Jiang Ning never expected that not only did 1801 move in as a new resident, but he was also a young man who helped out at the delivery point.

The other party was slightly surprised, nodded at her and continued to work.

The man looks handsome and cold, tall and lean, with muscular lines faintly visible under the clothes, and he can feel extremely explosive.

Jiang Ning only felt his scalp tingling, and hurriedly returned to the room after saying hello.

This life is different, not only the typhoon is ahead of schedule, but also new neighbors.

Which normal person would install three stainless steel doors in a row?

It is best to be able to live in peace and harmony, but there must be some vigilance.

The other party is brave and true, but after all, before the natural disaster, with the moral decline of the last days, who can guarantee that he will keep his original intention?

After locking the door, brushing teeth, washing up and eating breakfast, the sky is a little brighter but still very gloomy.

Jiang Ning stood on the balcony, and the violent typhoon kept hitting the wall, and the explosion-proof glass was cracked by the heavy rain.

In just one night, the streets were flooded with rainwater, many vehicles were soaked, and the low-lying and rushing areas were directly washed away by the flood.

The rain blocked the line of sight, the distance was gray and gloomy, and the sky was getting lower and lower, like two invisible hands of darkness, compressing the entire city in the palm of your hand, crushing it hard...

Holding a telescope, Jiang Ning stands on the balcony and overlooks the city. The city roads are filled with ocean, and the dark clouds are getting lower and lower. The water dragon vortex connects the sky and the earth, and the rapid rotation engulfs all the rainwater, trees, cars, etc., as if it wants to swallow everything in the world...


Jiang Ning was extremely shocked. He watched helplessly as the tornado cut off the viaduct in an instant. Lightning struck trees and caused a fire, which was soon extinguished by heavy rain.

Was there a tornado in your previous life?

Jiang Ning has no impression, and always feels that many things are different, and it seems to be developing in a worse direction.

The phone message kept ringing, and she was upset by the noise and turned off the network, and went to the kitchen to wash and wash, and she was very busy.

Frozen chicken and duck feet are blanched to remove the blood, and various seasonings are used to make braised meat. It is also time-consuming to process pork and beef offal.

The oil was too smoky, and Jiang Ning lost his appetite, so he simply made tomato egg noodles for lunch.

When I turned off the range hood, I vaguely heard a child crying.

She didn't care, she packed up the household garbage and threw it out the door. Just as she was about to go back to her room, she heard crying from the next door.

I have only studied medicine for a year, and I can't even count as half-baked, but I know more than others, and my child's crying is not right.

After a moment of hesitation, she knocked on the door of 1801, "Doudou."

The three stainless steel doors were too thick, Jiang Ning knocked on the door for a long time without any movement, and was about to turn around to leave when he heard the door click.

After fiddling inside for a long time, he finally opened the door, revealing timid eyes full of tears, unwiped vomit at the corner of his mouth, and abnormal flushing on his face.

"Why is Doudou crying?"

Jiang Ning touched her head, and it was extremely hot. There was clear water and mucus coming out of her nose. It was a cold and a high fever.

"Where's your father?"

"The big brother is gone." The crying voice was hoarse, and the little hand kept wiping tears, "The big brother doesn't want Doudou either."

also? It seems she was abandoned.

Looking at the three impenetrable stainless steel doors, Jiang Ning stroked her head to comfort her, "No, he may have gone out for something, and he will be back later, why don't you go to my sister's house first?"

The five-year-old sick child was very afraid of facing a strange environment, but she remembered the elder sister in front of her, and nodded hesitantly in agreement.

Taking Doudou home, he measured his body temperature and the fever was over 39 degrees. Jiang Ning found a cold medicine suitable for children, which contained antipyretic ingredients.

After feeding her the medicine, she wrote a post-it note and pasted it on the door of 1801 for fear that her parents would worry.

Listening to the roaring typhoon outside, Jiang Ning couldn't help being curious about the neighbors. Isn't it courting death to go out in this kind of weather?

The typhoon is accompanied by thunder and lightning from time to time, and the TV has no signal. Seeing Doudou sitting on the sofa huddled into a ball, the whole person is extremely frightened and disturbed.

Jiang Ning couldn't help thinking of when he was a child, seeing other children loved by their parents, but he could only curl up on the bed and cry with his pillow when he was sick, feeling abandoned by the whole world.

I don't know how to bring children, so I can only take out the tablet and call up the downloaded cartoons for Doudou to watch.

The cartoons are really attractive, and Doudou, who is sluggish, is a little bit more energetic.

Sitting next to her, Jiang Ning swiped her phone, and several avatars flashed, including Yang Weicong.

"Ah Ning, I had a bad attitude yesterday, so don't be angry."

"I was looking forward to having you come to celebrate my birthday, but you didn't come, so I'm so disappointed..."

He looked like a dog, but he didn't expect his bones to be so soft that he couldn't hold it in just one night.

That's right, there are so many people celebrating his birthday, there should be seven or eight of them still in the family, and the parties are all snacks, beer and cakes, and they don't even know how to cook, so how can they save food.

Even with instant noodles biscuits can't hold so many mouths.

Jiang Ning glanced at the time, he sent it an hour ago, he was really hungry and begging for food.

After Yang Weicong sent a message to several people who applied to be friends, she ignored them all.

Two tutor parents sent messages, saying that they would go to the supermarket to buy food in time thanks to her reminder, otherwise the family would be hungry.

One of them also sent a red envelope to express his gratitude.

Jiang Ning didn't order to receive it, and he didn't have a chance to spend it.

Continue to browse the group news, show off the seafood feast, listen to the typhoon, eat hot pot and drink Lafite, and open the big refrigerator to dry and stock up.

Competing a lot, even playing solitaire, without realizing how much they will pay for their actions.

After half a month of typhoon and torrential rain, even if the country is willing to rescue, the harsh reality does not allow it. Once the lack of food endangers their lives, this group of people will be the first to be plundered.

Where there is sun, there is help.

There are quite a few of them, and almost all of them are young people who rely on takeaway food for a living. They usually consume extravagantly and never cook. They have a lot of clothes and masks at home, but they have nothing to eat.

"When I went to the supermarket yesterday, all the instant noodles were sold out. Can any kind person take pity on you?"

"I didn't grab it either. I bought two packs of white noodles, but I don't have a cooking pot at home."

Someone started it, and many people followed one after another. Someone actually invited a beautiful woman to eat hot pot at home, but it was a pity that they were not in the same building.

There were a lot of hustle and bustle to watch the excitement, but few people really helped others, until someone proposed to change things, and exchanged a five-piece mask for instant noodles, and someone responded quickly.

There was too much news, Jiang Ning scrolled down quickly, and saw a forwarded video, a car was rushed into the torrent, the firefighters braved the typhoon to rescue it, and was instantly swallowed by the flood peak that broke the embankment upstream.

There are many such videos, some of which were successfully rescued, and some of which were completely wiped out.

Jiang Ning looked depressed, and was about to log out of the phone, but Yang Weicong jumped out again...

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