Natural Disasters At The Beginning, I Won By Hoarding Tens Of Billions Of Supplies

Chapter 18 The Typhoon Stopped, But The Rain Got Heavier

However, there seemed to be a lot of things on the man's assault boat.

These days, whoever has more supplies is insecure.

Taking advantage of the blurred vision, she put her hands behind her, carried two backpacks out of the space, and then paddled to meet them.

With this figure and height, there is no one except 1801. Although he is wearing a raincoat and a mask, he can be recognized at a glance.

No wonder the Doudou is raised to be white and tender, and it turns out that I buy it for zero yuan every day.

There's nothing embarrassing about being like-minded.

1801 also recognized Jiang Ning, who was wearing a mask, and nodded to her in the torrential rain.

After putting away the assault boat, he reached out to help.

Jiang Ning was not hypocritical, he handed over two waterproof backpacks, stretched out his hand to let him give him a hand, and put away the rubber boat lightly.

No one said a word, and went upstairs gently carrying and carrying.

1801 has a lot of supplies, and it is estimated that he will have to go several times. Jiang Ning helped him carry two bags.

Back on the 18th floor, eyes met and decisively turned around, took out the key and opened the door softly.

Throwing things away, Jiang Ning drank a bowl of warm brown sugar ginger soup, changed out of his wet clothes, took a shower and dried his hair in a hurry.

It was dim outside, and 1801 had finished moving the supplies, so she wiped off the water stains in the aisle, and then knocked on the door of Zheng Weili's house.

The two thought they had been thieves and came out with a knife.

Jiang Ning handed over the 2,000 yuan and said in a low voice: "The typhoon has stopped, you should go out quietly as soon as possible, and don't let others find out, the supermarket on the slope of the university town has four floors, and the terrain is relatively high, so it should not be soaked yet.

I remember that the boss's family lives in a supermarket, and they may open for business. Don't care how expensive it is, just buy stuff that is full and durable. "

When I came back, I deliberately went around and saw the lights of the supermarket from a distance, and several assault boats parked outside.

This disaster was unexpected. Both supermarkets and wholesale markets were flooded, and it is very likely that even the country's grain storage bases in cities were flooded.

Almost most of the food is underwater, even if the military and government are willing to rescue, it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice.

So, no rescue at all.

It was chaotic outside quickly, smashing and looting everywhere, just to fight for the stuttering to survive.

Jiang Ning remembers very clearly that in his previous life, this supermarket was confiscated and taken over by the government, and the store opened early with limited purchases. Citizens are first come, first served by cash.

In the era of electronic payment, who still has the habit of using cash, and how many people will rush to withdraw cash before the typhoon?

Therefore, if they can't afford money and want to survive, they can only use violent means to rob them.

The police have sidearms, but who really dares to shoot at hungry citizens, just a few bullets?

There are people everywhere, and they don't want to commit crimes, but a lot of money is just numbers, either in the bank or in Alipay, and they can't get it out!

Jiang Ning got the news in the afternoon and swam to the supermarket with a plastic bucket in his arms. Everything was robbed, and there were shocking bloodstains on the ground and walls.

Zheng Weili woke up, "Can the supermarket really open?"

"I'm not sure, but it's better than waiting." Jiang Ning urged, "Go early, and when they wake up and recover, they won't have your share."

Zheng Weili woke up like a dream, went back to the room with Lu Yu and changed clothes, and then came out, "A Ning, let's go together."

"I still have a bag of rice at home, so I won't go this time." Jiang Ning looked for an excuse, "Besides, if we all leave, what should we do if someone robs us at the door? You spend all your money, and I will give you more if you buy more." also."

"Yes, let's go and come back quickly."

Zheng Weili was confused. Aning had already paid for it. How could she have the nerve to ask her to go out, "I will lend you the money. If you buy something, you will get half of it."

"Guys with self-defense, pay attention to safety."

Besides, it was dawn, and Jiang Ning drove the two of them downstairs.

It has been reminded that how much you can grab depends on the lives of the two.

Locking the door, Jiang Ning ignored the rest and began to tidy up the crowded space.

All the solar storage boxes are left in the space, and other accessories are moved to the large room of the rental house.

Pour out a lot of materials sent from the supermarket, remove the over-packaged shell, and then sort and stuff them into large plastic bags or seal them with cartons.

Put important materials in the space, such as snacks, which are dispensable to rent out, and then you can sort out dozens of cubic meters.

Jiang Ning turned into a compression genius, concentrating on sorting out more than one hundred cubic meters of precious materials.

I don't know how long she can live. These supplies should be enough to eat until the day she dies normally, but who knows what will happen in the future?

If conditions permit, who wouldn't want to live a better life with richer food, drink and entertainment.

It's always good to plan ahead.

In a frenzy, she didn't even let go of the RV, and packed up a batch of just-needed supplies to fill up the space inside.

Time passed quickly, and it was past nine o'clock in the blink of an eye, and it felt that the downstairs was extremely lively.

The typhoon stopped, but the rain became heavier.

The threat was reduced, and the young Eight Immortals who could swim crossed the sea, some carried buckets or washbasins to go out, some put on life buoys, and some carried planks.

Fengcheng is a land of fish and rice in the south. Although the industry has developed rapidly in the past few decades, there are still many mulberry fish ponds in the suburbs, and the water network is intertwined everywhere. Many local people living in the village have wooden boats.

Some people rowed wooden boats into the community to find long-lost family members or relatives. Some villagers even carried the dragon boats from the ancestral halls and organized groups to find people or supplies.

There are rubber boats and assault boats, but they are very rare. After all, it is not a floating city. Who would have such things at home?

Jiang Ning took the time to stand on the balcony and stare at the situation of the community, looking for Zheng Weili and Lu Yu from time to time.

About half an hour or so, the familiar color of the rubber boat appeared, and there were things on the boat.

Just as I was about to go downstairs, unexpectedly several men swam out from Building No. 3 and went straight to the rubber boat.

They moved quickly, but their reactions were not slow. Lu Yu rowed desperately, while Zheng Weili raised his oar and hit them on the head.

Jiang Ning went out with a knife, but the door of 1801 opened at the same time.

Huo Yishen was wearing casual clothes, his expression was still indifferent, "I'm with you."

How many people came up with the idea of ​​the 18th floor, and each of them understood the reason why the lips were dead and the teeth were cold.

Jiang Ning didn't refuse, and the two hurried downstairs.

The water has already flooded to the fourth floor, and there are many people who want to go out to find a way to survive at the stairs.

Watching Zheng Weili's rubber boat approaching constantly, especially the materials that can make people survive are placed on the boat.

One by one, their eyes were full of unwillingness, anger, and even hatred, gloating at the two being robbed...

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