

Eventually I was paralyzed with exhaustion.

And spend the night in the open air!

The senior general stayed in the tent and returned to the mansion in the inner city!

It would be strange if the soldiers did not rebel!

Chen Jitang now finally realized a reality.

We can no longer stay in Yangcheng.

Even if the camp is repaired.

What should we do if the Tiger Army's fleet comes to bomb us again?

If the delay continues, all the soldiers and horses will rush to Su Heng's side.

He frowned and thought for a moment.

Finally, he lowered his voice and ordered the adjutant...

Naturally, Ma Sanpao and others also received news of the soldiers' escape.

Come over quickly to discuss countermeasures with Chen Jitang!

Chen Zhitang waved his hand: "We used to be too harsh on soldiers!"

"I have decided to sell off my property and give each soldier an allowance of 5,000 yuan!"

"You go back and appease the soldiers, and never allow any more defections! Otherwise, military law will be enforced!"

Ma Sanpao and others could only return to their respective camps angrily.

the next day.

Their lieutenant came to report anxiously: "General, it's not good!"

"Marshal Chen left Yangcheng overnight with 10,000 trusted soldiers and horses, as well as all military supplies, weapons and ammunition, and war coins!"

Ma Sanpao! Damn it!

Hurry to Chen Jitang's camp.


Chen Zhitang's elite troops were all gone.

There were just some little soldiers who couldn't figure out the situation.

In addition, several other warlords came after hearing the news...

Ma Sanpao was too lazy to say more.

Chen Zitang ran away.

Do you want to stay here and wait to die?

Oh shit!

Chen Zhitang!

Just run away, take everything away, and call yourself the northwest wind?

Ma Sanpao must also have some material reserves.

But this thing can support 1,800 soldiers.

More than 10,000 soldiers?

Wait until they have no food, no drink, no military pay, then they will rebel!

Ma Sanpao ordered a thousand elites without hesitation.

I left Yangcheng without any souvenirs.

Several other warlords naturally made the same choice as Ma Sanpao.

It is better to go to other places and turn into bandits than to wait here for the Tiger Army to attack!

Su Hengjun's side.

Su Heng originally planned to dispatch the fleet again today to bomb Yangcheng, making Chen Zhitang unable to live in peace.


Qian Zhiqian asked for an audience.

"Commander Su, there are many brothers from Yangcheng outside, saying they want to join Commander Su!"

"Chen Zhitang and others have left Yangcheng overnight!"

"Commander Su can lead his troops to garrison Yangcheng at any time!"

Su Heng was stunned. (money)

Fighters were dispatched to Yangcheng to investigate the situation.

Sure enough!

Outside Nansha Station.

A total of 50,000 to 60,000 Yangcheng soldiers came, all disarmed and empty-handed!

Su Heng immediately sent troops to garrison Yangcheng.

This is a key location connecting the sea and land, and its military significance is of great importance.

Otherwise, Chen Zhitang’s army would not have been entrenched in this ancient city forever!

Most of the Ninth Route surrendered.

Chen Zhitang and other warlords fled Yangcheng.

The invader troops were dispersed!

There is no longer any force that can stop Su Heng's army from dominating G Province.

In Chen Zhitang's original mansion in Yangcheng.

Su Heng saw the map of Province G.

Sure enough, it is somewhat different from reality.

It covers an area of ​​200,000 square kilometers.

Even with years of war, there are still more than 30 million indigenous people!

The Tiger Army attacks in all directions.

Less than half a month.

The entire G Province has completely fallen under Su Heng's control.

The whereabouts of Chen Zhitang and the others were not found.

He probably fled outside the province!

More than 20,000 invaders were wiped out by Su Heng, and the rest fled G Province one after another!

Probably except for the invader monsters that spawned.

Quite a while.

There are no invader troops who dare to come to G Province and touch the tiger's beard of Su Heng's army!

The first month's tax collection comes up.

Su Heng was surprised to find out.

The tax amount turned out to be as high as 300 million!

We can finally develop the Dragon Navy and Kunpeng Air Force with peace of mind!

Just at this time.

A world announcement appears.

[World Announcement: Captain Ugly is promoted to the second player warlord, and the Delta Brigade is upgraded to the Delta Army!]

[Reward an S-level bronze treasure chest!]

[Army Commander Ugly Captain, prestige +10! Trash]

Su Heng was suddenly stunned.

He was actually beaten by the ugly country guy to become the second player warlord before Iron-Blooded Kyushu?


I seem to have promised Iron-Blooded Kyushu to help him complete his warlord mission?

It's just that there have been too many things recently, including successive wars, the expansion of the army and the construction of aircraft and warships, and the need to clear out the hostile forces in G Province.

In addition, Jiuxue Jiuzhou did not take the initiative to find Su Heng.

He has forgotten about it!

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