Several people looked up, only to find that the place was turned over in a mess, and the office was almost made of plastic. Occasionally, they saw a wooden desk, but it was pressed with sawdust powder and a lot of glue. It couldn't help burning and poisonous gas.

The same is true of the other office building, only missing fast food, a few boxes of mineral water, and a small amount of wood were found.

Several people returned to the building where Zhang Chao's company was located. There were still many signs of breaking in, but the situation was much better.

It should be that they came in and found that they had been swept away, so they hurried to the other two buildings to rob.

Jiang Ning guessed right, the more you go up, the less traces there will be.

She suggested searching again alternately. After all, everyone pays attention to different points, and there may be something that they haven't noticed.

Jiang Ning searched for Lu Yu yesterday, and Zhang Chao switched with 1801.

Yesterday I ran for medicine and food, but today's goal has changed.

The space is 150 cubic meters more, and Jiang Ning, who has a strong sense of anxiety, always wants to stock up on it.

Books that can enrich the spiritual world, exquisite vases in the boss's office, log desks, wardrobes, jade ornaments in bookcases, and mop sticks in the cleaning tool room.

Men are not as talented as women in collecting this area. Jiang Ning found a lot of missing snacks, rummaged through the courier, suitable clothes and shoes, etc.

She found a jade company with empty counters but no signs of vandalism.

After looking around, I found that the office of the person in charge was closed.

It was another impenetrable door, and I took out tools to pry it through, and there were four safes in the office.

There should be jade stones in it, so I put all of Ning Ning into the space, found some tea, cigarettes and wine, and split the desks and chairs with Tang knives.

At the resident office of a certain sports brand, keep the size suitable for the team members and take it back for distribution, and the rest will not be kept and swept into the space.

A company is expected to engage in team building, and the administration department has several large boxes of barbecue charcoal and some tools for picnics.

After climbing through the four floors, Jiang Ning returned to the live broadcast company that sold clothes, and received another batch of clothes, as well as women's underwear and bras that men were embarrassed to take.

And last night, the home appliance company quietly went to collect a batch of electrical appliances that may be used in the future, among which is a high-end massage chair worth tens of thousands of dollars.

Where the other three people swept by, she sneaked in at different times, and took whatever was available until she filled the extra 150 cubic meters of space.

In order to facilitate transportation, all the pure wooden furniture was dismantled and cut into roughly the same length. Two assault boats and three rubber boats were just enough to fill them.

I came back early this time, and it was only after nine o'clock after the move.

After what happened today, the 18th floor has become notorious far and wide, and the residents of the unit building felt creepy when they saw a few people.

They did not cover up, and carried the wood upstairs.

Close the door, enter the space for the first time, the safe is firmly in the corner, and the bathroom on the balcony of the living room has not become larger.

Could it be a fake product sold by Yushi Company?

Feeling unwilling, he unscrewed the door of the master bedroom...

Uh, there is an extra bathroom, about 10 square meters.

The safe can't be opened, but there should be a lot of jade, but who knows, it only expands by 10 square meters. It seems that the upgrade conditions are still very harsh.

It doesn't matter, she can keep looking.

The gold, silver and jade articles in the last days are not worth much, so they can be bartered at that time.

Sleeping until midnight, I was awakened by loud noises and screams downstairs.

This is common in the last days, Jiang Ning turned over and continued to sleep.

Sleep until you wake up naturally, eat two bean paste and siu mai for breakfast, and drink a bottle of milk to be full.

The weather was bad, and the green vegetables planted turned yellow badly. Jiang Ning diluted some nutrient solution and poured it on.

Checking the space with consciousness, the timer still only increases by 2 hours, slower than a snail crawling.

There is an extra 10 square meters of black soil, and she plans to continue growing vegetables. She will stock up a lot first, and save enough for two or three years before planting others.

Of course, if the fruit seedlings grow slowly, they can be planted first, and those old saplings are destined to be harvested next year.

The physical exercise during this period has improved significantly, and 15 minutes have been saved in turning the ground and planting seeds.

15 minutes can save a life in a harsh environment.

Just after leaving the space, Lu Yu knocked on the door outside.

Opening the door, seeing him with a bruised nose and swollen face, Jiang Ning was startled, "Who hit him?"

Lu Yu felt embarrassed, "Isn't it because Zhang Chao and I are in poor health? Weili has been training us since last night."

She was reluctant to touch his finger before, but now she practiced him to death.

Lu Yu knows that the world has changed, and he can't always rely on Wei Li and Jiang Ning to protect himself.

