Jiang Ning went to the balcony in his pajamas. The typhoon was still quite strong, but the wind was obviously starting to weaken, but the rain was increasing.

The second floor was completely flooded, and the water overflowed to the third floor, and the corridors were flying like chickens and dogs.

The finger cake eaten in the morning is wrapped with fried eggs, ham, vegetables and tomato sauce. It is still crispy and warm when taken out of the space, and the aroma spreads in the taste buds.

Jiang Ning made more than a hundred and stocked them in the space, which can be eaten for a long time.

It's delicious, but it's a bit oily.

She filled another cup of honey pomelo fruit tea, and while drinking, she flipped through her sophomore pharmacy professional book.

There was a knock on the door around ten o'clock, and I thought it was Zheng Weili, but it turned out to be 1801.

Jiang Ning was a little surprised, he has always lived in reclusive life, and silence is golden, even if Doudou kept running to her, he really hadn't spoken a few words to him.

Suddenly, she became vigilant.

Huo Yi's stern face showed nervousness, "Doudou is sick, can you cure it?"

Jiang Ning was surprised, "What disease?"

"Fever, vomiting, diarrhea and talking nonsense."

If you are sick, you still have to go to the hospital, but you can’t get out of the typhoon. Jiang Ning said ugly, “I can help you, but I only know the surface. Don’t put your hopes on me.”


For the sake of killing people and throwing away corpses, Jiang Ning reluctantly agreed, went back to the house and stuffed a pocket fruit knife into his pocket.

Stepping into 1801 for the first time, the three-bedroom apartment is quite spacious, with good lighting and layout. The old-fashioned furniture in the living room is neatly organized, which is much better than her doghouse.

These days, there are not many boys who can do housework.

Looking up, I saw the balcony glass, the newly installed two-layer tempered glass, and the three-layer stainless steel gate, the whole house is like a fortress.

Cough, it really is that her pattern has not been opened.

Looking back, Jiang Ning came to Doudou's room.

Doudou not only had a fever but also a rash, her two bright black eyes were now dull and lifeless, "Sister."

Take her body temperature, feel her pulse, look, smell and hear, check her bruised body.

Medicine is plastic, but enough is enough.

Jiang Ning looked at 1801, "Doudou is weak. Proper exercise can improve physical fitness and increase immunity, but you can't use too much force."

I don't know how 1801 practiced Doudou, but judging from the bruises all over her body, it directly crippled her.

The short-term high-intensity training caused a stress reaction in her body. Not only was her immunity low but also disordered. If she caught a cold and contracted a cold, wouldn't she vomit up and down and develop a rash?

Knowing that he can't take care of children, I didn't expect it to be so bad.

Knowing the cause of Doudou's illness, Huo Yi blamed himself deeply, "I didn't take good care of Doudou."

Seeing the horrible bruises on his sister's body, he couldn't react. Doudou never cried out that he was tired every day. When rubbing the bruises on her forehead, he smiled and said it didn't hurt.

He brought over the medicine box, which contained a lot of medicines, "Jiang Ning, which ones do you think can be used?"

If it doesn't work, I can only take the risk of going to the hospital.

Jiang Ning looked through the medicine box, but he didn't expect that he had prepared quite a lot, and most of them were children's.

The disease is relatively simple, just prescribe the right medicine. Jiang Ning finds out the cure for wind-cold and stomach, and puts a belly button patch on Doudou at the same time, "When Doudou's illness is cured, first take care of the body and then proceed step by step."

Not wanting to see the bruises on her body, she went home and poured half a bottle of Dieda medicine wine over, "Wipe it four to five times a day, and the effect will be better if you massage more."

Huo Yi thanked deeply, "Doudou is easy to bump, and I happen to have some medicinal materials here, please help me to find out which ones can be brewed."

Although he doesn't know how to take care of children, he has a lot of things in reserve.

He took out two big bags of traditional Chinese medicine from another room, all of which were individually packaged to prevent moisture.

Jiang Ning selected more than a dozen types, all of which promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis. "Put them in glass jars, mix with one liter of white wine and seal them for half a month before use."

Seeing Korean ginseng, she singled it out, "This can also be soaked. Drinking half a sip when it's cold will not only warm the body but also replenish energy and blood, but it's best not to drink it for children."

Soaking white wine with rock sugar is also excellent. It can not only relieve internal heat, but also nourish the kidney and blood.

Stop talking, stop talking, teach the apprentice to starve the master to death.

Doudou fell asleep quickly after taking the medicine, but she kept talking nonsense from time to time.

The sick child is pitiful, with teardrops hanging from his eyelashes, and his pale mouth keeps murmuring, "Mom, I want mom, dad..."

Huo Yi sat deeply on the edge of the bed, gently wiped her tears, and comforted her with a guilty tone, "Don't be afraid, Doudou, the big brother is here."

I've made sure of my eyes, it's someone who loves my sister, but the method is wrong.

As soon as he arrived at the door, he was stopped by 1801. He handed over a pack of dried noodles, "Thank you for treating Doudou."

Dried noodles cost only a few dollars before the natural disaster, but in the last days they can make people live for several days longer.

Jiang Ning was not polite, but accepted it with peace of mind.

When she got home, she took out a glass jar of rock sugar and mixed it with white wine, "I just forgot about teaching others."

In extremely cold weather, it is indescribably pleasant to have a cup around the stove.

She also took out a few catties of grapes, washed them and put them on the balcony to dry, which can be used to make fruit wine.

After leaving the space, it was obvious that the typhoon had changed again.

Not only did she notice it, but many people also noticed it, and there were even those who shouted and cheered at the windows.

They couldn't contain their excitement, feeling that the disaster was about to end.

In a good mood, Jiang Ning brought out a portion of boiled fish, served with fragrant and soft rice.

The plastic lunch boxes after eating are not willing to throw away. Although there is a lot of space, these are non-renewable resources in the future, and they can be reused after washing.

After a sound nap, I was awakened by the sound of a roaring motor.

It's an assault boat, and firefighters wearing orange life jackets.

The typhoon has not stopped, but its momentum has weakened quickly. It is still possible to drive carefully to avoid wind and waves.

For 18 days, I lost contact with the whole world. Just when people ran out of ammunition and food, the dawn of hope finally came.

The moment they saw the assault boat, how many people broke down and cried, "Rescue is coming, the government has not given up on us, woo woo woo..."

They cried and laughed, both helpless and excited, and kept wiping away their tears.

There are only three assault boats, but they are everyone's hope for survival.

The horn sounded, and the firefighters comforted the people in each building, "Everyone, don't worry, we will not give up anyone who needs help. Come from building to building, simply pack up the necessities, and give priority to the transfer of the elderly and children."

This transfer and rescue is only for the flooded users on the lower floors, but there are still many residents rushing downstairs, surrounded by firefighters, "Comrade, our house is still there, what should we do if we don't have food and drink?"

"My family has been hungry for three days, and it is supported by the rain. Can you send some food?"

"Yeah, why did you come here empty-handed? Doesn't the government give us assistance? We are all taxpayers, how can we support you without the taxes we pay!"

The more people, the more chaotic, the more outrageous the problems, from the initial gratitude to resentment, there is a posture that you will not give an explanation and will not let go.

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