Natural Disaster

Chapter 525 Transit Station

"The transfer station of the evil dragon legion is basically composed of the naga native legion. Although the naga has the land power "Moon", it draws a large number of West Sea natives to serve it. These West Sea natives, after all, are too loose and lack sufficient discipline. Except for some core elites, the outer members will not be valued and reused by the evil dragon army."

According to the intelligence obtained by Josebye, there are 100,000-120,000 naga stationed at the resource station, and the upper clan army is extremely powerful. Although the army is only a few hundred thousand, its combat capability is not lost to that of the five formally organized mothership battle groups. The number of soldiers in a mothership battle group of the Green Alliance is between 200,000 and 500,000. In other words, with 100,000 naga, the direct combat power is comparable to the regular army of several million alliances.

To know.

Naga is a big clan. Although they are not used to living on land, they have long coveted the rich mainland. In the process of replenishing energy for thousands of years, from the immortal kingdom and its land power, a large number of advanced equipment and weapons, such as magic guided guns, advanced battleships, etc., have been purchased. The Naga clan does not have much equipment, but they are very elite, and they will never lose too much to the Green Alliance.

This kind of high-ranking army is difficult to obtain benefits with ordinary troops.

The special combat troops are different from the Forbidden Army. The former are cutting-edge troops, with a small number and strong strength, and are good at fighting in various ways, while the latter is a local ace army. Although there is a gap between the combat strength and the upper family army, it will not be too different. .

Zhang Mu verified the intelligence once and found that the source of the intelligence was correct and could be trusted.

The Evil Dragon Legion is flourishing, but the Green Alliance is losing ground steadily and losing ground. Only by surprise can he attack his unpreparedness. Naga would not think of the retreating main city, and would suddenly stretch out her fangs and bite the evil dragon army.

The special operations department of Xihaicheng has 2 brigade, each brigade has five squads, and the five teams are one squad. Each group has 10 members. In other words, the total number of special fighters is less than 500. It can be said that it is the smallest department in the alliance army, but it is the most powerful department. Every member of the special warfare is in the realm of Heavenly Spirit and is qualified to compete for the head of the local department. A unit composed entirely of Heavenly Spirit Warriors is absolutely rare.

These special warfare personnel have undergone very rigorous training and have free access to a large number of alliance resources. Each possesses unique skills and is good at cooperating. A group of special warfare members is sufficient to deal with a semi-holy powerhouse.

Josébei directly dispatched a brigade, that is, five squads, a total of 250 soldiers, each squad has a special warship equipped with magic guided guns. Although the number of five ships is not large, it is more than enough to annihilate a mothership battle group with the capabilities of a special combat unit.

"Good news, Barre is willing to help!" Josébe brought back a message, "At this very time, although Barre is the commander of the Western Sea Imperial Army, he does not have the right to take away all the Imperial Forces and can support about 100,000! In addition, Barre is willing to Together!"

Among the senior officials of Xihai Province, only the main city owner, the commander of the imperial army, and the minister of special warfare believe in Zhang Mu. The rest of the senior executives all criticized Zhang Mu, but it was enough. This time Barre is willing to provide 100,000 forbidden troops. Perhaps the Forbidden Army is inferior to the Naga soldiers in terms of individual strength. However, the Forbidden Army is not only a ground spirit warrior, but also a mecha warrior. The equipment can surpass the ordinary army.With 100,000 mecha fighters, their firepower is enough to annihilate a city in an instant.

The warships of the Forbidden Army are also advanced warships, so in general, the combat power of the 100,000 Forbidden Army is definitely not inferior to the 100,000 ordinary Naga soldiers. The high proportion of the Celestial Spirit powerhouses in the Naga Army has a special warfare department to offset it. . Josébe will also mobilize two mothership battle groups, about 500,000 regular troops, even if there are some indigenous elites in the transfer station, it is more than enough to deal with.

The naga divided their troops and fought in many ways. Most of the strong were on the front line, and at most one transit station was stationed at a semi-sage. Two top masters, Josébe and Barre, are enough. Adding an unknown strength Zhang Mu, the cutting-edge combat power is certainly not a problem.

Zhang Mu said: "In addition to the Forbidden Army and the Special Operations Department, I also want to join an army-the Terran Legion. The Terran is not many, but they are generally in the middle and late stages of the Earth Spirit. In terms of combat effectiveness, they are a bit stronger than the Forbidden Army and the Naga. The proportion of Terran Sky Spirit masters is still not lost to Naga!"

The Terran has lived in Xihai Province for less than a year, but its edge has already begun to show. The current Terran combat mercenaries, except for production personnel, who come to Xihai Province, most of them have reached level 35 or above, and generally possess the strength of earth spirits. This is a fighting force that cannot be ignored. The human forces are too scattered within. If they are concentrated, there will be millions of people. If they are provided with sufficient equipment, and sufficient materials, and the Holy Spirit is personally commanded by the Holy Spirit, then it will not be inferior. In the evil dragon army.

In addition to the mercenary union and the China Alliance, Lei Ming contacted several human forces and collected a total of 40,000 humans. Among them, there are about 300 strong heavenly spirits, and the rest are generally earthly spirit masters.

This battle.

Zhang Mu not only needs to rectify his own name, but also fully demonstrates the potential of the human race in front of the Green Alliance. Let the senior leaders of the Green Alliance pay attention to the Terran, even if they decide to abandon the Xihai Province in the end, at least leave the Terran with a chance to evacuate!

The army assembled.

Set off immediately!