From now on, he will be a man, and he will protect his woman.

"Well, you really lack practice."

Jiang Ning suddenly remembered something, went back to the house and took out a black bag, "I found it in the office building, I guess you and Sister Wei Li can use it, so I kept it and didn't throw it away."

Seeing the contents clearly, Lu Yu looked embarrassed, then smiled and said: "Thanks, I was looking for this."

Almost forgetting the business, he asked with a smile, "Do you know what happened last night?"

"I don't know, I fell asleep."

"Yang Weicong and Su Mengyao were robbed."

Lu Yu couldn't understand Yang Weicong's stepping on a few boats to catch Jiang Ning. Fortunately, she got away in time. "Yesterday, when I came back with such a high-profile delivery, someone lit the lamp at night."

Yang Weicong rents 802, the two-bedroom apartment cannot accommodate so many people, and 1202 also has a few people.

The group of people grabbed 1202 first, if Yang Weicong and others rushed forward after hearing the news, Su Mengyao was almost taken over by several men.

The people were beaten away, but when they returned to the 8th floor, they found that all the supplies in the house had been emptied.

Jiang Ning was surprised, "Tune the tiger away from the mountain?" These days robbery also depends on IQ.

"Most of their supplies were placed on the 8th floor, but the assault boats and rubber boats were not taken away."

Jiang Ning laughed, it's not that he wasn't robbed, but that those people wanted to grow leeks, and they were slowly cutting them one by one.

"One of them was cut, and he knocked on the door just now, asking you to help him treat it."

As a result, they let them yell out their throats, and the 18th floor didn't respond at all.

There is another thing, two people from other units came this morning, "They wanted to pay a visit to the pier, but were repelled by Wei Li."

Jiang Ning couldn't laugh or cry, the 18th floor was just for self-protection, how could it become a black and evil force?

While chatting, Zhang Chao, who was also bruised and swollen, came out, "Shall we go out today?"

"I don't want to go out anymore, you can go out if you need, and I'll just come and see the house."

Everywhere has been swept away, and now she can't find what she needs when she goes out, and Zheng Weili and Lu Yu have been brainwashed by Zhang Chao's eschatology, and they always feel that everything is missing, and they have become aware of urgency.

After saying hello, the three of them went out with a rubber boat, collecting supplies and looking for news.

Just after noon, there were three more visits to the pier.

Jiang Ning was annoyed and wrote a notice on the door: no alliance.

Not to mention these malicious people, even Zheng Weili and others, she dare not relax.

After all, people's hearts are the most unpredictable in the last days, not to mention friends or colleagues, there are many people who change their children and eat them in the darkest time.

When the day comes, she will withdraw without hesitation.

There is no shortage of food and clothing. As for other materials that you want, you can't collect them for the time being. Let's think about how to expand the space first.

In the absence of the three of them, Jiang Ning let go completely, took out chicken feet with pickled peppers, squid shreds, cold dishes, braised duck intestines, and read a book while enjoying the food to pass the time.

It's still early, so take out the wonton stuffed with meat stuffing that has been mixed in advance.

While chasing dramas, I stocked up thousands of wontons, and heard the voice of the three of Zheng Weili returning.

I brought some wood and two stainless steel doors from the mall.

Compared with the doors of Jiang Ning and 1801, Lu Yu really felt insecure, and took a long time to find the size in the mall before prying it back.

After tinkling for a long time, the transformation of 1803 was finally completed.

An extra door was created and installed on the stairs.

If you want to go to the 18th floor, you have to pass three levels.

Watching Lu Yu plastering the cement, Jiang Ning asked curiously, "Where did you find it?"

"Passing by a real estate under construction, I climbed in and brought two bags."

The three of them decided to go there again and get some glass back to install the balcony. It was too humid from the rain every day.

Jiang Ning reminded, "Purchase better quality, so as to avoid the typhoon coming back and the trouble of blowing the glass."

Lu Yu deeply agreed, and told Zhang Chao that there were a few broken windows in the community.

After thinking about it for a day, Jiang Ning still felt that the expansion of space was related to spirituality.

The reason why Bogu racks disappear should be related to the wood material.

Good wood takes dozens or even hundreds of years to grow, for example, golden nanmu takes thousands of years.

Museums have been flooded, ancient objects have been salvaged or transferred in advance by relevant departments, and gold, silver and jade objects are easier to find after the flood recedes.

Now there is only the road of wood.


Jiang Ning suddenly had an idea.

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