Jiang Ning knew that it was Grandma Zhong who asked Zhong Ping to inform her.

Although it didn't do much, she took it in her heart.

So, three treatment fees were waived, and half a bottle of Dieda medicinal wine was given.

The amount is not large, only 50l, but it is already very generous in the last days.

Of course, Jiang Ning does not rule out showing good intentions.

After all, everyone is staring at the 18th floor, so don't ever guess that people are good. If the Zhong family is willing to give some information, it can still save a lot of trouble.

"Grandma Zhong, the temperature has dropped a lot in the past few days. Your waist can't be caught in the cold or damp. At night, you can massage your body with medicinal wine and then cover it with a quilt. The injury will heal faster."

In her previous life, Grandma Zhong was frozen to death, and Zhong Ping was the only survivor in the whole family, but it didn't last long either.

This time Jiang Ning reminded her that if she could realize it, she would not die.

"Thank you, Xiao Jiang, I'll try it when I get back tonight."

After finishing speaking, he introduced the patient to Jiang Ning, "The one above me, his son was covered in eczema and he was bleeding from scratching, he ventured to the hospital but there was no medicine, he wanted to take the child up for treatment.

I don't know you well, so he doesn't dare to come here rashly, so I won't let me ask what you mean.

Don't worry, this family is still fine, don't mess with He Zhian and the others, and the joint threat of the previous few days did not come. "

The onset of eczema is more complicated. Acupuncture and moxibustion alone cannot be cured, and the effect of traditional Chinese medicine treatment is slow.

There is medicine in Jiang Ning's space, but it is impossible for her to take it out. "This disease is difficult to cure without medicine. I usually exercise more to sweat and detoxify, improve the body's immunity, and it will gradually recover."

Grandma Zhong didn't force anything that came along.

She wrapped the medicine bottle with a cloth and stuffed it in her pocket, so as not to be smelled by others, thinking about what she had.

"Little Jiang, did your dog bite a boy?"

When Grandma Zhong left, she asked, "The girls next door are fighting again, I don't look so good looking at them."

Today's young people, why are their minds so complicated?

Said to be an alumnus, but speaks ill of people behind their backs every day, always thinking about the materials in other people's hands.

This time the attack on the 18th floor, those men all participated, not only did not reflect on themselves, they also scolded Jiang Ning behind their backs.

If she were Jiang Ning, even if she really had supplies in hand, even if she fed them to the dogs, she wouldn't give them to these white-eyed wolves.

After Grandma Zhong left, Jiang Ning closed the door and entered the space, pulling up the green vegetables that had grown in the black soil garden.

Take the seed pots out of the space and put them on the balcony, and bring in a small bench to dig out potatoes.

The space has good water and soil, and the pot is full of crops of yellow potatoes, all round and plump.

Dozens of planting pots harvested a total of more than 100 catties of potatoes. The satisfaction of the harvest cannot be described in words.

Rabbits don't eat potato seedlings, they can only be thrown into the space as fertilizer.

After planting potatoes again, I just returned to the black soil garden with my consciousness, when there was a knock on the door.

The dog in battle armor came back from the battle, and stood at the door arrogantly, holding two black plastic bags in his mouth.

The others were holding firewood in their hands, except for the stern Huo Yishen, all of them had smiles on their faces.

Coke raised her paws, her jet-black eyes sparkled.

Shit shovel, what are you doing in a daze, hurry up and pick him up, his teeth are gritted.

Jiang Ning smelled fishy.

Needless to say, it hit the water again.

After carrying the heavy bag, Jiang Ning patted the dog's head and praised, "Not bad, my Coke is great."

It's not an ordinary stick. There are five fish in the bag, which add up to almost 20 catties.

The other bag contained two hares, which he had also dug out in the mountains.

After taking off the raincoat and putting on dry clothes, everyone gathered at 1803.

There were no supplies to be found in the urban buildings, so the group went to the previous villas.

There's nothing to rave about in the villa, they rushed into the mountain.

I wondered if I could meet wild boars. Unexpectedly, there were no wild boars, but I found out that there was a reservoir deep in the mountains.

Water Curry raises fish, and many fish overflow with the water and swim in the mountain streams and gullies.

The water was turbid, and the fish could not be seen with the naked eye, but they were found and bitten by Coke.

I don't know how many fish were washed away, but it is certain that there is still a lot of water curry.

"If there is a way to fish out the fish, we can find the sharp-billed monkeys to continue to exchange food, and then we will not have to worry about food and drink for several years."

But move quickly, there are no supplies in the urban area, and it is not ruled out that the eye-catching ones will look for them in the mountains.

If the reservoir is discovered, they will have nothing to fish for.

Water is everywhere, one foot is deep and one foot is shallow, and there are dangers everywhere. It is unrealistic to ask Coke to bite one by one.

Zhang Chao muttered, "It would be great if there was a fishing machine."

The fish is there, but I can't catch it. I am really anxious to die.

"Yu, can you make one?"

"Chao, I really can't do this."

Fish in a reservoir? But it made Jiang Ning greedy.

She only has space for 100 fish, and Coke likes to eat fish, so it's not enough.

"Grandma Zhong mentioned to me that her grandson Zhong Ping seems to work in the Institute of Physics. Is there any way?"

The fishing machine relies on ultrasonic waves, Zhong Ping should understand the theory.

Huo Yi said deeply, "Can he trust it?"

"I think the Zhong family has a good character, and Zhong Ping is also filial. It should be fine to ask."

Even if it fails, there is no loss on the 18th floor.

Others agreed, anyway, the Zhong family didn't know where the reservoir was, and Zhong Ping might not be able to make a fishing machine.

Without further ado, I decided to ask.

Next door to Zhong's house is Su Mengyao, who stares at her like a dog every day, and it is inconvenient for Jiang Ning to come forward.

It's also inconvenient for men. In order to get stuttering, Su Mengyao made all kinds of flirtatious acts, and tried to seduce Huo Yishen last time. Zhang Chao and Lu Yu may not have his concentration.

So, Zheng Weili stepped in.

Jiang Ning guessed right, so he rang the door of Zhong's house, and the door of the next room opened quickly.

Seeing Zheng Weili, Su Mengyao smiled purely and sweetly, "Senior Sister."

It's a pity that there was no electricity in the middle of the night, and she was so thin that she looked like a female ghost.

Zheng Weili couldn't see this kind of bitch, "Don't bark, I don't know you well."

Su Mengyao was not angry either, "Senior sister, what are you doing with Grandma Zhong at night?"

This kind of bitch really wants to be smashed to death with his fist.

Zheng Weili ignored her and continued to knock on the door.

Grandma Zhong heard the movement and quickly opened the door.

Zheng Weili took something out of her pocket and handed it over, "Grandma Zhong, you left something in the afternoon when you came to acupuncture, Ah Ning was afraid that you might ask me to send it down."

Grandma Zhong is an old man, seeing her coming down late at night, she must have something to do, "Okay, thank you all.

Whoops, there is water everywhere in the house, I almost fell accidentally just now, and twisted my waist again.

Is Xiao Jiang convenient now? Please let her stretch my tendons. There is no food at home. Zhong Ping has a new electronic watch. Do you think it will be worth the money for acupuncture? "

"it should be OK."

Zheng Weili didn't stay long, and left as soon as she got the words.

Su Mengyao still smiled, "Senior Sister, can you come in and sit?"

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