Jiang Ning looked at the floating object that was getting closer, and when he got closer, he pushed it with a stick, only to find that it was a floating corpse.

It was shocking and nauseating at first, but after watching a lot, I got used to it. When I came out, there were a few floating in the community.

Jiang Ning checked the time, and a minute had passed, but the rope in his hand remained still.

two minutes...

three minutes……

four minutes...

Feeling more and more uneasy, Jiang Ning tugged on the rope twice, but nothing happened.

Ordinary people are good at staying in the water for more than a minute. Even if 1801 is good at diving, four minutes is too long, right?

She had a bad feeling and was about to pull the rope when the water surface roared.

1801 surfaced, "I checked several stores, all the doors were pried open, and the inside was emptied."

Evacuated? Who is so good!

Lu Yu was melancholy and disappointed, "I can't find a liquefaction bottle, and I can't cook anything."

They are already fast enough, but they didn't expect to be robbed of the lead. It seems that they are still too young and inexperienced.

Jiang Ning glanced at 1801. These snack bars were soaked in the water on the second day of the typhoon. Even if some stores were moved, it is impossible for all the stores to be pried. The flood is muddy and the current is fast. There is no diving mask and good water There is no way it will work.

Unless, these stores were pried when the natural disaster first came.

She vaguely guessed, "Now I can only go to the liquefaction site to try my luck, and hope that all the stores are not emptied."

They have all come out, so there is no reason to return empty-handed. We can only try our luck at the liquefaction station.

Jiang Ning took out the mobile phone in the waterproof bag from his bag, found out the offline map and pointed it out to the two of them, "Probably in this place, there seems to be a big banyan tree at the door."

It is about six or seven kilometers away from Jinrong Community, not too far away, but the place is a bit remote.

After figuring out the location, the three of them drove the assault boat to the liquefaction station.

There are bungalows everywhere in the suburbs, and now they are all soaked in water, making them look extraordinarily empty.

On the way, I met firefighters who rescued the trapped people. Seeing the assault boat, they hurriedly shouted with their horns, wanting to requisition and transfer the trapped people.

There are not enough rescue tools for the flood that has never happened in a thousand years.

Huo Yishen ignored it, and the three roared past in the flood.

The city has become a vast ocean, and it is difficult to distinguish east, west, north, south, Jiang Ning observed with a telescope, "Go to the right, and there is a green thing in the water, which should be a big banyan tree."

Slow down and approach, it really is a banyan leaf.

Such a tall banyan tree, now only the top of the tree is green.

Going into the water, tied the assault boat to the banyan tree, Jiang Ning pointed to the general direction, Huo Yishen put on the diving mask and dived into the water.

After more than two minutes, Huo Yishen surfaced, "I found it, but the liquefaction station has rolling gates and sliding iron gates, and it's not easy to pry them open."

Saying that, let Jiang Ning take out the folding crowbar from his bag.

Lu Yu, "..."

Why doesn't he have professional equipment?

The Jiang Ning space has equipment, but the team cannot take it out. Seeing that there are simple diving masks, ropes and binding ropes in the 1801 bag, I don’t hesitate to tie the ropes and put on the mask. If there is an abnormality, immediately pull the rope."

Lu Yu nodded, "Be careful."

The flood was icy cold, Jiang Ning dived into the water and swam towards the liquefaction station by the light of the waterproof lamp, and at the same time took out the steel tongs.

Seeing a faint light in the distance, she swam over quickly.

Huo Yi stood deep in the water and tried his best to lift up the rolling gate, but the resistance of the water was too great.

Jiang Ning leaned over and stretched out his hand to help lift one piece up.

The four eyes are facing each other, and the energy is directed to one place.

The rolling gate slowly moved up, revealing the sliding iron door inside.

Huo Yishen took the steel pliers in her hand, cut off the iron chain on the door, and pulled the door open together.

It was very dark inside, and just about to swim inside, unexpectedly, a black shadow came towards Jiang Ning quickly.

Huo Yi's eyes were deep and his hands were quick to pull, the black shadow brushed over her head, and quickly swam over the water.

Sweeping it with the flashlight, it looks like a liquefaction bottle from its shape.

More than one, many liquefaction bottles floated out of it one after another, scrambling to float up.

Jiang Ning subconsciously wanted to grab it, but then thought it should be an empty bottle.

The density of the filled liquefaction bottle is not low, so it is not so easy to float up.

She took out a strong waterproof flashlight from her pocket, looked around in the dark, and faintly saw several bottles placed in the corner.

Swimmed over and reached out to pick it up, but couldn't move it at all.

With great strength, Huo Yishen picked up the liquefied bottle and came out of the house, pulling the rope tied around his body.

Lu Yu grabbed the rope and pulled it up, and the two quickly swam out of the water.

Jiang Ning climbed onto the assault boat and worked together to lift up the bulky liquefaction bottle, but the boss probably didn't have time to transfer the rest.

"You pick it up, and I'll bring the others up."

Taking a breath to rest, Huo Yishen dived into the water again.

The water pressure was too heavy, and it was uncomfortable to hold your breath. Jiang Ning was panting while sitting on the assault boat.

Lu Yu looked around vigilantly with binoculars, and suddenly said nervously: "A Ning, someone is here."

Jiang Ning stood up, and sure enough, he saw an assault boat approaching quickly in the rain.

Can't see clearly, but there are at least four or five people.

Lu Yu tugged at the rope, and Jiang Ning found a weapon to defend himself.

Huo Yishen floated out of the water, dragging the liquefaction tank in his hand.

When he turned up, the assault boat at the other end had already approached. Six tall and thick men held sharp steel pipes in their hands. "We have contracted this liquefaction station. If you are sensible, I will hand over what you salvaged."

"Brother, we don't have diving masks."

The other laughed wildly, "It's not easy, let them salvage them all and hand them over to us."

"Yes, by the way, leave the assault boat and other supplies, and we can consider letting you go."

Zuo Qinglong and right Baihu, all of them have big arms, they look like gangsters, especially when the society loses order, it becomes a world of lunatics.

They didn't care about the thoughts of the three of them at all, as if they were already in their pocket.

Lu Yu panicked, holding the crowbar tightly and staring at them.

Jiang Ning put his hand into his pocket, "Okay, come and get it."

"Little sister, just wait, the big brothers will be here soon."

A few people laughed wretchedly, and approached slowly in the assault boat, looking at Jiang Ning's eyes like hungry wolves.

When the distance was less than ten feet, Jiang Ning was about to take out the things, but Huo Yishen's hands were faster, and he directly "bang bang" twice...

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