After receiving the kiss from the shit-shoveling officer, Coke was so excited that he spun around in circles, almost peeing.

Not to be outdone, Doudou hugged her arm, "Sister, it's scary outside, there's water everywhere, flooding the house, but Doudou is not afraid!"

"Well, Doudou is great."

Give each of them a candy, and Jiang Ning went downstairs to help carry firewood.

The water tower is very big, and three men lifted it up and put it directly on the roof.

After putting away the assault boat and rubber boat and going upstairs, Zheng Weili opened the big backpack and took out a plastic bag, a snake and two hares.

"We went to a far away place. Over there, there is a group of villas in the middle of the mountain, which have been completely flooded. The water tower is what Ah Shen wanted, and he came back after finishing it. Who knows that Coke ran up the mountain."

Afraid of danger, several people chased after it and found that it was fighting with the snake.

Huo Yi's eyes were sharp and his hands were quick, a soldier shoveled over and chopped off the snake's head.

Everyone was very happy after getting a few catties of snakes, but Coke was still unwilling to leave.

Unable to screw the dog, the group walked into the mountains while collecting firewood, but Cole was digging out a rabbit's nest.

"Ah Ning, you have definitely found a treasure. This is not a dog, it's almost perfect."

Jiang Ning laughed, "Coke wanders outside all year round, and his ability to survive is much better than ours."

Zheng Weili was amazed, "I've never seen such a smart dog, and it jumped up to the tree. If it wasn't for Ah Shen, it couldn't be restrained at all, and it didn't want to come back after dark."

It is the nature of dogs to be greedy. Only dogs who have been hungry will have the desire to hoard food urgently.

Thinking of the pig that was beaten last time, how could it be willing to come back, it would be strange if it didn't run away to the mountains.

Jiang Ning didn't go out, but he made a contribution to guarding the house, and Gouzi was a great contributor to hunting. They decided to divide things equally.

She didn't want to be greedy for this cheap thing, but Zheng Weili and others refused to agree, "Coke is also one of us, and we can't treat it differently. It contributes no less than us. If you want to feel sorry, just take charge of it, and we will help."

In the end, Jiang Ning didn't serve as the chef, but served as a military adviser to teach Huo Yishen's cooking skills.

The snake is peeled and gutted, served with a bowl of black beans and stewed in a pressure cooker.

Two rabbits are fat, one is braised in soy sauce and the other is spicy.

Let's have stir-fried vegetables and mixed grains and rice. Don't mention how satisfying everyone is.

"A-Ning, we plan to go again tomorrow." Chao Zhang asked, "Do you want to participate?"

The rich people in the villa group have already moved away, so don't even think about food, but a lot of furniture is pure wood, which can be chopped into firewood and brought back.

In addition, it is good to put the water tower on the roof. They decided to get two more and install it in every house, so that they don't have to work hard to catch rainwater from the balcony.

Huo Yishen said suddenly, "There are quite a few water towers over there, why don't we get some more, the water supply won't be restored so quickly when the rain stops, we have to make a water storage plan."

Zhang Chao and the others were stunned for a moment, and then agreed with him.

He and Jiang Ning have strong survivability, and they can't make mistakes after listening too much.

Jiang Ning had no objection, "Wei Li, we have to keep one, who do you think is better?"

Zheng Weili doesn't like to stay at home, and is suffocated at home every day, "I'll go, but I have to bring Coke."

"Woof!" Gouzi echoed.

"I'll go too." Doudou raised her hand happily, "I can help pick firewood."

Huo Yishen intentionally let her get in touch with the outside world, "Okay, but don't cry."

"Don't cry." Doudou rubbed her butt, "big brother, I didn't cry when I fell today."

Therefore, the whole team decided to change Jiang Ning to stay in Daben Palace, and let Coke play for her.

I was sleeping soundly in the middle of the night, when suddenly there was a loud movement downstairs, which lasted for a long time.

Jiang Ning was woken up. Seeing that Coke was lying motionless in the kennel, she rolled over and continued to sleep.

She was still lying in bed in the morning, and Gouzi excitedly pulled her pajamas.

Shit shoveler, pack it up quickly, and go out to work.

Jiang Ning yawned and got up, fed him chicken breast mixed with dog food, took out ointment to apply medicine to the ringworm, and then put on a raincoat.

Lunch can't be rich, vegetarian dog food with porridge, stuffed in a thermos bag.

Coke opened the door with her bag in her mouth, not forgetting to look back at her.

It seemed to say: Shit shoveler, I'm going out to earn rations, so stay at home and don't run around.

Jiang Ning was amused, and stepped forward to hug it, "Okay, be careful and don't be too pushy."

Huo Yishen's door opened, and Doudou came out wearing a raincoat, "Sister, I want to hug you too."

It is estimated that Huo Yishen had a heart-to-heart talk with her, and the little guy became more and more daring to express his emotions, and even greeted Zheng Weili and others one by one, which was completely different from the timidity and fear when they first met.

Gouzi walked at the end, and he didn't forget to look back at her, his eyes were full of nostalgia.

The only difference is that after training with Huo Yishen, he obviously has more responsibilities.

Jiang Ning's eyes suddenly became sore, he closed the door and went to the balcony, and after a while, he saw several people and a dog leaving in an assault boat.

As soon as they left, He Zhian's team followed with a rubber boat.

Not only He Zhian, Yang Weicong and others also followed, as well as those from other units.

Unknowingly, the 18th floor became a weather vane.

They couldn't figure it out, they also went out to find supplies, why the 18th floor was full of loads every time, but they couldn't even get firewood.

Why is there such a big gap in being a human being!

Regardless, if you can't fight and can't join, you can only find a way to keep up!

Jiang Ning counted, there were quite a few people following quietly.

Although she was being targeted, she was not worried that Huo Yishen would throw them off.

After breakfast, I continued to read medical books. Around ten o'clock, my grandma came up for acupuncture.

After several days of treatment, my back injury has healed a lot, and I no longer need my family to help me upstairs.

Grandma Zhong was in a good mood, she held Jiang Ning's hand and said, "Xiao Ning, Xu's house was broken into by thieves at night, it's really retribution."

It was the house of the aunt who came to Jiang Ning to ask for medicine last time.

In the middle of the night, someone pried open the door, knocked him unconscious with a sap, and all the food in the house was taken away.

After waking up, she was pissed and rolled around, and in the morning she even made a fuss with He Zhian, asking every house to open the door for her to search.

Give He Zhian ten courages, he didn't dare to organize people to search, especially when he heard how much food the Xu family had lost, he almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

There are more than 200 catties of rice, noodles, oil and grain, and there are also a lot of oil, bacon, sauerkraut and so on.

"Mostly it's a false report. Who would hoard so many things at home."

Grandma Zhong shook her head again and again, "Those who kindly lent her money went mad, and rushed up to fight, saying that she is the one who has no conscience and deserves to be broken into."

Jiang Ning listened beside him, "You should also be careful."

Grandma Zhong is an old man, "I have no food at home. Now I only eat the lunch at noon. At most, I'm half full."

Soon it was noon, and the person hadn't come back yet.

It shouldn't take long to drag the water tower. Jiang Ning was a little worried about Coke and wanted to make a call, but there was no signal.

Every fifteen minutes, I watched from the balcony.

It wasn't until three o'clock in the afternoon that Huo Yishen's shadow finally appeared.

She deliberately counted, and not only were all the members present, Gouzi was also standing in front of the assault boat, like a triumphant warrior riding the wind and waves.

Go downstairs and help.

As soon as the assault boat approached, Jiang Ning realized something was wrong!

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