Standing in the command ship, Zhang Mu said to Barre and Josébe: "This time the intelligence is accurate, but I still don't know enough about the internal situation of the transfer station. I will send a vanguard to enter the enemy's interior. Explore the defensive equipment of the evil dragon legion."

Josébe feels reasonable. If mass destruction weapons such as magic cannons are deployed in the transfer station and the army slams into it straight, it will inevitably suffer a large number of casualties. "There are many masters in the evil dragon legion, so I will send a stealth team from the Special Operations Department. To cooperate with your actions."

"no problem!"

Zhang Mu personally took the lead. In addition, he chose Scorpion, the top killer of Dragon Soul, Snake Fang, Fengyue's top assassin, Wang Ling, and several famous killer assassins from the Mercenary Union and China Alliance. A special warship, leave the army and go ahead.

"Deputy Minister, we have arrived. The front is the transfer station of the evil dragon army. The enemy's detection equipment is advanced. If we don't want to be discovered, we must change to walking." The special warship sailed for 4 hours. Pastoral report.

"Then walk instead!"

The 10 special operations team members in front of Zhang Mu are a special team of the special operations department, all composed of characters who are good at stealth. Each one is a top master of stealth and assassination.

The crowd left the special warship in the air and cautiously fumbled into the target location. The transfer station of the evil dragon army was actually rebuilt from a small city. The city was slaughtered long ago. The outer walls and even the barriers were all kept intact. The internal buildings were basically flattened, and the Naga was in ruins. A barracks were established on the site, with thousands of warships parked.

There are almost everything from battleships, barrier ships, frigates, destroyers, and even mother ships. These are the spoils of the evil dragon legion, and the warships cannot be used directly. They can only be loosened here and cracked one by one. As for the harvested materials and supplies, they are countless. There are so many transport ships that they can’t fit. They are all stacked outside. The sky transport ships are coming in and out, and large tracts of resources are being transported away. There are also a large number of ships coming from the West China Sea, which are needed by the front line. Weapons and equipment were transported in large quantities.

"The opponent has a defensive barrier."

"Deputy Minister, please leave it to us." The special combat team stood up full of confidence. Ten members sneaked to the west of the city. The barrier barriers are generally mixed element barriers, or pure energy field, elements of Zhang Mu. The covenant doesn't work. The ten special forces stopped in front of the barrier, and at the same time took out a cone-shaped black scroll and inserted it directly on the barrier.

Puffed out.

The enchantment was melted into a small hole.

The special forces team cast spells at the same time, and each black scroll was connected in series to form a simple magic circle. There was nothing wrong with the enchantment as a whole, and the light still circulated. The area of ​​the magic circle about 2 meters wide and 3 meters high was melted away on the spot, forming a loophole in the enchantment.

Zhang Mu was very satisfied. The people from the Special Operations Department really had some tricks, and immediately waved to everyone: "Prepare for action. We will fight beautifully in this battle!"

More than a dozen top masters from various groups, all entered a stealth state, and entered the city from loopholes in the enchantment. Zhang Mu is not a killer, but [Chaos Furnace] has swallowed [Sky Covering Magic Power], which can stimulate phantom energy and dark energy. Zhang Mu has also smelted several advanced stealth skills, fully capable of performing top-notch stealth secrets without losing. To professional killers.

These people who took part in the action are by no means idlers.

Needless to say the scorpion.

Snake Tooth is the Izanami of the original mercenaries of the gods, not much weaker than the Scorpion.

The Chinese mercenaries also dispatched one or two killers of this level.

Most of the other people are at the same level as Fengyue's Wang Ling. This assassin killer has experienced many battles and is quite experienced, and does not require command. Once he enters the enemy's cave, he actively spreads out to start the search.

Less than a quarter of an hour.

The basic situation is clear.

As expected.

Although Naga did not believe that the Green Alliance dared to counterattack, they were still cautious and still laid a strong defense. In this transfer station, there are 8 magic guns alone, 2 in the middle, 3 in the east, and 1 in the northwest and south. There are good and bad magic weapons, and the price ranges from a billion gold coins to tens of billions of gold coins. The top magic guns are only available in the mechanical empire. It is not easy to buy them. The magical cannons of the Naga tribe are imported from the immortal country, and the price is definitely not low. This kind of large-caliber magical cannon, the Holy Spirit does not dare to block it, and the range is extremely long.

If you rush to kill it recklessly, the Evil Dragon Legion can destroy the main battleship of the Alliance Army with a few cannons. If the Alliance Army has not arrived, the battle has not started, and I am afraid it will suffer a huge loss.

The remaining defensive weapons were reported one by one.

Zhang Mu already had a preliminary understanding of the defensive capabilities of the transfer station, and immediately transmitted the voice back to report the basic situation.

"We will control the magic guided cannon for tens of seconds to 1 minute. The army will start attacking from the weak area in the south and attack with ultra-long-range guided weapons. The attack coordinates are..., which can destroy the enemy's turrets. Let medium and short-range artillery fire. During the battle, the enemy’s firepower was greatly reduced. In the end, the army was dispatched to sweep the tail. If it goes well, the transfer station can be disintegrated in about one round. In addition, try to avoid the following coordinate ranges as far as possible... Loss, over!"

Zhang Mugang reported the situation.

Suddenly Scorpion came over, "I found a big trouble. The transit station is guarded by the Holy Spirit."


Zhang Mu was shocked.

The scorpion continued: "The Black Moon Saint, one of the four sages of the Naga, if it weren't severely injured and unhealed, I might have been discovered just now."

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