Men's emotional expressions are very different from women's. Jiang Ning and Zheng Weili didn't go in, and Lu Yu went in to talk with them.

He didn't say anything specific, but he didn't know that he came to Fengcheng Hotel until he talked about the community.

The environment in the shelter was too bad, so Lu Yu asked him to come to Jinrong Community, "We live next door to Aning, with three bedrooms and two living rooms. You can move here and live together, and we'll talk about the rest later."

Jiang Ning called Zheng Weili to the window at the end of the corridor, "What are your plans?"

In fact, Zheng Weili doesn't want outsiders to disturb her, but now is a special moment, and friends still need to help each other.

Without Jiang Ning, she would have to stay in the shelter just like Lu Yu.

"Lu Yu actually has a lot of affection. He only has two friends, you and Zhang Chao. Besides, when anyone has no difficulties, the flood will recede one day. Let him live with us."

The food at home is enough to last for two or three months. If it is really impossible, I will find a way.

Zheng Weili is simple and doesn't think too much about what she says or does. Besides, she firmly believes that the world will be restored.

The two were chatting by the window, and Lu Yu and Zhang Chao walked out of the room.

Zhang Chao walked up to the two of them and smiled stiffly, "Weili, I'm going to trouble you."

Zheng Weili slapped him on the shoulder, "We're all friends, just wait for the flood to recede and we'll have a good meal."

After going downstairs and leaving in a rubber boat, Jiang Ning handed over a bag of biscuits to Zhang Chao.

Zhang Chao thanked him, tore open the package and devoured it hungrily, with mist at the end of his eyes.

Lu Yu also contributed the remaining rice balls.

"Let, let you laugh."

What's the matter, Jiang Ning was more embarrassed in his last life, and it's not easy in this last life.

Back in Jinrong Community, everyone was exhausted. Jiang Ning took out two catties of rice and other things bought in the supermarket, "Zhang Chao, don't say I'll take this opportunity to kill you. When the flood recedes, you will have to pay it back a hundred times. Pull the order and give me 1 point."

With a snobbish face and a sarcastic tone, Jiang Ning is still familiar, and he doesn't dislike him at all.

Zhang Chao breathed a sigh of relief, "I'll mention 2 points for you."

"What about me?" Lu Yu was extremely dissatisfied, "You have to take care of my morning tea with Weili for a year."

"Okay, wrap it on me."

After opening the door and going home, he changed his shoes, put on his pajamas and lay down on the bed, Jiang Ning stared at the ceiling in a daze.

Unlike Lu Yu and Zheng Weili, Zhang Chao, who runs the business, has a lot of insight. She has to keep the secret of the space well, and she must not show her feet.

For the next two days, no one went out again.

In addition to reading and training, Jiang Ning hid in the house and sorted them out. He was so tired that his waist broke. He finally cleared up all the goods in the supermarket, and the materials piled up to the ceiling.

The big room is locked and the key is hidden in the space.

During the period, Zheng Weili came over once, and Jiang Ning asked Zhang Chao during the chat, "How is he now?"

"Barely talking, sleeping in the room all day." Zheng Weili had a bad feeling, "I guess he was hurt too deeply by that woman, and the reality is so difficult. Do you think he will be devastated?"

"He didn't want to die when he broke up with him. It will be fine in these two days." Jiang Ning rummaged in the cabinet and took out a bottle of liquor. He just gave me a copy, let him drink it down and it will be fine."

Men, always want to vent.

Don't look at Zhang Chao as an orphan, but those who come out of that kind of place are more able to bear than ordinary people.

Zheng Weili thought about it too, and after accepting it, she said worriedly: "The typhoon has been gone for a few days, why is it still raining?"

Not only did it stop, but it continued to rise, which made people feel suffocated and flustered.

"Who knows, maybe one day it will rise to the 18th floor."

Zheng Weili, "..."

Really be afraid!

Sleeping late the next day, the door was knocked awake.

Zheng Weili came over and yelled, "Zhang Chao blew a whole bottle of baijiu last night. The whole night of rotten wine has come back to life this morning. I want you to come over and discuss something."

After changing clothes and shaving, Zhang Chao was much cleaner.

He looked at everyone with a stern expression, "I think the end of the world is coming."

Jiang Ning thumped, and couldn't help but look at him.

"Don't you think it's abnormal?" Zhang Chao sat upright and began to analyze, "The unprecedented typhoon, the torrential rain is like the sky leaking."

"I heard a lot of news in the refuge that the government went to the grain and oil wholesale market day and night to salvage supplies. The bread or rice balls we eat are made of those grains.

Even if our country does not cultivate, we still stock up enough food for our citizens to consume for two years. Why do they have to go to the water to salvage bad food for us to eat? And only give one-third full, and find a way to dry and store everything else. "

Lu Yu was surprised, "It's raining every day, and the food can't be brought in at all."

"No, don't underestimate the power of the country." Zhang Chao's tone was firm, "If only the southern coast was affected by the disaster, the national rescue would have arrived long ago, unless..."

This is a national catastrophe, even a global catastrophe.

Before the disconnection, Zhang Chao followed the news and browsed the forum posts. Many places in other provinces were affected by the disaster.

At the same time, a catastrophe erupts, what is it if it is not the end of the world?

Even if the flood recedes one day, it is impossible to return to normal in a short period of time. This is an important reason why the government hastened to salvage and store materials.

When he said this, Zheng Weili and Lu Yu also felt nervous, "A lot of people have been salvaging these days, why don't we go out and try our luck?"

Zhang Chao looked at Jiang Ning, "A-Ning, what do you think?"

"The water is too deep, and it is difficult for professional divers to operate, let alone ordinary people without equipment."

Jiang Ning directly denied, "Even if you are lucky enough to catch it, you may not be able to bring it back. How about finding a way from the water?"

"But the mall has been swept away long ago, so it's our turn."

Jiang Ning reminded, "It is not necessary to find food, as long as we have what others don't have, we can exchange for food at that time."

Lu Yu understands, rushing to shift peaks before others, but what are you looking for?

"Drugs." Zhang Chao said, "Now everyone is looking for them in shopping malls and underwater. We can look for them in office buildings."

The office buildings are all companies, and there are basically no materials.

Lu Yu shook his head, "In our unit building, there were office sweepers yesterday, and the office buildings in the urban area were almost swept away."

"The office building where my company is located is relatively remote, and the river and water network there are intricate. According to the water situation, even rubber boats can't get through, and some people don't have gasoline even if they have assault boats, so they can only circle around the city."

Jiang Ning agreed, "Zhang Chao and I are both familiar with the place, so we can try our luck. If we can find his company's medicines, our life will be much easier in the future."

The company is not a warehouse, but it has an exhibition hall. The number of medicines will not be too much, but it will be a big gain for small groups.

Moreover, there seemed to be more than one pharmaceutical company in that office building.

Even though I stocked up the goods in advance, it was only 50,000 yuan. Who would think that there are too few medicines? A pill can save your life at a critical moment!

So move quickly, and when others recover, they will lose their share.

After being talked about by the two, Zheng Weili and Lu Yu became anxious, "Why don't you discuss it with 1801? He has an assault boat."

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