This dog has human nature, and the way it stares at them makes people creepy.

"We are all dog lovers and firmly resist eating dog meat." Zhang Chao was the first to give in. "A-Ning, tell me not to look at me like this." How scary!

Zheng Weili understands her feelings, but as a friend, she still persuades: "Ah Ning, I would absolutely support you in normal times, but now is a special period, and most of the food has been soaked in water.

We just stocked up quickly, but your share will last at most six or seven months, and you don’t know what will happen in the future. The key is that this kind of large dog consumes a lot of food, so you must think carefully about it. "

Don't regret it when you run out of food one day, it will really make you not respond every day, and the earth will not work.

"To me, it's not the dog but family."

Jiang Ning gently comforted the uneasy Coke, "You can find the supplies when they are gone, and I will not abandon them."

Zheng Weili and the others are not meddling in other people's business, as long as she thinks it through carefully.

Entering the room with Coke, Jiang Ning took out the dog food from the space and foamed it with goat milk.

The goat's milk was bought in a supermarket, she disliked the taste and was not used to drinking it, so now it's just right to give it to Coke.

After finishing a large pot of dog food, Coke's withered stomach finally bulged.

It stood in front of the sofa, staring at Jiang Ning closely, tears streaming from its eyes suddenly.

No defense, a little more expectation.

As soon as it cried, Jiang Ning, who was sitting on the sofa, was completely defenseless.

She hugged the Coke and cried, crying about the fear and unwillingness, loneliness and despair of her previous life.

The dog's head lay on her shoulder, and it made a whining sound.

Coke was also crying, crying that she didn't throw her away like the last shit shoveler, not only gave her a thigh hug, but also delicious...

Does it want to trust humans again? Whoooo!

One person and one dog hugged and cried for a long time.

After crying, Jiang Ning lost her previous confusion and fear.

When I was reborn and came back to stockpile supplies, I just wanted to live longer.

But now it is different, not only to live well and long, but also to protect Coke well.

After calming down, she began to examine Coke's body.

It was full of shocking new and old wounds, and there were very serious skin diseases, densely packed with various ringworm spots, and the dog's head was still black, which looked extremely ugly.

Jiang Ning fed it anti-inflammatory drugs, found a shaver and shaved off the dog's hair.

The wound was disinfected with povidone iodine, and then sprinkled with Yunnan Baiyao.

Without hoarding pet medicines, Jiang Ning looked through the medicine box to find a plaster with similar effects, and gently applied it to Coke.

Coke didn't resist, but always wanted to stick out his tongue and lick it.

Skinny and skinny, with plucked hair and sharp eyes, Jiang Ning found out his No. 7 jersey and put it on, stroking his dog's head and saying, "When you get fatter, you will be handsome."

Jiang Ning doesn't worry about supplies, there is enough space for her and Coke to eat to death, and there is also a black soil garden to plant.

The ground was wet and there was no kennel, so I threw a few pieces of cardboard to cushion it, and found a dirty lazy sofa from the space.

There is no need to teach, Coke knows that this is his kennel.

So soft, so comfortable, and finally has a home.

It lay down in the nest and fell asleep with tiredness.

Jiang Ning, carrying a big backpack, knocked on the door of 1801, and assembled at 1803.

In front of everyone, he opened the heavy backpack.

Zhang Chao and Lu Yu were shocked, counting the number repeatedly, "1 million?"

Jiang Ning nodded, "I went shopping today and found it in the cashier's room of an office building."

It would be strange if a few people were not excited and crazy before the natural disaster, but now facing a thick pile of money, they feel extremely depressed in their hearts, "Now I have money and can't spend it."

The price of rice has risen to 500 yuan per catty, and you can only buy one catty per day, and it is still salvaged from the water and dried.

It can be eaten, but it is hard to say whether it will kill people.

How do you spend so much money? You can grow hair even if you cover your hands.

Jiang Ning vaccinated them, "It's good to be able to buy food now, but it may not be possible to sell it in the future."

"You can't buy it now." Lu Yuai inquired about the news, "It sounds like a purchase restriction, but in fact, the amount released every day is very small, and many people who queue up in the middle of the night can't buy it."

However, there are resellers of grain outside, which are also salvaged and dried in water, and have been sold for 2,000 yuan/jin.

How ironic, 1 million can only buy 500 catties of grain.

"Is there a way?"

The government is catching speculators and confiscating them if they catch them. Not everyone has connections.

"Money will only become less and less valuable. Now more and more people are bartering, and the money may become invalid one day. We have to find a way to spend it tomorrow."

"If you can't buy food, how can you spend it?"

"Let's buy what the department store sells." Jiang Ning guided to the extreme cold, "Now it's October, I used to wear short sleeves, but now I have to cover up with a quilt when I sleep. If the rain doesn't stop until winter, how will we survive?"

However, the trio of life idiots said, "Okay, let's go to the department store tomorrow to scan the goods, and take whatever we catch."

1801 remained silent all the time, and no emotion could be seen in his deep eyes.

This person seemed to form a group, but he was cold and vigilant.

His eyes are as sharp as eagles, and it seems that one glance can penetrate people's hearts, which makes Jiang Ning have a bad feeling.

Leaving 1803, Jiang Ning was about to enter the house when Huo Yishen suddenly asked, "Jiang Ning, can I discuss something with you?"

"Please say."

"I used to be a special police officer, but I moved here after retiring due to injury."

Huo Yishen explained, "When I'm on duty, I often team up with police dogs, so I have some experience in dog training.

The horse dog you brought back is a new type of police dog. This dog not only has good physical fitness, but also has better obedience and combat effectiveness.

If it can be trained and raised, its combat power is equal to that of several adults, which is definitely good for the 18th floor. "

Jiang Ning was surprised. At the beginning, he did guess that he was a military police officer, but after seeing him kill without blinking an eye, he gave up the idea. He was either a professional killer or a bodyguard who used money to eliminate disasters.

Unexpectedly, he turned out to be a special police officer.

According to his rhetoric, he has just retired, how did he manage to kill people without blinking an eye?

Suspicion is true, but everyone has secrets, as long as he doesn't do anything that endangers her, Jiang Ning will not ask around.

She withdrew her mind, "What conditions do you have?"

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